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  1. CheGueVapo

    No trichomes

    Because i think he wants to grow THC. Right? I may be wrong.... First I tell him to check and MAKE SURE there is reallly non with the microscope. If theres NONE to find, absolutely NONE... sure scope it! It's just a waste of time and energy... theres more thc in hempoil :D
  2. CheGueVapo

    No trichomes

    :wall: 3 weeks into flowering... These havetrichomes and resin on the big leaves.... that have never touched a flower. This is "Whiterhino" from Greenhouse Seeds Netherlands. I've NEVER seen a flowering female cannabis of good genetics without trichomes at least on the Stigmas and the Calyxes...
  3. CheGueVapo


    Challenge accepted. The big peace was 12g zerozero from a run with 7 different strains. The small peace is the rest from the finest first sieve, that run, called twisla/sputnik, that run into that white chocolate chunked brownies. Pressing that twisla, the rosin pushed out without heat :) I...
  4. CheGueVapo

    Need help!!!

    Example: This is 28 days after switching the lights to 12h. By knowing that you can say if good for that time or weak, compared to your's experience. Let me know ;) This is also 20 days INTO flowering from the first signs of flowering. This is what I use to plan my growers actions. This strain...
  5. CheGueVapo

    Need help!!!

    Thats not entirely true. There's nutritional plans. And these are usually showing 2 weeks vegetation and 10 week flowering scale. Also breeders tell you weeks-durations from the first signs of flowering! 1 week represents 10% of the duration!... see? For me it works out to count those weeks from...
  6. CheGueVapo

    Need help!!!

    Well that depends on what you want to scale, or say. For just telling somebody at where you are, it is enough to say when you switched the lights. Depending on the quality of light, the introduction of the flowering can take longer or be shorter. Thats why usually to determine the point at...
  7. CheGueVapo


    My reverse-osmosis water contains 15ppm... that is named "low TDS water"... that's similar to what the guys from the NAVY drink all day long without a problem since they are sailing across the seas to indimidate other countries. ;) However...I "limenize" with just a little Biobizz Calmag this...
  8. CheGueVapo


    missed a line ;)
  9. CheGueVapo


    "Im not mister friendly, I can be a prick if you tempt me, my tank is on empty No patience is in me and if you offend me, I'm lifting you ten feet in the air I don't care who was there and who saw me just jaw you Go call you a lawyer, file you a lawsuit I'll smile in the courtroom and buy you a...
  10. CheGueVapo


    I think thats not an optimum range to save the drama. The reason is simple, this: 1st im aware that microbes extend the accessibility of minerals for plants, same as a high ion-exchange capacity in the soils, thats the JOB of the roots.... Still considering what is the best PH to avoid...
  11. CheGueVapo


    No its not rocket science. Still these 8.5 came from the lime not because there is BASE in your tap water..... the plants have a certain need for calcium and magnesium, thats the lime compunds. By only adjusting down the PH you break that minerals up to be readily absorbable for the plants. Now...
  12. CheGueVapo


    Well its 4 years old account @Unclebaldrick is right ;) That name wasn't that clever that time. Looked for ways to change, none seems to exist. Maybe asking the forum admin... but I already not made him my friend, wonder Im not banned yet sooo :D The offensive feels kind of refreshing. Thank...
  13. CheGueVapo


    Its 'bout bringing in line what you give with the buffer in the soil to not change the soil-buffer. Correcting only the PH is not the same than adding lime buffer to the RO-water, if you know what RO water is in cali :D A blessing! When you always feed 8.5 to your soil it raises... they cant...
  14. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    @PJ Diaz The UV4Plants managing committee Prof. Gareth Jenkins (President), Glasgow University, U.K. Prof. Éva Hideg (Vice-President), University of Pécs, Hungary. Prof. Marcel Jansen (Former President), University College Cork, Ireland. Dr. Frauke Pescheck (Secretary)...
  15. CheGueVapo


    Thats low for tap. Usually tap contains a lot of calcium and should be around 7, most likely higher. Its really pH 6 from the tap at your place? Whats the EC or ppm500 value? That would be the cause for the steady depleting liming agents in the soil... low calcium in the tap, so the plants eat...
  16. CheGueVapo


    btw.... there's an easy tech for re-potting with lowest possible stress, i do that for the final re-pot. I take an empty one of the small pots and prepare a hole of that form in the final pots.... Like this illustration: Gently take them out sideways to top down, check the roots about how big...
  17. CheGueVapo

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    Must correct you: Definitely something worth looking into NOW. DIY dont need to wait for commercial products, dont need to wait for scientific detailed proof and explanation about how this at that, what counts is only one thing: In practice, in THE FIELD, it turns out to work. Thats proof enough...
  18. CheGueVapo


    Dolomite is powerfull stuff to raise the pH... and is hard to get that down again when you put into too much. The good thing about dolomite is that Calcium and Magnesium are in a balanced good ratio. You dont need to take thoughts about that into about, what the right amount of each might be...
  19. CheGueVapo

    Good news "US crimes will take a back seat." the ICC says :)

    US diplomatic skills and economic skills are a "joke" Suck that! Ronald!
  20. CheGueVapo

    Good news "US crimes will take a back seat." the ICC says :)

    A superball is that one thing in your scrotum, that never could find a woman valuing it, only laughing at it. Thats why you are admin. Without such a power you would be just a tiny nobody with just one ball! Haha, you can bann me but it doesn't change your superball! And you know it's true you...