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  1. DubsFan

    H2o2 Question

    I don't know about dilution rate. I keep it simple. Keep in mind if you're running any beneficial bacteria the peroxide will kill it. My veg room uses just GH Micor, Gro and Cal Mag. I can add peroxide with no problem. The general rule is 1ml of 50% peroxide per litrle or about 3mil per...
  2. DubsFan

    I'm Not F%ckin' around with This Hash Thing Anymore

    From the depths of hell I'm back on RIU. Landed on this thread. Great info. I guess it's time to update pics and mix up some hash. I don't think I've been on in a while. Subscribed cause this is a baller thread.
  3. DubsFan

    help: how often should i clean my resevoir

    If you're flowering the general rule is every week you should drain and add new water and nutes. You don't have to wipe the res. I keep the slime on the walls all the way through the grow. I have a mother room with a 4x8 tray and 70 gal res. It drinks so much water that the amount of new...
  4. DubsFan

    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    yeah, anything that is a wet nug about 2x the size of a golf ball doesn't do so hot in the spin pro. The spin pro is great for small nugs and popcorn. I was already thinking about one then saw Fdd's results and got one the next week. Casually I did a half P in about an hour and a half. But...
  5. DubsFan

    Sealed room question

    Good luck. Let us know how it turns out. You can get a cheap Co2 test kit to verify the math. It's the one that uses an "air syringe" (spelling). You suck are into this syring and push it through this skinny glass tube with PPM markings on the side. After a minute of pushing air through it...
  6. DubsFan

    Sealed room question

    I don't really understand your last question. I pull air in from outside, through my ducting and hoods then back outside. No air in or out.
  7. DubsFan

    The Benefits of Potassium Silicate

    My Ph does go up slowly as well..just without the slicate. The Silicate makes my res Ph rise dramatically. Plus, I can't really say I've seen, smoked or smelled any upside from it. For my grow I'll pass on it. Plus it's pretty high in PPM. A standard dose in my 70 gal res is a good 300ppm...
  8. DubsFan

    The Benefits of Potassium Silicate

    Some guys use this stuff for Ph UP. I have found that it's not Ph stable. Ph was constantly on the rise whereas when I don't use PS my Ph almost never changes.
  9. DubsFan

    Sealed room question

    For the record, I have a 150sqft sealed room. There are no noticable breathing holes except the outlets. My Co2 ppm's still measure the same as outdoors. Around 400ppm. Do I use Co2? Yes. I don't crank out 1500ppm though. When flowering I crank out a total of 750ppm. Yields are fine and...
  10. DubsFan

    UFC 117 Silva VS Sonnen

    A person becomes someones bitch when they lose and get all bloody doing it. Who lost and got bloody? Silva hurt whatever his name is more while being on his back. Sure it wasn't pretty but sometimes you just gotta win ugly. Lucky submission???
  11. DubsFan

    Soil vs hydroponics for what & why?

    I'm not going to take part in the "what tastes better" argument. They all produce great herb. Vegging in hydro is no comparison to soil. I can get a two footer in hydro in two weeks. In soil its over a month. When I flower both finish about the same. It's much easier to avoid or fix a...
  12. DubsFan

    600 Watt HPS Eye Hortilux on Light Mover Questions??

    All that money on a light mover...why? They are ok to use to move the light a few inches if you hava a noticable gap. A light mover is the cost of another light. A light mover provides light to one area while not lighting up another. If you don't want to spend money on extra utility charges...
  13. DubsFan


    You can mother with them but you will need about 6-10 of them. I use those for cloning all the time.
  14. DubsFan

    Shortening light period? HALP! Need experienced advice please

    Actually nature never really hits 12 but for a fraction of the year. 12 12 is man made. Grow some outdoor. It never hits 12 12.
  15. DubsFan

    easyest cheapest way to clone

    This new photo attachement set up is lame... Good cuts come from good mothers that are round and bushy. Not tall and skinny. I only use a dome for a few days. A properly cut clone should be able to uptake water and nutes solely through that 45 degree cut. I personally use a dome for a...
  16. DubsFan

    100w will litteraly do nothing. Buy an 8 bulb T5 fixture. Use Veg bulbs (blue spectrum) to...

    100w will litteraly do nothing. Buy an 8 bulb T5 fixture. Use Veg bulbs (blue spectrum) to grow the plants and then when it's time to flower use the Bloom/Flower bulbs (red spectrum). I can outgrow my buddy using t5's and he as a 400w HPS. That t5 fixture will only add $50 to your bill.
  17. DubsFan

    How do i dry 20 plants?

    A 400 puts off so little power. The nugs are just so so... I see you live in Brasil. My wife is Brasilian. We talk about moving there and me growing pot with my seed collection. In the North East the weed I saw was very poor. Her parents moved from Rio to Aracaju, Sergipe. Cheap and warm.
  18. DubsFan

    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    CNS 17 is a chunky white jizz looking substance. It takes a while to break down too. Apparently it's good stuff but it bugs me out to use chunky stuff too.
  19. DubsFan

    4 1000 watt grow

    Yield yield yield. A 1000w may not be as efficient but my 2000w 4x8 can yield almost a pound more than a 2x600 set up. You can keep your $100mo savings...I'll keep that extra P ;)
  20. DubsFan

    New to ebb&flow, what should I expect?

    I have found that some nutes spike in PH and others don't. GH nutes tend to be pretty stable. The bigger your res the more stable the PH. I'm not a PH nut but if you go days without watering your RW the PH of the water in the rockwool could be near tap water levels. So now you are Ph'ing...