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  1. CBDFarm

    CBD Farms Never Ending Garden

    Did another live resin nug run today. Today I mixed my purple og 18 nugs and trainwreck nugs to make... Purplewreck 18 LOL. Anyway it's purging as we speak. Been about 1 hour. Will have more pics tomorrow.
  2. CBDFarm

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Did another live resin nug run today. Today I mixed my purple og 18 nugs and trainwreck nugs to make... Purplewreck 18 LOL. Anyway it's purging as we speak. Been about 1 hour. Will have more pics tomorrow.
  3. CBDFarm

    NFL Talk thread

    They looked good in preseason too. But it just goes to show preseason means shit.
  4. CBDFarm

    NFL Talk thread

    Im still surprised the Raiders won...
  5. CBDFarm

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Still getting my live resin down, crumbled up a little on the sides, but none the less a fucking mazing. If anyone would like to point out tips for live resin, let me know. My first time i let moisture condense in the chamber and it turned to sugar haha, now im getting shatter but with a little...
  6. CBDFarm

    Official Dallas Cowboys, suck thread :)

    LOL Thats funny, but at least they beat the seaqueefs LOL
  7. CBDFarm

    Is it wrong to steal food to feed your starving family?

    No one deserves to starve, so I would say yes it is alright, but you are still hurting others by stealing, so it's a catch 22.
  8. CBDFarm

    NFL Talk thread

    How the fuck did ty montgomery beat sherman and Thomas, and cause pass interference.... WTF.... Not Shermans night or something...
  9. CBDFarm

    NFL Talk thread

    I never expected that... I mean Rodgers is amazing, but I thought he would be throwing to cobb mostly. Jones was a steal....
  10. CBDFarm

    NFL Talk thread

    How in the hell did everyone release James Jones? He just torched Sherman.... WOW.
  11. CBDFarm

    Do you use Advanced Nutrients?

    AN sucks in my opinion. All the NPK values are very low compared to competitors. I would recommend AN to beginners for that reason. Personally I am a fan of Fox Farms. A little pricey, but man they show results.
  12. CBDFarm

    Official Dallas Cowboys, suck thread :)

    Im a Green Bay fan so I feel your pain haha. I wanted to see Jordy rip the league apart this year. Injuries suck.
  13. CBDFarm

    Official Dallas Cowboys, suck thread :)

    Romo broken Collarbone confirmed.
  14. CBDFarm

    Official Dallas Cowboys, suck thread :)

    Romo died and is out of the game
  15. CBDFarm

    Organic VS. Non-Organic

    I want to do a reef/coral tank, but that looks really complicated for a noob like me lol
  16. CBDFarm

    Organic VS. Non-Organic

    Well these guys should provide a lot haha. Ill try it on my winter grow and see how it works out :)
  17. CBDFarm

    Organic VS. Non-Organic

    For sure man thanks for the info, ill give it ago sometime, might as well put the water to use and if would be great if it provided good results. Thanks again
  18. CBDFarm

    Thanks Obama!

    At least he was better then Bush haha.
  19. CBDFarm

    Colorado is making TOO MUCH money on weed?

    Very nice, the GF wants to move out their but I am more for Washington, California is moving to slowly with the times right now. The longest flight I could do would be do Vegas LMFAO. I Rather road trip.
  20. CBDFarm

    Organic VS. Non-Organic

    I recently dove into freshwater fish, got a 70 gallon tank.... How would I go about using the water from it? Im worried to much Nitrogen might be in it. And to answer the OP organic generally(to me) provides a smoother smoke, but it's not always the case and like others stated yield is...