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    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    LOL , noooo say it aint soooooo ........
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    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    LOL there is the good old Unclue Ben we have all grown to love :roll: Wow you kept your mouth in the holster for an entire day, must have been downright painful for you :roll:. I was respectful and on topic in all my recent posts in this thread and you respond with grade school name calling ...
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    Omfg i may have just perfected cloning!!!!

    UB has been very good and respectful in a few of the threads I have been posting in lately. Havent checked today but ... OP Your "roots" do not look like any kind of root I have ever seen. Like someone else said it looked more like hairs, too thin for roots . 9 hours just isnt happening...
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    Omfg i may have just perfected cloning!!!!

    What people are having a hard time with, myself included, is getting roots in 9 hours. It isnt possible. I am thinking the OP has his time table off a little perhaps if those are roots. Also those pics do look funny even the clear ones. Those roots look way too thin IMO. I have never hear...
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    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Petty ? Sorry was not petty. The point I was making was that UB did not invent this topping technique at all. Maybe he helped come up with the term "SCROG" but that method , or variations of, have also been done long before. The point was it would be like me picking any previously discovered...
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    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Yes but you both missed the point I made ... oh well carry on ...
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    who do you think has the best enzyme concentrate?

    Bumping an old thread. I have read several threads about using pond enzymes. $20 treats 8000 gallons and does the same thing. Its for ponds with fish in it so its not like it is hazardous or anything. Pond-zyme with barley Cheap insurance if you ask me. I laready use H202 every res change (once...
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    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    LOL just when the dust settled. First and foremost this isnt "uncle Bens Technique" but rather UB's thread. No disrespect towards UB but this technique was discovered long before . Would be like me posting a thread on how to do a SCROG, doesnt make it my technique. He posted it up for everyone...
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    Omfg i may have just perfected cloning!!!!

    The first shot does look like it could be a root popping out possibly. Its just hard to beleive. I have used those same products in both easy cloner and power cloner with many strains and never got roots faster then 3-4 days, usually it takes 6-7. could be some freak strain but it still...
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    Flame defender, cheap automated extiguisher

    Yeah I have been wanting them for some time now. I figure I could really put a good amount of them around for $500 and feel much safer at night and when I am away.
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    Bushmaster WORKS, period !! Gravity Works great too ! Pictures inside !

    FYI for those that may not have seen this post before To make 1L of a good PGR like whats in phosoload, all you need is 500ml 99% Iso alcohol, 500ml RO water and .9g Paclobutrazol. I got my Paclobutrazol here first add .9g of the paclo...
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    Bushmaster WORKS, period !! Gravity Works great too ! Pictures inside !

    The reverse does seem to help. I have one strain that always hermied so bad I had to chop well before harvest. Was a super sweet smelling strain and was told it was worth being patient with. I tried the stuff first day of bloom and 10 days in .It got rid of the issue. I am glad I kept the...
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    Omfg i may have just perfected cloning!!!!

    Hmm, only cloned two times ... I think perhaps you miscalculated or something. Otherwise pics with a card showing date and time as you cut them and the next day shwing roots would be cool. I'd be surprised if you got roots in 3-4 days honestly. I use clone machines ad its usually 5-7 days to...
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    Bushmaster WORKS, period !! Gravity Works great too ! Pictures inside !

    Oh and a little update on my Bushmaster trays. I have noticed I am getting more hermies on the tray I used it heaviest on. On strains I never get them too. Tray right across from this one got about half the dose and no hermies same strains. I usually hit my trays with Reverse the first week of...
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    Bushmaster WORKS, period !! Gravity Works great too ! Pictures inside !

    What exactly is your indoor feeding schedule Ben ? I'd be curious to know. If I was still in soil indoors I would try it. Not doing outdoors anymore. I am sure others would like to know. Or if you have a thread with it maybe post a link. You obviously get good results. I like hydro too much to...
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    Flame defender, cheap automated extiguisher

    Better then house burning down though =) Has to hit 150 degrees to set it off in which case there should be a pretty good fire going.
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    12 strains, 2 lights , 1 table SOG perpetual grow with pictures !!

    Today is day 42 so 1-2 weeks left. They have added a lot of weight and most are falling over despite being so damn short.
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    Lethal Weapon * Lemon Kush / XJ-13 *

    Yeah its a strain no one has basically except this guy that crossed them and whoever he gave them to in the last month.
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    Lethal Weapon * Lemon Kush / XJ-13 *

    Just planted it in a small pot with soil for now. Hope its worth all this wait.
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    Bushmaster WORKS, period !! Gravity Works great too ! Pictures inside !

    I dont think I have any 100% Sativas. Casey Jones I am running indoors and outdoor last year can get big thick colas . Train Wreck X Sour Diesel. I was surprised that outdoors it got much larger/longer buds for the plant size. I know of course buds are larger outdoors but it just grew totally...