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  1. colonuggs

    oil made from everclear

    man this stuff is weird went from this to this in about 15 min and 3 separate pulls
  2. colonuggs

    oil made from everclear

    # 1 batch...everclear almost done evaporating :) it has a white color to it as it evaporates all done now its time for the vac chamber ....time for batch #2 the lime green
  3. colonuggs

    what percentage of obamacare do you support?

    Sticker shock often follows insurance cancellation By KELLI KENNEDY 9 hours ago Content preferences Done .View gallery ...
  4. colonuggs

    what percentage of obamacare do you support?

    hahaha really that's impossible :)
  5. colonuggs

    oil made from everclear

    heres the next batch.....3 jars.... 3 separate soaks times for the same amount....keif in each batch caught in the filters.......Jar on the left was a 15 min soak ...middle 40 min soak... right will be a 6 hr soaksome blonde kief
  6. colonuggs

    oil made from everclear

    only one time for 30 min ...hardly any alcohol left....nice clean taste compaired to the first extract
  7. colonuggs

    oil made from everclear

    must of done a good job .... I can barely see the oil :) .....time to vac purge
  8. colonuggs

    oil made from everclear

    that's what im doin now it sat in the freezer for like 5 min I shook it 3 - 4 times
  9. colonuggs

    what percentage of obamacare do you support?

    Some of us who said 0 would like to see marijuana advanced enough to help everyone with cancer:weed: And cheaply done... Fuck the gov...there needs to be some serious reform in this country in a lot of areas
  10. colonuggs

    what percentage of obamacare do you support?

    While we are waiting for details about my son. I can tell you first hand that I had Molina Health Insurance through the state of Washington paid on a sliding fee scale cost us $120 a month for basic health were looking at paying a lot more and get a lot less because of...
  11. colonuggs

    what percentage of obamacare do you support?

    what part about their existing plans are being cancelled because they don't comply....I will have ask my sons boss for exact details
  12. colonuggs

    what percentage of obamacare do you support?

    Before the Affordable Care Act became law in 2010, President Obama promised Americans they could keep their healthcare plan if they liked it. But already hundreds of thousands of citizens are receiving notification that their plans are being cancelled because they don't comply with the new law...
  13. colonuggs

    Farmer's market-

    Dispensaries are not regulated...that's why they will be required to get a new business license with new laws to follow issued by the liquor control board....they will be regulated or they might even become obsolete
  14. colonuggs

    Best method to get keif from stems?

    5 gallon bucket... 72m bubble bag... cut up stems...add 2 lb dry ice.....SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE...keif in 5 mins....same method with trim or bud
  15. colonuggs

    oil made from everclear

    nope just used everclear butane.....cost $15 and 20 gs of my leftovers (free) for 5.5 grams
  16. colonuggs

    oil made from everclear

    :clap: lazy mans oil...... double winterized .......first batch next batch will be lite in color...leftover oil in the dish still evaporating...took about 20 gs of leftover bags in a canning jar added everclear sat in the freezer for 24 hours...strained in the freezer time only...
  17. colonuggs

    Best method to get keif from stems?

    dry ice method.. works everytime
  18. colonuggs

    Weed smells weak

    you cut it too early and dried it to quick....people always try to hurry the end process or time in flower and they get weed that smells like hay
  19. colonuggs

    what percentage of obamacare do you support?

    my son has had insurance through his work paying $160 a month for medical dental and eye...thanks to Obama shit ..he will have to pay $200 more a month it will be $360 almost $4000 a year that's nuts...there should be caps on what doctors and hospitals can charge people.... for a 45 min...