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  1. Poi-Poi

    Stay Grounded - When You Break Down

    I will and Ima use your recipe to do it lol
  2. Poi-Poi

    Stay Grounded - When You Break Down

    Lmao You know I love you man.
  3. Poi-Poi

    Stay Grounded - When You Break Down

    @DaSprout *hint* *hint* where them falafel. Lmao
  4. Poi-Poi

    Little mushroom grow log.

    I hear that brother
  5. Poi-Poi

    Little mushroom grow log.

    Lmao damn we been caught :roll:
  6. Poi-Poi

    shrooms cure my stutter

    That's very true not everything can be cured, but in the same hand not everything they have settled to simply treating is without a cure. Somewhere out there there is a cure for a great many things we simply treat, but everything is about profit it is one of the few downsides to a capitalist...
  7. Poi-Poi

    Stay Grounded - When You Break Down

    Hell yea RIU cookout lol
  8. Poi-Poi

    Stay Grounded - When You Break Down

    I know what you mean. They will be ingrained in my brain until I can taste the deliciousness. I vote we start a petition to get @DaSprout to come make us some falafels.
  9. Poi-Poi

    Stay Grounded - When You Break Down

    Thanks, now I'm hungry as hell.
  10. Poi-Poi

    Stay Grounded - When You Break Down

    Fair enough. I just thought you might have gotten lost. Lol
  11. Poi-Poi

    Stay Grounded - When You Break Down

    Not to be a dick but if you don't care for hallucinogens, what in the fuck are you doing in hallucinatory substances? Lol
  12. Poi-Poi

    shrooms cure my stutter

    That's because the vast majority are brainless buffoons! We affectionately refer to the as Trump supporters. Lol
  13. Poi-Poi

    box of wonders

    Now that's an infomercial people would actually watch
  14. Poi-Poi

    box of wonders

    I've had 2ce and 2ci on there own then like I said the b mix. And it's an adventure you will never forget lol 25mg of 2cb and one hit of acid (I believe it was np mop up if I remember correctly). I've never had such intense visuals in my life. It was phenomenal. The other two, I don't have...
  15. Poi-Poi

    box of wonders

    In my experience with the 2c family, on there own they tend to only last about 6 hrs. The exception being when I tried 2cb, due to the fact that I've only ever tried it mixed with L and that's an adventure you better be ready for.
  16. Poi-Poi

    The Illuminati

    I love you too lol
  17. Poi-Poi

    The Illuminati

    Lol at least someone has faith in me.
  18. Poi-Poi

    The Illuminati

    where can I go to find this knowledge? It all intrigues me, even if I am too dense to fully understand all of it lol
  19. Poi-Poi

    Little mushroom grow log.

    Lol now we just gotta talk the grower into the same plan and we're set