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  1. P

    clones and light

    just got some clones from the dispensary and put them in my ebb and flow table. i was planning on doing a modified SoG grow and start to flower them immediately. they are already rooted in rockwool. should i start out with the 12 hours of light for flowering, or go with 18 hours of light for...
  2. P

    I think I messed up. Help!

    Also, do I need to take the buds out of the jars at any time? They are all stuck in one big lump right now when I shake the jar. Should I take them out and let em breathe then stick them back in the jars?
  3. P

    I think I messed up. Help!

    Awesome. So I just need to keep opening my jars at least once everyday and the grassy smell will start to go away? Will the buds get more compact as well?
  4. P

    I think I messed up. Help!

    It's my first harvest and everything was going good until it came to drying the buds. I hung them upsidedown with a fan circulating air past them until they were dry to the touch. I put them into sealed jars and checked them the next day to make sure they weren't 'sweating' and the jar was dry...
  5. P

    How important to run plain water prior to harvest?

    so it would make the smoke more harsh and taste bad to harvest before 10 days of plain water? would curing it make it smoother and taste better?
  6. P

    How important to run plain water prior to harvest?

    I'm checking out my trichomes and they are pretty much all amber right now, but I've only been running plain water for about 4 days now instead of the recommended 7 days. I'm just wondering if it would be better to wait the whole week before harvest or harvest now before the trichomes start to...
  7. P

    When do I start watering with no nutes?

    oh nevermind, i just read SpruceZeus's article!
  8. P

    When do I start watering with no nutes?

    oh ok. i'll get a magnifying glass to check out the trichs. i wait till the trichs are %70 red before harvest?
  9. P

    When do I start watering with no nutes?

    It looks like some of my buds are starting to get red hairs on them! I've read that I should harvest the buds when about %70 of the hairs on it are red, and that you should use plain water in your reservoir 1 week before you harvest. My question is how do I know when it's 1 week until harvest...
  10. P

    Pyrethrum bomb question

    Thanks for the info Stumps! I'll give the 50/50 mix a shot too just in case the bomb doesn't do it's job.
  11. P

    Pyrethrum bomb question

    Oh yeah! My lights shut off at 5AM and that's when I was going to bomb, so it wouldn't be too hot. I could totally leave it off for 30 minutes or even an hour and then turn it back on.
  12. P

    Pyrethrum bomb question

    Thanks for the quick reply! Yeah, I was thinking I should bomb with the lights off, but it still gets damn hot in the room. I guess I could set the bomb off and then look outside to see if the A/C is spitting out all the bug killin' poison... I've got a remote for my A/C so I wouldn't have to go...
  13. P

    Pyrethrum bomb question

    I've got a Spider Mite problem that I've been attacking for a couple weeks now. I got a couple pyrethrum bombs from the hydro shop and the dude told me to be sure that all of my fans are off in my room. My question is, shouldn't I leave my A/C unit turned on? It was 107 degrees outside today...
  14. P

    curling downward and dying tips

    I'm almost in my 7th week of my first grow. I'm using a 2X2 ebb and flow table with rockwool cubes in hydroton pebbles inside a 272 cubic foot room. I'm using a 600W HPS that gets cooled by an 8" inline fan pulling air through the reflector and the temp stays around 70-80F with 50% or so...
  15. P

    Wanna see some wierd shit??

    oh man I bet that's what happened with the clones i got from some dude. they are bushier than 70's porn! i kept wondering why they didn't look like the pics of other plants on this site...
  16. P

    Bending, supercropping, fimming - look good?

    Since this is my first grow I thought I'd try a few different growing techniques. I bent two of my plants to the side (1st pic) to try and make the sides turn into tops and also to expose a runt that was growing between the two. Kinda killed two birds with one stoner (heh). I also tried to...
  17. P

    Starting to flower - tips?

    Ah, thanks for answering my question before I asked it, Conciousness420 (get out of my head!) :). Is there any method to trimming or just take off the branches near the bottom right next to the stem?
  18. P

    Starting to flower - tips?

    Should I remove the lower branches on my plants even tho I'm not SoG'ing? Here's a pic of what they look like right now. I also have a really really small plant in between two large ones (see pic). Should I just pull that plant out completely so the others get more light and nutes, or trim the...
  19. P

    Starting to flower - tips?

    Thanks for the info on the FloraNectar stuff, Al. I knew there was a reason I got it for free! :) I've read around about how some people add molasses and other people think it's dumb to do that, and now I know why. I've got a 600W HPS over a 2X2 table with 6 plants (probably too many plants for...
  20. P

    Dutch Master Nutrients... Usage questions

    I've heard from several people that the DM Penetrator is some crazy good stuff. Spray it on the leaves and watch the plants grow right in front of you.