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  1. N

    Lighting Question.

    Alright thanks for the tip dude :D
  2. N

    Lighting Question.

    I'm just wondering when the plants are in veg or flowering cycle, more so the flowering I'm concerned about. Would a Black light have potential to mess up the "dark" 12hour cycle?
  3. N

    Indoor growing: artificial vs. natural sunlight

    Haha awesome I'll keep putting mine outside :D
  4. N

    Indoor growing: artificial vs. natural sunlight

    I have mine laze in the sun during the day, and bring them in at night. But I'm not sure if its good for the plant some people say changing from the sunlight to artifical can stun the plants growth ? Can someone confirm this. It would be nice to know.
  5. N

    Heating Problem

    I've managed to bring it down to around 28.3 degrees celcius but still would like to add another light which will probably increase temperture ughh :(
  6. N

    Heating Problem

    I'm clearly having heating problems. Theyre freshly germinated, still in soil so I don't think its a huge problem atm, keeping the soil moist. I'm running 150w CFL, and a 24inch florescent tube, and plan on adding another 24inch florescent tube. I only have a 10 inch fan, may get a bigger one...
  7. N

    Noob question. (Watering)

    Thank you guys very much appreciated :D
  8. N

    Noob question. (Watering)

    I'm not after more responses. I'm after a single answser ^^
  9. N

    Noob question. (Watering)

    First time grower - I just germinated my first seeds and placed them in their first pots. How much water is recommended? And when should I begin adding the Nutes?
  10. N

    Best munchie foods?

    Nothing compares to the taste of a Peanut butter sandwich, a banana and a glass of chocolate milk.
  11. N

    Green Out Stories?

    I've only actually greened out once. Back when I first started toking me and a couple of buddies were having drinks. Got hammered. Their older cousin shows up with probably no more than a quarter ounce, smoked it. I got really phucked up. Like I was watching the 7up logo on the 2lt. bottle...
  12. N

    What's Your Favorite Thing To While Stoned To The Wall?

    It all depends on my bake :D If I get a really exciting bake I like to listen to Techno and Bounce around. But if I'm feeling mellow and its a nice day out I love to lay in the TALL grass and just watch the clouds.
  13. N

    Lighting HELP

    But won't the MH burn the plant? I'm complete noob at this aha and its only 2 plants for own personal use.
  14. N

    Lighting HELP

    I have a 150W max MH light ballast, I'm wondering if I could replace the MH bulb with a 100 - 150W CFL bulb? And NOT burn my parents house down xD? :confused: I'll show you pics of it below. I tried a 40w CFL in it and it seemed to be working fine, the ballast itself is plastic?