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  1. S

    NEED HELP Furnace in the same room as Your plants?

    Yeah the furnace is literally brand new out of the box :(
  2. S

    NEED HELP Furnace in the same room as Your plants?

    I have a carbon monoxide tester reading 0 every time I test it .. the humidity is staying from 44 - 48% I have literally everything perfect for these to grow
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    NEED HELP Furnace in the same room as Your plants?

    I have a carbon monoxide alarm in there it's reading 0 every time I use it
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    NEED HELP Furnace in the same room as Your plants?

    There real light every time I water very dry I definitely know my wet to dry cycle and when to water I wish it was that easy
  5. S

    NEED HELP Furnace in the same room as Your plants?

    The room is 77 - 79 degrees at all time until lights go out then I have it drop to 72 - 74 the soil is temp I have 14 fans on walls great air movement and circulation also have the plants on root platforms keeping them a 2 - 3 inches off the ground while in there saucers ... I've checked...
  6. S

    NEED HELP Furnace in the same room as Your plants?

    It's got brick walls with that white paint look on top if you no what I mean.. the ceiling in the rafters which are like 20 - 25 ft high is some kind of insulation .. this used to be a auto repair and supply store like a auto zone it's a huge commercial size building I really can't just go home...
  7. S

    NEED HELP Furnace in the same room as Your plants?

    I've flushed and tested run off perfect .. ppms on point.. literally everything is perfect besides the plants like I said I took 3 plants out of this room and home under a light I set up they came back .... what mystery problem am I having ... :(
  8. S

    NEED HELP Furnace in the same room as Your plants?

    Here's the pictures I know everyone's gonna say mites, root aphids, magnesium deficiency phosphorus lock out and so on and so fourth, add more of this less of that and what not but im telling you theres something toxic in the air or something going on in this room that is killing my plants I've...
  9. S

    NEED HELP Furnace in the same room as Your plants?

    I've scoped literally probably 1000 leaves if not more on my hunt to figure this out for about 2 months no signs of mites I can garunteed there not mites a t this point I've had them years ago and buddy's have had them I know what it looks like and whatnot like I said I've scoped scoped scoped...
  10. S

    NEED HELP Furnace in the same room as Your plants?

    Ok so I've been growing for almost 10 years never ever had a problem at all everything always went great have been getting greast results and yields better and better EVERY time.. so I stepped it up to a larger building invested alot, and I am doing the exact same things I always have with 100%...
  11. S

    Winged aphid or some other fly?

    Appreciate you Dr who I wasn't disagreeing just kinda want to make for sure, I posted 2 threads in 2 different sections on here because sometimes you don't get any answer or feedback and your just waiting around with no replys, i did look it up for hours myself but its hard to tell 100% and just...
  12. S

    Winged aphid or some other fly?

    Why is it definitely not a aphid I hope it i dnt obviously but I zoomed in on pictures it's not that big really
  13. S

    What kind of deficiency Is this?

    Ok well neither of you have helped on what deficiency this is or how I got it?
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    Winged aphid or some other fly?

    This is a different fly I found
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    Winged aphid or some other fly?

    Is this a winged aphid or is it some other type of fly thanks
  16. S

    What kind of fly is this.

    Please help, What kind of fly is this I'm looking at a winged aphid? Some other kind of fly?
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    What kind of deficiency Is this?

    Please help what kind of deficiency am I looking at? Is this a sign of root aphids?
  18. S

    What kind of deficiency is this??

    Please help me identify this deficiency I don't know what the problem is .. is this a sign of root aphids?
  19. S

    Help identifying fly/pest thanks

    What kind of fly are these is this one a winged aphid?
  20. S

    Help identifying fly/pest thanks

    Ok ill check them today see how they smell .. I'm in pro mix by the way and i seen another one yesterday because I've been just inspecting these roots like crazy and can't see nothing but 1 everyone I inspect like 10 - 20 plants root.. the things are so small there pretty much microscopic I just...