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  1. the chin

    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    ive bein spray n my plants years now since my first bitch i use growth excel by advanced nutrients from 2 to 4 leaf stage for 3 week then switch to colossal bud blast and its load d wit organic nitrogen 4.6% i feed dem dis late veg and 4 weeks into flower direct onto buds drenching dem .if ye...
  2. the chin

    My First Grow Journey

    ya is gona need some room for dem bad(girls)
  3. the chin

    water for hydro

    thank you all,just wan wat best wil look into filter my water is turn d on an off every nite dont trust it look s an taste like shit
  4. the chin

    water for hydro

    i can biol about 30 litres of water at a time(big kettle)no trouble would dis b the best for my plants if not wat is an ill do it
  5. the chin

    water for hydro

    i want the best water for my plants in a ghe areoflo 14 system whats best to use im think n boil d tap water any suggestions any body please thanks
  6. the chin


    can any body tell me would it b best to use boiled tape water for my ghe areoflo 14 system or what water b better for my plants
  7. the chin


    just got d ghe areoflo 14 have it set up and find n it hard to find a demo on how to use it anybody got any thin my first time without soil
  8. the chin

    reverse by dutchmasterhas

    live in ireland could n get anywher.order d from uk this morn wil have a try and let yous no how i get on in the future.thanks for the help
  9. the chin

    reverse by dutchmasterhas

    dutchmaster say reverse is not worth a wank unless you use penetrator along with reverse.did n see any thin bout pentrator in panheads thread
  10. the chin

    Seeds in Ireland

    himalayan crafts navan. mullingar.head shop mullingar.
  11. the chin

    Seeds in Ireland

    nirvana is all over the country i live in the midlands and have one just down the road wher about you live
  12. the chin

    reverse by dutchmasterhas

    i wil see if it work for me.god loves the try r
  13. the chin

    reverse by dutchmasterhas

    thanks lads,fuck it taugh i was onto a winner with dutchmaster reverse seems not.
  14. the chin

    your plants look great

    your plants look great
  15. the chin

    female with pollen sacks

    thanks jake,taugh it might b power lights on me time r but the fuck r go s out with the lights my room is light tight, gona keep them any way
  16. the chin

    reverse by dutchmasterhas

    has anyone ever used this product to try and rid your female (hermie) from its pollen balls.i have 4 plants dutch passion femaled seeds over 1 week into flower, veg d for near 10 week.
  17. the chin

    Male pollen sacks on female cutting?!?

    your twisted leaves r pistils that are turn n back to a veg state
  18. the chin

    female with pollen sacks

    sacks are ther no pollen as of yet only 1 week in,so is that bottle of reverse stuff no good
  19. the chin

    female with pollen sacks

    bang on just what i need thank you,dont know for sure why this happens to me my room pitch black even mid day with lights off, i top them before flower maybe this dont help the cause
  20. the chin

    female with pollen sacks

    is ther any way to kill off the sacks and have her produce no more,help would b much appreciated