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  1. rkron0413

    Switched to 12/12 cycle 3 days ago.

    3 days not 3 week :bigjoint:
  2. rkron0413

    Switched to 12/12 cycle 3 days ago.

    First grow? Or still new? I've only been growing a year now myself. So take my advice with a grain of salt. I've reveged a flower plant before. But haven't switched my lights back and forth. I take it you haven't bumped your bloom nutes up yet?
  3. rkron0413

    Switched to 12/12 cycle 3 days ago.

    I don't think you would have any issues switching back you've just barley started the 12/12. Buds won't start for about 2 weeks after the switch.
  4. rkron0413

    Switched to 12/12 cycle 3 days ago.

    That depends on how much space you have above the plants too. After I installed my scrog they were 10 inches tall. In a week and a half since switch to 12/12 they are now 20-24 inches tall.
  5. rkron0413

    I think i broke her while supercropping.

    Mine were bent young and way early. This is 5 weeks later. Didn't even phase her in the slightest
  6. rkron0413

    Nutrient order

    I learned the hard way and added ArmorSI last and got the cloudiness. Now I add it before everything else
  7. rkron0413

    Rkron's 4 site RDWC

    When this run is done I'll be switching to plastic. But so far everything seems to be running really nicely
  8. rkron0413

    Rkron's 4 site RDWC

    2/14/2021 Just finished first week of 12/12
  9. rkron0413

    Mixing vs top dressing fertilizers

    I haven't grown much in soil to know. Hydro grower. From the dry amendments I have they feed about 30 days. With my mother's I'm going to try and feed them about a week before the soil runs dry(ffof). Im still a noob haha xD
  10. rkron0413

    Mixing vs top dressing fertilizers

    I was thinking bare minimum :bigjoint: maybe 2-4? XD
  11. rkron0413

    Mixing vs top dressing fertilizers

    I would think mixing it in then letting it "cook" for a week before you plant would be best. Gives the nutes a chance to be broken down so the plants don't starve waiting for it to break down
  12. rkron0413

    Rkron's 4 site RDWC

    2/7/2021 Screen is installed Was curious to how much longer I should veg. The plan Is to see how there are in a week. The front right still needs to grow more
  13. rkron0413

    Rkron's 4 site RDWC

    1/30/2021 Back Left Back Right Front Right Front Left Keeping it on week 4 veg nutes one more week. *Root rot seems to be taken care of!* I topped all 4 last weekend. I will be installing my screen next weekend. I will let them grow a week into it then probably strip the bottom half clean.
  14. rkron0413

    Is it dead?

    Bumping every 5 minutes isn't going to give you answers. Plus you already got answers that I feel are satisfactory. Too much love and you ABSOLUTELY will KILL it. Leave it be. Water when needed.
  15. rkron0413

    Rkron's 4 site RDWC

    I will be putting a screen in when the bottom right catches up. I guess I could try topping too since I'm planning to veg a little longer than anticipated
  16. rkron0413

    Rkron's 4 site RDWC

    1/24/2021 Start of week 4 of veg Finally got over my small case of root rot. I'm thinking that's the cause for the stunted growth. I will probably veg for another 2-4 weeks before I flip. Chiller has been in for a week now. Major improvement in water temps. Keeping about 65-66. Currently using...
  17. rkron0413

    Rkron's 4 site RDWC

    Haha thanks! I need to learn to take better clones too. Front 2 look to be way behind the back 2. They were all taken same time. I still have some kinks to work out. Water flow isn't even to all 4 sites unfortunately
  18. rkron0413


    I can't move let alone think about sex lmao l
  19. rkron0413

    Too big!

    So look into lollipopping. Get rid of all the smaller tops that are not getting any light. Like that are suckers/popcorn buds. That should help make room for LST. They can double in hight during the stretch. If you don't do something your final yeild will suffer. Bleached tips don't grow out, if...
  20. rkron0413

    First time

    10 weeks? It looks like its just out of seedling stage... need way more light. 6 hrs a day really isn't enough light. It looks like its flowering already. If you wanted it to remain in veg it needs about 18 hours.