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  1. N

    A.N b-52 using at week 1 or 2 ??

    hi well . advanced nutrients b-52 on the nutrient calculator it says skip week 1-2 then use on week 3-6 of FLOWER i was wondering why is it skipping week 1-2 ?? and would it be ok if i start using it at week week 2 ? or even maybe 1
  2. N

    Monster Bloom or Big Bud ????

    small amount as in how much ??? . can u be more specific plz
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    Monster Bloom or Big Bud ????

    hmm rate should i start using bigbud at ??? maybe maybe 250 ML for 100 L of water ?
  4. N

    Monster Bloom or Big Bud ????

    hi these products iv heard is 2 of the best bloomers in the industry Monster Bloom = Grotek Big Bug = Advanced Nutrients was wonder which do u use or maybe ur thoughts of which is the better product and plz if u have any tips on either of the products let us kno like which rates to use...
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    203 Sugar Kanes 14,000 Watt !!!

    oh cuz they not gona be hiting the light anywayz . dont want to deal with the little popcorn stuff . goin for full size buds only . maybe if i was doin 5 plants id i leave it all to get the most out of it ..
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    203 Sugar Kanes 14,000 Watt !!!

    yes sir serious . somedays it takes 3.5 hours even hehe
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    203 Sugar Kanes 14,000 Watt !!!

    thanx takes 3 hours to water :) dephends where u live my friend thanx Headbandrocker : strain is Sugar cain
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    203 Sugar Kanes 14,000 Watt !!!

    and these are 6 weeks veg
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    203 Sugar Kanes 14,000 Watt !!!

    hi well i would like to apolize for the long delay and no updates LOL ... so ya here it is .. i threw away the 20 runts and now left with 180 of the best then transplanted them oready to 3 gal pots and veged them 3 more weeks. i just put them to sleep today for 24 hour for flowering the last 2...
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    plz reply

    anyone plz
  11. N

    plz reply

    hi i have a question about the product Cal-mag Plus by Bonticare well alot peeps been tellig me not to use it if u are usnig tap water ... but i read that some tap water users still use it .. but at the rate of 1-2ml per Gallon and the plants love it .. also can i use this in veg mode ?? on...
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    203 Sugar Kanes 14,000 Watt !!!

    well theres been a mistake sorry guys .. its not 203 . i counted it again yesterday .. its 220 in total
  13. N


    hi this product .. says to use 8-10ml for 4L of water in soil ... i was wondering if i should follow this or is it to much ... im planing to give them to my clones i just transplanted 5 days ago ..
  14. N

    203 Sugar Kanes 14,000 Watt !!!

    thanks Kid , Skyr . and hello sunny :) . "Wtf" is right hehehe
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    203 Sugar Kanes 14,000 Watt !!!

    damit i transplanted them since sunday and its still not dry yet ........ shoulda not water them till runoff
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    203 Sugar Kanes 14,000 Watt !!!

    cheerS dude !! thanks dwr yes it will be nasty sick ! hehe
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    203 Sugar Kanes 14,000 Watt !!!

    hey thanks for join me guys :) . will post some more pics tonight
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    203 Sugar Kanes 14,000 Watt !!!

    thanks bro
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    203 Sugar Kanes 14,000 Watt !!!

    hi well i thought it be time for me to start a grow journal .. so here we go i just got 203 rooted clones transplanted them into 1gal pot . filed it half with soil only and watered them till runoff with some cloning solution . planing to veg for 2.5 weeks transplant them into 3gal pots and veg...
  20. N

    2400w Vertical Monster

    wow them dam mites are really waring with u ! . god i hate those things ! they multiply like every second ..........