Bushmaster WORKS, period !! Gravity Works great too ! Pictures inside !

Does Bushmaster work ?

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I dont think I have any 100% Sativas. Casey Jones I am running indoors and outdoor last year can get big thick colas . Train Wreck X Sour Diesel. I was surprised that outdoors it got much larger/longer buds for the plant size. I know of course buds are larger outdoors but it just grew totally differently outdoors then indoors unlike every other strain I have done outside. Looked more like indica buds to me. Also a VERY frosty strain. Indoors the buds get rock hard when I use Gravity and a little fluffy without it. Outdoors were in between and I used some Gravity but not like indoors.

To whoever took over UB account, good info and interesting. PGRs definetly have their place in a grow room if not overdone. I'll only use them if needed or maybe on a few strains that get too lanky.

Outdoor Casey Jones last year in a 45 gal pot. Only about 5-6 weeks into bloom. Needed a lot more support then it received , would have done even better. Hade a bamboo cage around it and lots of string but needs more obviously. I was more focussed on some ther plants I had going at the time in 100 gal pots.


And right before chop


Shows the trichs a little better. Indoors they get MUCH frostier.


And right after chop =)


I love Casey Jones, it's one of my staples. I only run it indoors, but I consistently yield 5 with this strain. Great smell, taste, high, yield and fairly easy to grow. It's a great all around bit of cannabis breeding.
Bushmaster and gravity both work for sure. I picked up some snowstorm for my soil grow so ill finally be able to see how that works, and its dirt cheap.
Walmart Tomato food and Peters Grow Food work for sure. I picked them up both for $15. Dirt cheap.


What exactly is your indoor feeding schedule Ben ? I'd be curious to know. If I was still in soil indoors I would try it. Not doing outdoors anymore. I am sure others would like to know. Or if you have a thread with it maybe post a link. You obviously get good results. I like hydro too much to go back and while I amight not be spending as little as you are I am still at a very low over all cost. About $60 per lb which I can sure as heck live with =) Beleive it or not I am pretty cheap compared to most on this forum. I use Maxi Grow and Maxibloom by GH for my base nutes at $14 for 2.2 lb bags 1-2 teaspoons per gallon. Floralicious Plus I get by the gallon and its $170 but treats just under 4000 gallons. Those are my two staples for most of the grow cycle.
Oh and a little update on my Bushmaster trays. I have noticed I am getting more hermies on the tray I used it heaviest on. On strains I never get them too. Tray right across from this one got about half the dose and no hermies same strains. I usually hit my trays with Reverse the first week of bloom but didnt on either trays this time. Whats your thoughts on Reverse UB ? I am sure I know the answer but would actually like to know if you have any walmart ways to help keep plants from going hermie.. I know this Reverse is overpriced for whatever it is but I look at it like $32 (2 QTs)insurance for a 5 lb tray is not too bad. Would still like something cheaper if I could find something since it all adds up. :leaf:
If I remember right, I used to use Peters on some outdoor work with good results. Is it blue with a distinct Vitamin B Scent?

The Tomato food, 18-18-21 is pink and made by Miracle Grow. It is a very complete food with a surfactant in it. Peters is always blue, its dyed that way. I was shocked to learn while posting in Danielsbg's journal that he is fertilizing his indoor plants with as much as 1 tsp/qt. of Jack's 20-20-20! I have never gone over 1 tsp/gallon using any of Jack Peters foods. The 20-20-20 has most of its N in the form of urea plus he probably has really low TDS type water, so he can get away with it. His plants look very green and healthy with no evidence of burn or stress.


The reverse does seem to help. I have one strain that always hermied so bad I had to chop well before harvest. Was a super sweet smelling strain and was told it was worth being patient with. I tried the stuff first day of bloom and 10 days in .It got rid of the issue. I am glad I kept the strain its pretty amazing.

I think the issue I have in this new tray is so much nutrients and that bushmaster pushing them at the start was just too much. It is managable but still a PITA. Seeing the same strains from the same moms in the same room on my other tray not having an issue really makes the bushmaster look highly suspect. The buds are also a lot shorter on several strains that I have been growing for years. They look kind of strange. Still getting good results on the tray but I wouldnt use it again at that level. some strains it looks to have hurt the yield cause the buds are so damn short (super wide atleast). The tray I used half as much on looks much more normal but still slowed the stretch down a lot on my stretchy strains. Also the plants were taller to begin with on that tray.
FYI for those that may not have seen this post before

To make 1L of a good PGR like whats in phosoload, all you need is 500ml 99% Iso alcohol, 500ml RO water and .9g Paclobutrazol. I got my Paclobutrazol here http://www.bio-world.com/MoreInfo.asp?ItemCode=714260

first add .9g of the paclo to the alcohol and shake the shit out of it (it wont disolve in water). Then add the 500ml of RO water and shake it again and badabing bada boom you have a super cheap PGR .

Apply at at 3ml per L of nutrient solution. Store it at room temp or the paclo will fall out of suspension of the alcohol. Makes almost 20 Liters for about $20 ! Use at a stronger dose then Bushmaster. 1.5-2 ML per liter but still dirt cheap and works just as well.
FYI for those that may not have seen this post before

To make 1L of a good PGR like whats in phosoload, all you need is 500ml 99% Iso alcohol, 500ml RO water and .9g Paclobutrazol. I got my Paclobutrazol here http://www.bio-world.com/MoreInfo.asp?ItemCode=714260

first add .9g of the paclo to the alcohol and shake the shit out of it (it wont disolve in water). Then add the 500ml of RO water and shake it again and badabing bada boom you have a super cheap PGR .

Apply at at 3ml per L of nutrient solution. Store it at room temp or the paclo will fall out of suspension of the alcohol. Makes almost 20 Liters for about $20 ! Use at a stronger dose then Bushmaster. 1.5-2 ML per liter but still dirt cheap and works just as well.

Good info, my man. +rep for that one.
If you need to use bushmaster on every grow to keep plants short and if you need to hit all your plants every grow with reverse to prevent hermies then you should really go back to the basics of growing.
If you need to use bushmaster on every grow to keep plants short and if you need to hit all your plants every grow with reverse to prevent hermies then you should really go back to the basics of growing.
why...isnt it easier to just dump a bunch of crap into our plants so it does the work for you?i mean training them and putting them into flower at the right time is such hard work....maybe one day we can have a gang of robots that take care of our plants all together
why...isnt it easier to just dump a bunch of crap into our plants so it does the work for you?i mean training them and putting them into flower at the right time is such hard work....maybe one day we can have a gang of robots that take care of our plants all together


I mean seriously, a person that gets a hermie in a grow, goes back and tries to figure out what went wrong and tries to fix the problem...Here you got an idiot that's getting a room full of hermies every round that just hits them all with reverse at the begining of flower to make up for his short comings as a grower and lack of knowledge and for some reason, thinks that he knows his shit. Every single thread dude starts and every single post he makes starts some sort of controversy, which for whatever reason, he thinks benefits others.

If you're getting hermies every round, then it's not the plant, IT"S YOU!!!

If your plants are outgrowing your grow space, then it's not your plants, IT"S YOU!!!

If you can't grow a simple plant without relying on a bunch of magic potions, then you really need reconsider growing mj as your hobby or whatever reason you grow it for. Leave the growing for those that know how to grow and leave the advice for those that have some worth giving. There's a reason for dispensaries. They're there for those that don't know how to grow their own meds or those that don't have the means to grow it. You dumb asses are doing a lot more bad than good on a lot of levels other than your worthless advice.

I mean seriously, a person that gets a hermie in a grow, goes back and tries to figure out what went wrong and tries to fix the problem...Here you got an idiot that's getting a room full of hermies every round that just hits them all with reverse at the begining of flower to make up for his short comings as a grower and lack of knowledge and for some reason, thinks that he knows his shit. Every single thread dude starts and every single post he makes starts some sort of controversy, which for whatever reason, he thinks benefits others.

If you're getting hermies every round, then it's not the plant, IT"S YOU!!!

If your plants are outgrowing your grow space, then it's not your plants, IT"S YOU!!!

If you can't grow a simple plant without relying on a bunch of magic potions, then you really need reconsider growing mj as your hobby or whatever reason you grow it for. Leave the growing for those that know how to grow and leave the advice for those that have some worth giving. There's a reason for dispensaries. They're there for those that don't know how to grow their own meds or those that don't have the means to grow it. You dumb asses are doing a lot more bad than good on a lot of levels other than your worthless advice.

Reading is not your strong suit I take it and you seem to be birds of a feather with UB looking at all your insults and name calling in a single post . That takes talent my friend. *sigh*. Certain strains and the only table I had a lot more on was the table that I treated with bushmaster. Was trying to help and point out it may be more prone to causing hermies. I presently have 25 strains so yeah it is helpful to hit some taller ones with bushmaster. The tray in question I clearly stated it was more of an experimental tray and hit the entire tray with it. I only have one strain that gives me problems with hermies otherwise and I already stated why I keep it. I never said I use bushmaster every round, again try reading before spouting off out your rear. I'm able to pull 2-3 lbs per light dried and cut of Grade A MJ every time with 12 strains or more per tray. This tray is looking to give atleast 5-6 lbs probably more. Not bad for an experiemental tray in my book. I never get a single seed. I use Reverse as added CHEAP insurance and it works very well. This tray is almost done, maybe another week week and a half. No seeds anywhere, a few nanners here and there but not a big deal. Gotta love how I oenly admited there was an issue with the product in question and you jump all over me for telling people about it. Please go troll somewhere else because you arent doing very well here in this thread lol.
Those don't look like good results to me, I am sorry but that just looks disgusting, Id also rather use physical training rather then adding more chemicals especially after witnessing your subpar results. I see others feel the same way but they beat around the bush, there I put it bluntly for you - it looks like shit - your plant without the bushmaster is way better than the one with it.
You guys are way off topic. You come here read a post or 2, and start with the insults. OZUT calls somwonw an idiout. That's below this website and not tolerated. This is a thread to discuss a couple of products...not to judge people who use them. Please take you negativity some place else.

I have seen several of Dlively's grows. He is a skilled gardener, by any standard. He also takes the time to post results, not insults.

If your opinion is that you don't like to use these products because you can get similar results with other methods, just say that. You can render your opinion without the insults that cheapen the thread and the site as a whole.
Oh the irony of it all, hah!

You guys are way off topic.

Kinda like you shitting on my thread, not stopping with your trolling after I've asked you to stop on numerous occasions.

You come here read a post or 2, and start with the insults.

"Pot calling kettle black" comes to mind.

OZUT calls somwonw an idiout.
Kinda like discrimination in the real world, sometimes it's warranted.

That's below this website and not tolerated.
Then practice what you preach.

This is a thread to discuss a couple of products...not to judge people who use them. Please take you negativity some place else.
Ditto, stop trolling my threads and being a pest.

If your opinion is that you don't like to use these products because you can get similar results with other methods, just say that.
I did, with photos to back my success. Now, what's your point again?

You can render your opinion without the insults that cheapen the thread and the site as a whole.
Say what?

Oh the irony of it all, hah!

Kinda like you shitting on my thread, not stopping with your trolling after I've asked you to stop on numerous occasions.

"Pot calling kettle black" comes to mind.

Kinda like discrimination in the real world, sometimes it's warranted.

Then practice what you preach.

Ditto, stop trolling my threads and being a pest.

I did, with photos to back my success. Now, what's your point again?

Say what?


Pot calling the kettle black Benny Boy ? LOL...... Wow, delusional much ? You have made it your mission to trash talk in every thread you dont 100% agree with. Soooooo sensitive when s its your own thread though..... You really need to wake up from this deep angry sleep you are in my friend.

You are not seeing similar results WTF are you talking about? I dont see any pictures from you showing the same strain one tall and one short grown at the same time cloned from the same mother......
I'm sorry, Ben...was I talking to you?

I have an idea that may just put an end to all of this nonsense and get all of these threads back on track. How about we just agree on a few simple guidelines:

1) Let's not call people names. Regardless of how you feel about someone, it seems civil enough to refrain from actually calling someone a foul name.

2) Let's try to respect other's opinions, regardless of how much we dissagree. While pointing out reason for a different thought is productive to most threads as a whole, this can be done without insulting one's methods or opinions.

3) Let's try and keep all of our threads on a positive note. I am as guilty as anyone of going down the negative road from time to time, and I feel bad about it everytime. We all know that it's possible to dissagree while staying on a positive tone. Thgis is how real progress is made. I have had my mind changed on several occasions here by people who point out what I am doing wrong, why it's wrong, and a better way to do things. This is why I'm here...to learn as well as share what I have learned in the last 20 years. There will always be occasions when we will just have to agree to disagree...and there's nothing wrong with that. Let's just do it as adults, and proffesionals.

I, for one, agree to never attack you UB. I thought we had a group hug and moved on over some Modelo Dark. There was actually about a day and a half with some real good stuff on your thread. Then the insults started and the whole thing went to shit. So, you ended up with 3 pages of pure crap. I don't believe you want that. It's a monster thread loaded with killer info, especially for people just getting started. I would hate to see it diluted with petty arguments and insults. People will read that and just move on, possibly missing out on the good information you have so much of and are willing to share.

Now let's get to growing.