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  1. bamboofarmer

    Still white pistils but trichomes are cloudy ?

    They look mostly clear to me. I don't think that is an iron deficiency. Maybe a Nitrogen deficiency tho. Looks good overall if you ask me.
  2. bamboofarmer

    Anyone wanna see some plants growing in 16 oz. mountain dew bottles?

    I only purchase the 16 oz. bottles. Question: How do you keep the plants on 12/12 growing in the living room?
  3. bamboofarmer

    Anyone wanna see some plants growing in 16 oz. mountain dew bottles?

    Yeah, the worst part is watering 24 plants every day!
  4. bamboofarmer

    Anyone wanna see some plants growing in 16 oz. mountain dew bottles?

    Happy coincidence that i drink mountain dew. I have noticed a little algae on the sides, but i think the little bugs living in the soil like it. Never used a 2 liter or tried hempy. Yes, they almost tip over when dry and the fan is on. The other day there was a bit of a domino effect.
  5. bamboofarmer


    What is the ph of the water you were using before?
  6. bamboofarmer

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    I guess this post is ok, but i don't think it is that great. Maybe it used to be? Half the pictures are missing. A chlorine deficiency will cause bronze leaves and stop root growth?
  7. bamboofarmer

    Anyone wanna see some plants growing in 16 oz. mountain dew bottles?

    For more nonsense, check out my barrel grow:
  8. bamboofarmer

    Anyone wanna see some plants growing in 16 oz. mountain dew bottles?

    Day 71/41 (Jan. 15) Starting 5th week of flowering
  9. bamboofarmer

    Anyone wanna see some plants growing in 16 oz. mountain dew bottles?

    Starting to get a little hairy...I screwed up on the dates, so ignore all of the previous dates. Day 62/32 (Jan 6)
  10. bamboofarmer

    Club 600

    dem's purdy
  11. bamboofarmer

    Please help, first time grower! I think my plants have Iron deficiency / Nutrient lockout

    I'm kinda late to the party, and don't have much to add. Add nutrients as it becomes apparent they are needed. Teach the plants to be misers, rather than gluttons. Also, maybe a little over-watered?
  12. bamboofarmer

    Anyone wanna see some plants growing in 16 oz. mountain dew bottles?

    Day 42/22: (Dec 27) All males identified and eliminated. 25 females out of 50 original plants.
  13. bamboofarmer

    Anyone wanna see some plants growing in 16 oz. mountain dew bottles?

    Best comment ever! Stay tuned, it gets better:weed:
  14. bamboofarmer

    Anyone wanna see some plants growing in 16 oz. mountain dew bottles?

    That's no joke, lol. Have to water every day. I have a male "pit" and a female "hound" and two mutts which are their offspring. When i separated the plants, i had to rip some roots, but none died. They didn't even seem shocked.
  15. bamboofarmer

    Anyone wanna see some plants growing in 16 oz. mountain dew bottles?

    Day 32/12(Dec. 17) I added a little extra Grow Big for a couple of waterings to help with the yellowing; Yes there is clawing and whatnot. Possibly due to the small containers or improper genetics for the situation, or inadequate fertilization.
  16. bamboofarmer

    Anyone wanna see some plants growing in 16 oz. mountain dew bottles?

    It just occurred to me that listing the date is confusing and utterly useless. Will be listing by days from germination and days from flip from here on out. Day 28/8: (Dec. 13)
  17. bamboofarmer

    Anyone wanna see some plants growing in 16 oz. mountain dew bottles?

    Well they only eat one at a time.