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  1. gwhunran

    This Year has Sucked for Smoking. But It's Better Now!

    I finally did all research, and procured all the necessary items to do a personal indoor grow. I put the system together like the guy on the dvd from BC with the green body paint. I think its called "I grow cronic". I have a location thats private and deters the curious. Neighbors non issue...
  2. gwhunran

    Just lost my job... need some encouragment BADLY!

    I have been job hunting for a little over 11 months now and finally found a temp. full time job. I have been abstaining during this time due to possible drug test. It looks like there is not test and I have been sitting on some sweet and sticky buds for most of this weight. After I have...
  3. gwhunran

    Tomatoes On A Fence

    I've done it. It works fine. I also used the long pipe cleaners as ties to fence too. Gives the vines a little more support plus pipe cleaners are a little softer. I also used them on the "other plants" to tie upper branches back to main stem to promote more flowering and keep plants the...
  4. gwhunran

    MI State Police Searching Smartphones

    Why are people handing over their phones? I wouldn't think they had the authority to take it. What am I missing here?
  5. gwhunran

    Marijuana and Driving

    I don't do it often, but I used to many years ago. I'm sure I drive better straight, but I'm more cautious and drive slower when I am feeling it. I'm no spring chicken.
  6. gwhunran

    Alcohol Tincture

    Just tried another dose of some tincture(hot method) alcohol base. I left in pickling for 2months in the dark. I added a little peppermint extract and lemon extract for flavor. I added exactly 15ml of the tincture to a good cup of coffee with real milk cream. As before it took about two hours...
  7. gwhunran

    Re-elect Obama 2012 thread

    Rand Paul or ex governor Johnson, mostly Libertarians. Forgot Ron Paul. How could I do that
  8. gwhunran

    Rockwool medium dried out - What to do to fix?

    Get the container a little lower in the tray. check to see that your container fill hose hasn't come off the water pump. I had that happen and was lucky to have caught it quickly. I would oftentimes override my timer when checking up on the plants to verify tray was flooding and then cut it...
  9. gwhunran

    Epic Tincture.

    I'm with Poplar on this. I make mine using hot method too. I use about 20-30ml of tincture in strong coffee with real cream. It takes 1.5-2.0 hours for it to really get going but the buzz last me at least 8 hours with 2 of those hours being very intense the rest kind of couch lock. I love...
  10. gwhunran

    Military Drug Test Please Help!

    Don't show. Come up with an excuse and reschedule. You don't belong to them yet? Correct? I was in the military for twenty years and probably got tested over 50 times and didn't smoke the whole time. After you get in, don't do it. Wait till you get out before indulging.
  11. gwhunran

    Worst Experience of my dragon trip

    I enjoy the dragon but have not experienced this strong reaction. Twenty ML gets me off for a good eight hours with about two hours of the eight being frantic/ADD high the rest being relaxed couchlock. I use the hot method to make it and let it pickle in the alcohol for about 6 weeks before I...
  12. gwhunran

    Transporting large amounts of soil by foot?

    You guys are dedicated!
  13. gwhunran

    is a homemade CO2 thingy safe to be around

    For CO2 to be a problem. You would have to be in an airtight space where the CO2 displaces most of the breathable air. CO2 is heavier than atmosphere and fills low places first. There have been instances before modern refrigeration where train boxcars had dry ice (solid CO2) in them to keep...
  14. gwhunran

    Alcohol Tincture

    How long did the two ounce dose last? I posted earlier about doing 20ml and someone said that seemed like too much. My 20 ml adventure lasted eight hours with most of it being relaxed almost tranquilizer buzz, with about two hours being the frantic/ADD kind of buzz. I do love this stuff. It...
  15. gwhunran

    Alcohol Tincture

    Oh, and the alcohol content is 128pf 64%. I make it myself:-P
  16. gwhunran

    Alcohol Tincture

    What can I say Steven. I did say that I do get off on it real good;) I can't say that I've tried to drive on it. I mostly sit around and read/listen to music. A friend of mine took the same amount and it started affecting her within thirty minutes. It takes between 90-120 minutes for it to...
  17. gwhunran

    Alcohol Tincture

    Poplars, if you like coffee. put it in you cup with some good real milk creamer and sweeten to taste. I think the coffee mixture binds to the tincture and gets it into the system faster. I like about a 10ml shot under the tongue and and an equal amount in the coffee drink good for 7-8 hours.
  18. gwhunran

    How do i make co2 for my babies????

    Don't know about the fungus thing but none has grown on anything yet in my limited experience. Smell is non issue. I do this, not just theory. Cost is very cheap.
  19. gwhunran

    How do i make co2 for my babies????

    I do a little homebrewing/distilling. Whenever you make your wash/mash you basically mix 1 gallon of water low ph around 4. 3-4 cups of sugar, 2 tablepoons of bread yeast, and about a cup of some type of cereal with no preserv. You can use Gerber Baby cereal doesn't matter which one. Mix all...
  20. gwhunran

    Alcohol Tincture

    One of the best ways I've found yet to dose with this stuff. One tablespoon held in mouth for at least 30 seconds. Then add another tablespoon to a mug of coffee. This seemed to give me the most intense/quickest buzz. I think the coffee may have gotten it into my system quicker. This was...