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  1. moving_shadow

    What did you accomplish today?

    continued with my facebook shaming of a guy who owes me quite a bit of money, he has 3000 friends and I've so far sent friend request to 1200 or so, hope to finish tomorrow. so far 300 people accepted my friend request!
  2. moving_shadow

    whats your cheapest hobby?

    would love to see how this turns out I grabbed a pic of this example outside my flat in 2014, the car was used in some sort of ad shoot.
  3. moving_shadow

    whats your cheapest hobby?

    do you have a chess rating of some sort? I'm on with a "standard" rating of around 2100 those carvings look cool though
  4. moving_shadow

    lets see where you are posting from

    thankz man, its taken me years to build the setup, and believe it or not it hasn't set me back as much as you would think. It looked terrible before but recently I've taken to neatening up the cabling etc which I think has added to the look. The mural was done by a local artist mak1one, his tag...
  5. moving_shadow

    lets see where you are posting from

    it was perfectly reasonable of you to have been skeptical especially considering this is the internet
  6. moving_shadow

    lets see where you are posting from

    what would you like me to do to prove its mine?
  7. moving_shadow

    lets see where you are posting from

    time for another hit
  8. moving_shadow

    lets see where you are posting from

    Lets see!
  9. moving_shadow

    lets see where you are posting from

    Over the past few weeks I've been cleaning my work space- the area basically where I spend most of my time and where I'm currently posting this thread from. Lets see your setup, I've seen some pretty impressive setups recently while I've been trying to neaten mine up and curious to see where...
  10. moving_shadow

    Drum and Bass

    a quick mix of some classics, I basically did this mix simply because the first two tracks are probably the best two tracks to mix into each other... ever!
  11. moving_shadow

    What's your audio system like?

    those are KRK VTX 6s, I'm also running a KRK 10s subwoofer, but not pictured for obvious reasons
  12. moving_shadow

    What's your audio system like?

    this is my audio setup it was strictly analogue for 15 plus years but two months ago decided to go digital, something I should have actually done long ago since for the past two months my skills have improved significantly especially with beat juggling/looping/backspinning the power of digital...
  13. moving_shadow

    Drum and Bass

    I've been listening to this album for the past two weeks, I can't get enough of it. I dunno why I never bothered giving it much more attention, probably because I only have a CD of it, but this is a truly brilliant album hands down as opposed to simply a brilliant dnb album like wormhole.
  14. moving_shadow

    Drum and Bass

    I consider myself a music collector, not a producer, whats funny is that through most of my life people have been telling me to produce and I've responded with exactly what you alluded to, its easy to produce but not easy to make good music. So the djing aspect is just a fun thing to do while I...
  15. moving_shadow

    Drum and Bass

    I have some DJ SS releases. Dude you should hook me up with some good quality mp3s. I'm sort of getting the hang of mixing on digital platforms, it feels weird from the pure analogue experience. I'm still looking for a decent programe to convert wav to mp3 then I will upload some mixes but I'm...
  16. moving_shadow

    What's a song that you can always listen to and not get tired of?

    I've been trying to kill the Joy Division albums and the first album by Interpol for the past 10 years. I listen to it from start to finish and I've yet to grow tired of the experience.
  17. moving_shadow

    Drum and Bass

    I finally managed to get a good set of heaphones and now I can start mixing. Can anyone suggest an ad and malware free programme to convert wav to mp3?
  18. moving_shadow

    Drum and Bass

    my first recording using my new toy, its not dnb but I will get there soon enough!
  19. moving_shadow

    Drum and Bass

    sorry full cycle