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  1. dirtsurfr

    Fathers: What did yours teach you? What's the most important thing to teach your kids?

    Be accountable for what I do. and Respect.
  2. dirtsurfr

    Sorry Lake County Growers - Measure N to repeal new restrictions did not get repealed

    You all want that to pass in Nov. need to get out and register to vote, if you have a State ID they have you on "the list" Talk to people you meet people you know. Take an active part in this or be persecuted and post your woes on Face Book. If California passes a law allowing us to have it...
  3. dirtsurfr

    weed prices in california

    Just 1 cost $15..oo a 1/2 LB. my cost.
  4. dirtsurfr

    ADHD and other medical problems?

    I remember my Mom telling my the Japanese were terrible people and bla bla bla.. I smoked cigarettes for 42 years and was a alcoholic for 20 years. I got my card and quit both in a year. My wife has copd and smoking helps. I have high blood pressure and was taking 2 different pills to control...
  5. dirtsurfr


    Up dated pic. Under cover Hippie. :D
  6. dirtsurfr

    Looks like it's over for Sacramento County growers...

    I hear theres good news?? from the BOS meeting yesterday??? I won't spoil it.....
  7. dirtsurfr

    Looks like it's over for Sacramento County growers...

    Wow I can't believe how all these county supervisors think they can re write the law by making their own rules.
  8. dirtsurfr

    Looks like it's over for Sacramento County growers...

    Make a theft report claim your losses on your home owners insurance and they will start enforcing the law. Make LEO do a report and investigate the crime and make arrests. that's how you stop the thieving a$$holes.
  9. dirtsurfr

    Looks like it's over for Sacramento County growers...

    Code violation, means no court? No lawyer? Just brought before the BOS to hear your plea?? Get a lawyer if they get you. Totally un lawful!
  10. dirtsurfr

    Where can I get RSO Rick Simpson Oil: Cancer

    Good question! Never thought of it.
  11. dirtsurfr

    How would you vote on this measure if it were on your County ballot?

    Do yourself a favor and try to make it to the BOS meeting, I promise you'll love it! Take a camera so you can share them chocking when they hear how much it's going to cost to put it on the ballot Actually it's a good idea to get up during the open mic. time and point out that the tax payers...
  12. dirtsurfr

    how to find roomates?

    Not in California... They be like shutting down out door grows, dispensaries and all the while we have to wait till 2016 to even get a chance at voting it legal.
  13. dirtsurfr

    Where can I get RSO Rick Simpson Oil: Cancer

    Ask your collective, if they're worth a crap they'll know, if not your shopping at the wrong place for your Meds.
  14. dirtsurfr

    Kentucky Police Murdered a 19 Year Old Girl

    Wow I want a job that let's me kill folks and get a paid vacation and no worry cause my Brothers in blue will cover my butt.
  15. dirtsurfr

    Just took Cotton Swab Drug test

    I retired this year..... I don't have to worry any more! ;)
  16. dirtsurfr

    Spring Grill & Chill Sat 4/26

    I have to wuss out too many things going at one time and the weather has changed my priority's. :(
  17. dirtsurfr

    Looks like it's over for Sacramento County growers...

    Petition rescind or vote in Nov. all the towns and counties are doing it. I sure am glad that we are waiting till 2016 to get some thing on the ballot to vote on for legalization... Too bad the other side had to wait years like us.... Or do we?
  18. dirtsurfr

    Spring Grill & Chill Sat 4/26

    Damn rain!
  19. dirtsurfr

    Give Blood....

    last time I gave blood this guy walked on water.