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  1. moving_shadow

    no side shoots from nodes

    lol, yes I prefer bush in this case I also have my suspicions its a boy but it hasn't shown any signs as such, although there are no white pistols protruding like on my other plant. I didn't plan for a scrog so thats sort of out of the question, but LST with turning it upside down might do...
  2. moving_shadow

    no side shoots from nodes

    I'll be watering them on Saturday and will give that a try thankz
  3. moving_shadow

    no side shoots from nodes

    I'm actually using a 400w HID bulb in a air cooled reflector. Its about 8" away from the reflector.
  4. moving_shadow

    no side shoots from nodes

    hey guys it seems my plant is only growing vertically, nothing coming out of the nodes. The other plant I have is growing side shoots. Should I discard this one?
  5. moving_shadow

    Help with Fans. Very quick question!

    fans don't do well pushing air, they pull better so rather have two extractor fans if you really want your plants to benefit from additional air.
  6. moving_shadow

    My First LED grow! Plz follow gona expand fast

    they've made progress since the last pics you posted, I take it you happy with the way they are growing now? I'm no expert, but just be patient and all the best.
  7. moving_shadow

    starting with my new grow room

    okay day 53 and I think one plant is showing signs of entering preflowering. I think I see signs that its a female with two tentacles protruding to the left of the stem in the center.
  8. moving_shadow

    400 watt air cooled hood question.

    No, the other way round
  9. moving_shadow

    starting with my new grow room

    thankz for the comment Mr moonshine, yes they are really small but its not hot, thermometer shows around 24 degrees. Where I stay its the middle of winter and the back wall of the cupboard is concrete, so I think the environment is pretty much controlled. I can place my hand on the reflector...
  10. moving_shadow

    starting with my new grow room

    LOL, wow I just had to closest encounter ever So I've been living in my single bed flat for three years, its an open plan living area with bathroom and bedroom. For the three and a bit years I've been here no officials or any unwelcome people have invaded my privacy... until today! So I...
  11. moving_shadow

    Seedling soil and depressing seedlings

    LOL, yeah sorry about that, you better start reading some books, they are a great help.
  12. moving_shadow

    First time grower need help sexing this plant please:3

    my guess is its a male, the pictures are quite blurry thats also a very stretched plant
  13. moving_shadow

    Seedling soil and depressing seedlings

    my humble view is that a transplant will just cause more stress the soil they currently in may be hot, but just watering them on a regular basis should "cool" the soil, so my recommendation is to leave them and see what happens. I'm sure others would have more considered opinions.
  14. moving_shadow

    7-10day baby problems! HELP! I'm not saying theres nothing wrong with my plants but I've persevered with them.
  15. moving_shadow

    7-10day baby problems! HELP!

    look at my thread also in the newbie section, my plants are day 47! and from the pics I've seen they should have looked like that at day 20 maybe. but one thing growing teaches you is patience, in this day and age where instant gratification rules, these plants will force you to slow down.
  16. moving_shadow

    Seedling soil and depressing seedlings

    I don't think you took note of the comments, you need to lay off the nutrients which could probably be causing the discolouration. Let the plants grow for the next week or so and then make an assessment. And pictures would help.
  17. moving_shadow

    7-10day baby problems! HELP!

    what seems to be the problem, your plants look fine to me, much better than mine atleast
  18. moving_shadow

    starting with my new grow room

    okay things are extremely slow day 47 now but I've persisted with this grow since its just a test run. For the past two weeks I've been giving them nutrients and they have reacted well, all the plants seem to be growing at about 1cm a day, or just under a half inch. The two in the green pots...
  19. moving_shadow

    Where to start?

    lol, I drive a 300wkw (400bhp) 2.0l 16v car, I have the exact same problem with fuel consumption but its loads of fun as for the OP's budget, I've built my HID system for just over $200, I have to still buy a carbon filter but its not required at this stage, so $500 is very doable.
  20. moving_shadow

    what game or game series can you not go on without

    I can't agree more with all the points. On the popularity of the game, the problem is that the game is its own enemy. Quake has been around for many years and so there is a huge skill gap between those who play it regularly and those wanting to start out. I mean just to navigate through the maps...