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  1. Pattahabi

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Do you work at a hydrostore? Just curious, P-
  2. Pattahabi

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Neem/Karanja oil emulsified with potassium silica (2tsp neem, 1tsp protekt per gal water) then add to tepid water preferably with some aloe in it. Shake the piss out of it and spray 3x, once every three days, every single leaf top and bottom. Edit: spray immediately. Mix up a new batch each...
  3. Pattahabi

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Something more like this I'd imagine. P-
  4. Pattahabi

    Organic vs. Synthetic Nutrients

    Quick google search: The Potential of Organic Farming to Mitigate Climate Change Chapter key points • Organic agriculture has considerable potential for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. • Organic agriculture techniques...
  5. Pattahabi

    Organic vs. Synthetic Nutrients

    Again, why do we have to run a/c? Lights? Etc? P-
  6. Pattahabi

    Organic vs. Synthetic Nutrients

    Hold your breath... P-
  7. Pattahabi

    Organic vs. Synthetic Nutrients

    Lmfao! P-
  8. Pattahabi

    Organic vs. Synthetic Nutrients

    And why we grow indoors with lights? Because we have an idiotic, corrupted government that leaves us no choice. The one thing you are failing to consider is the process of making chemical fertilizers...
  9. Pattahabi

    Organic vs. Synthetic Nutrients

    Saying 'bad' and 'good' is completely subjective, and I disagree about the health problems. P-
  10. Pattahabi

    Organic vs. Synthetic Nutrients

    You seem to have quite an attitude about organics. None of us are perfect. Many of us do our best to grow the most organic, sustainable cannabis we can in our given situation. No, most of us are not in closed looped systems, but that doens't mean we should run off and use chemical fertilizers. A...
  11. Pattahabi

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    This is just my experience, ladybugs are fun to play with, but they don't really do much as far as controlling an infestation. I have TONS of the pill bug rolly pollys in my containers. They are shredders and help break down material. Personally, I have never had any problem with them eating...
  12. Pattahabi

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I've been rocking 100 gallon fabric pots indoors for about a year now - love em. P-
  13. Pattahabi

    Super soil recipe for 8 cu. Ft of soil

    I don't add any alfalfa or FBM to my mixes. I prefer to bubble alfalfa in water if I really feel like I need it. If you really need a jolt, try an alfalfa seed sst. The only thing different in my mix is I have more rock dust. I haven't experimented with less, but some people say they haven't...
  14. Pattahabi

    Super soil recipe for 8 cu. Ft of soil

    This is almost exactly why I use. Myself and others have had great results with it. P-
  15. Pattahabi

    Foliar Spray Receipts.!?

    Why aspirin instead of aloe? Why not emulsify your neem and add a surfacant before spraying? Why do you have silver solution? Do you really think plants are going to skip photosynthesis and use your sugar water? Poka chukcha! P-
  16. Pattahabi

    Foliar Spray Receipts.!?

    I don't have experience using soap to emulsify. Coot recommended silica, and I have been using it with great success for several years now. At first I was using too much neem and my plants looked over fed after sprayings so I backed off. Pretty sure the original recipe said 1-4 tsp depending on...
  17. Pattahabi

    Foliar Spray Receipts.!?

    I use about 2tsp neem and 1tsp potassium silica for my ipm (per gallon water). You might bump it up higher for an infestation. Peace! P-
  18. Pattahabi

    Foliar Spray Receipts.!?

    I think you might want to do a little more reading on force feeding plants vs letting them dictate what they need. Your explanation is not correct. Aspirin? I'd stick with aloe. Neem oil needs to be emulsified. Sugar water? For foliar why? Silver? Are you feminizing seeds? Tebe pizdietz kozel...
  19. Pattahabi

    Does silica kill beneficials?

    From their site: IMPORTANT NOTICE: MINERAL MAGIC AND MICRO-ORGANISMS In hydroponics, avoid using Mineral Magic with the micro-organisms (BM & SubCulture). It is counterproductive since in water, silicate dissolves into silicic acid, which slows the development of beneficial colonies...
  20. Pattahabi

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    You are correct, respiration happens 24/7. I was thinking respiration increased in the dark cycle. So far this is all I found: In plants, respiration takes place both at day time as well as at night time. But the respiration is very low at...