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  1. ChiefRollaJoint


    so about 2 months ago i got some club weed that was called zomberry...wierd name yes i know. it was the first time i heard about it. tasted like how fruity pebbles smells. awesome stuff. im just curious what its crossed with. i thought it was black zombie with somethin else....maybe im wrong...
  2. ChiefRollaJoint

    So My Plant is Fine but....

    some leaves are falling off, which im sure its normal. and i was lookin thru the good ol scope at the hairs getting happy at the bunches of them on my plant but some of the first ones that i seen turned brownish. i know pics are worth a thousand words an all, but i just wanted to see if anyone...
  3. ChiefRollaJoint

    My Babies. Take a Look!

    they look good, but id get those out of the bottles, see thru is bad for the roots i believe. adding a couple more lights would be good. also go to a wal-mart and get some of that emergency blanket stuff, really really reflective, i bought some a couple of weeks ago and i can tell that my plants...
  4. ChiefRollaJoint

    How Are They looking?

    yours looks like mine. im 15 days into flowering too, except i gotta get more lights. waitin for that next paycheck lol. lookin good tho
  5. ChiefRollaJoint

    9 Bladed Leafs

    5 gallon pot, its a closet grow, cant have it that big ya know
  6. ChiefRollaJoint

    Freakishly Tall Seedlings?

    when mine did that i put them into a bigger pot (get it out of that cup lol), buried them up to where the stem was about 2 inches exposed, then i stuffed them in my closet with a fan blowing, and gave it a little more they are bigger....and that was a week ago... :). happy growing dude!!!
  7. ChiefRollaJoint

    Light Timer Malfunctioning

    i got mine at osh for about $5-6, push button tabs it aint let me down yet, im actually really satisfied with this one. i tossed the package but its a little white square one. check it out when you can :)
  8. ChiefRollaJoint

    9 Bladed Leafs

    11?! that sounds pretty sweet. only thing is since its bagseed i wont know what it is, i just know she smells really strong and its only 2 weeks into flowering. long hairs, and i think i counted about 15+ budsites on it so far. this will be my first time i get to keep the plant from seedling to...
  9. ChiefRollaJoint

    9 Bladed Leafs

    so i got my closet grow going really nice now. 3 plants all on 12/12. 2 are indicas and the other is a sativa. on the biggest plant (sativa) a good majority of the leafs have 9 blades on them, is it just the strain it is? its bagseed btw. i was used to seeing the normal sets having 7. im not...
  10. ChiefRollaJoint

    Bought My First T5

    thanks, just did that
  11. ChiefRollaJoint

    Bought My First T5

    i went and got my first t5 yesterday, came home and seen that i needed bigger space. since i have my 3 plants i got my closet to as close to being finished as i could. i know that it still needs more work i need to find a way to make my own filter so it dont stink as good ;). but i called it...
  12. ChiefRollaJoint

    How Much Do You Sell Your Product ?

    i feel you all on this, im still debating on what to do, sell....share or just keep it for personal. i guess it all depends in the reality of it. sell for food and bills ya know, or just be awesome and share what you created :). i see it all as a toss up, but in the long run i was pretty much...
  13. ChiefRollaJoint

    Fans Of Hip Hop?

    Damn this is tight. Fuck all that fake rap music. xD
  14. ChiefRollaJoint

    Stone: Need Help First Time!

    hey thanks i never actually seen that till i just looked at my plant!!! thats whats up.
  15. ChiefRollaJoint

    So Bummed!

    yea i know, i was just putting that out was a lil sad thats all, lol
  16. ChiefRollaJoint

    Stone: Need Help First Time!

    still kinda new to growing myself, at least start to finish. for the veg stage it all depends on how big/tall you want your plant. i vegged mine for 2 months, and i just started flowering about a week ago and when you flower its gonna double in size. im doing mine indoors so i cant have it that...
  17. ChiefRollaJoint

    So Bummed!

    so i get home from work to find out my girl grew hella bigger to where she was touching one of my leaf served up extra crispy....:wall:. ive read other peeps on here having the same sort of thing happen....i feel your pain.
  18. ChiefRollaJoint

    Light Schedual

    so i put my girl into flowering, the only thing is, i have her set for 12am light goes off, and 12pm light goes on. i go to work before my light comes on, so im not here to raise my light if need be or water. so if i changed the timer back one hour every couple of days to where id at least have...
  19. ChiefRollaJoint

    Got Bored? Smoked and Made a New Box for My Plant

    i have no idea really, im sure the box is like 3ft tall x 2ft wide. ill be posting more since i found out the other day the plant is a her :)
  20. ChiefRollaJoint

    Clone Question

    thanks, i was really sketchy on trying to without at least getting some info on it. checked out ur color changing plants, friggin sweet yo