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  1. RedEyeJedi420

    Please Help Me "Sex" My Plants (Pics)

    Hah, yeah, it's funny how you can go, "Oh yeah... dude," because of how 'manly' it really does look. It's awful isn't it? You'd think that it would be a 50/50 shot, but the odds seem more like 1:6 (to get a female). Thank you! Yeah, I am extremely careful (which is why I am posting...
  2. RedEyeJedi420

    First Grow Going Well

    It still amazes me how much the plants can grow in one twenty-four hour period. Incredible! Well, yesterday I had you all help me determine the gender of some plants and the consensus on one named "Clover" was to wait until further development. Weeellll ... we have development and it doesn't...
  3. RedEyeJedi420

    Please Help Me "Sex" My Plants (Pics)

    Bumps! Anyone?
  4. RedEyeJedi420

    Please Help Me "Sex" My Plants (Pics)

    It still amazes me how much the plants can grow in one twenty-four hour period. Incredible! Well, yesterday I had you all help me determine the gender of some plants and the consensus on one named "Clover" was to wait until further development. Weeellll ... we have development and it doesn't...
  5. RedEyeJedi420

    First Grow Going Well

    Okay, so (UPDATE TIME) I pulled Dumbo and Triclops. I know a few of you were iffy on Triclops but he was sharing a home with another potential female and she was starting to show signs of nute deficiency due to, I suppose, competition with the other plant. So, I have (remaining) Clover...
  6. RedEyeJedi420

    Please Help Me "Sex" My Plants (Pics)

    Okay, so (UPDATE TIME) I pulled Dumbo and Triclops. I know a few of you were iffy on Triclops but he was sharing a home with another potential female and she was starting to show signs of nute deficiency due to, I suppose, competition with the other plant. So, I have (remaining) Clover...
  7. RedEyeJedi420

    Please Help Me "Sex" My Plants (Pics)

    The plants are all different ages - Tipper being the eldest at over three months. The rest are somewhere in the two month range. (I'd have to go check to be more specific lol) They've only been on the 12/12 for six days, but I am impatient and I have a nifty camera hahaha. As far as the set...
  8. RedEyeJedi420

    Please Help Me "Sex" My Plants (Pics)

    Awesome! Thank you muchos! I have to tell you, the camera does most of the work. :-P
  9. RedEyeJedi420

    Please Help Me "Sex" My Plants (Pics)

    Thanks a lot! As soon as I know for sure there will be a lot more room in the grow-space! :fire:
  10. RedEyeJedi420

    First Grow Going Well Just a quick post - help me determine gender on four of my six plants, please! Just follow the link. :D
  11. RedEyeJedi420

    i think they are all males

    I'm no expert, but I think you're spot on! Good luck with your female survivor!
  12. RedEyeJedi420

    Please Help Me "Sex" My Plants (Pics)

    Bumps. No one? Perhaps it's too soon to tell?
  13. RedEyeJedi420

    Please Help Me "Sex" My Plants (Pics)

    Hey everyone! I have a grow journal in the appropriate section, but I just thought I'd throw this out there and get as much collective help as possible! This is my first successful grow from seed to sexing and I have studied long and hard on how to determine the gender of a plant. I have six...
  14. RedEyeJedi420

    First Grow Going Well

    Bumps! I will add new photos later today! :hug:
  15. RedEyeJedi420

    First Grow Going Well

    Bumps! Any ideas or advice? Thanks!
  16. RedEyeJedi420

    First Grow Going Well

    Well today is a little over three weeks in and the girls are starting to show some yellowing of the leaves, and it's the lower leaves that seem to be effected the most/first. Other than the yellowing, which leads to brown spots and dead looking leaves, they seem to be growing alright - slow and...
  17. RedEyeJedi420

    just the very tip yellowing

    Do you have any fans in your grow area? I have around the same amount of wattage/Kelvins but I also have two high velocity 4inch fans, too, and it makes a world of difference!
  18. RedEyeJedi420

    3 weeks in any advice? (pics)

    Agreed! Yes you should wait to use nutrients, but the general consensus is three to four weeks in or three to five leaf sets and you're safe!
  19. RedEyeJedi420

    Plant Diagnosis Help

    Hmm, sorry to hear about your little lady not doing well. You're correct, I believe, about those bottom leaves - it looks like the lowest leaves are dying simply because the light can't reach them. As for the yellowing/spotting it could be a number of nutrient deficiencies, or it could be as...
  20. RedEyeJedi420

    First Grow Going Well

    Oh, thanks so much! I have Fox Farm nutes to match my Fox Farm soil and their website has a "feeding" schedule so I may just adapt from that and play by ear. Haha, good luck with your grow! Do you have a journal I could follow? When did you change light cycles? So many questions! LOL Thanks...