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  1. dnugs

    Heat stress? Nute stress? Days of research and still clueless. Have a look

    How often are you feeding? Kinda looks like nute burn. I believe if it was heat stress the edges of the leaves would be more consistently burnt. Id hold back on the nutes. They look ok other than the burns.
  2. dnugs

    Are my kids growing too slowly?

    What kind of lights are you using? how big is the space? how far are the lights from the plants?
  3. dnugs


    try 6ish inches away. Check the babies for heat stress. (browing edges, curling up of the leaves) and move accordingly. HPS produce a lot of heat, you might want to put it even higher. notice if your stems seem stretched ... if so move closer. Hope it helps bud.
  4. dnugs

    nute burn? pix attached

    Use less nutes, your only suppose to nute weekly. Weekly, Weakly.
  5. dnugs

    Easy Question for Master growers like you:)

    as long as the light is contained and the lights are close. I hope you have a good set up.
  6. dnugs


    What kind of light are you using? That is crucial information.
  7. dnugs

    Plant drooping?

    It looks like its over watered and needs more light. Your stem is very stretched. It needs more light. Water once a day. Its better to underwater in this stage, The roots will grow in search of more water. Keep it to once a day. What kind of light are you using?
  8. dnugs

    Weed on a plane..

    Keep it in your pocket, or buy a false bottom shaving cream can. xrays will just see metal and wont see through it. If you take a tooth paste tube cut a slit in the bottom shove the bagged weed in it, seal it back up with crazy glue, then roll the slit/sealed end up like its a used thing of...
  9. dnugs

    My father is killin my plant :(

    Tell him its on a "give policy only" and be just be nice!
  10. dnugs

    Small holes on only ONE leaf? wtf?

    Hey, I got holes on only one new leaf of one of my indoors. no signs of bugs other than a couple of fruit flies I've seen. and its only on ONE new leaf on my veggin baby? wtf? anyone got an idea?... Holes are not exact same size. will post pics if I can.
  11. dnugs

    HPS bulps EXPLODE! ?????

    HPS bulbs can even explode if you touch them from the oils on your finger. Spray alcohol on a paper towel, or pour it on a paper towel and clean your bulb thoroughly. You will be fine if you do that. Do not get it wet and do not touch it. (I was an electrician before being apart of this forum...)
  12. dnugs

    What would make the leaves do this?

    No body thinks its a "PH twist?" check your ph dog.
  13. dnugs

    First Time Grow Please Help

    How close is your light? what kind of light is it? Looks like heat stress. or lack of nitrogen. have you been using nutes?
  14. dnugs

    leaf yellowing?

    Yes ill post them tomorrow. My babies are sleepin.
  15. dnugs

    The SAFe Way to FeEd NutEs!??

    Once a week. if not once every other week. I was once told to remember these key words, Weakly, Weekly. last thing you want is nute burnnn
  16. dnugs

    leaf yellowing?

    Would yellowing on young leaves, more towards stem, and not the tips, be an indication of nitrogen deficiency? Isn't it true I want a nice deep solid green through out the entire leaf? bongsmilie
  17. dnugs

    Does this baby look good for a starter?

    Ive read up on experiments about. A forced veg, 24 hours of light WILL grow slightly faster than 18/6, But 18/6 will have better roots, better roots=better budddss.
  18. dnugs

    Does this baby look good for a starter?

    Ive read alot that says mj only uses 18 hours of light. and that if you put her on a 24/0 or 24/7 "forced vegetation" your just wasting electricity. I would do 18/6, the babies need some darkness and cool down time. Lets the box cool down aswell. keep it natural on a 24 hour day schedule. I...
  19. dnugs

    foliar feeding?

    Been doing some reading and apparently theres a long lost art of foliar feeding? would MG 20-20-20 EXTREMELY diluted feed work on little girls? Ive been told that you can foliar feed seedlings. as long as its very very weak nutes. Any advice?
  20. dnugs

    Foliar Feeding With A Used Lysol Spray Bottle

    So your either really young and grounded by your parents and growing... or on house arrest and growing... haha