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  1. plateofpakora

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I've read a lot of perspectives on here and was hoping to re-open the discussion as to the best method for flushing out salt buildup. I don't think I've been watering with enough runoff during veg and have some build up not quite to toxic levels, but I don't want to push it as I'm about to...
  2. plateofpakora

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Danke Schoen for the bud porn openhorizon. :clap: When you alternate water/feed, more particularly water, are you adding CalMag, or a weak solution of A&B? I ask because I use RO water. Currently I'm feeding every time, but am going to try this method. I'm afraid a serious flush looms near...
  3. plateofpakora

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I don't particularly let it dry out, maybe the top half inch or so. I use Alg-a-mic, which is organic, but the rest is a hodge-podge of Canna, H&G, and Botanicare. I guess I'm wondering just how much should I be watering these 5 gal. I know, I know, it's personal, but jeez, 10 sec seems like a...
  4. plateofpakora

    purple stems and yellow leaves

    I'm going to go out on a ledge here and agree with Stusghost. Looks more like N deficiency than Ca or Mag. But yeah, what are you feeding?
  5. plateofpakora

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Question for all your big bucket Coco farmers, especially you open horizon... How much runoff are you getting, per pot (5 gal fibre pot) when you feed? And for how long are you watering? I recently decided to scrog out in 5 Gal Root Pots, bottom 2" Perlite, rest of the mix being 70/30 Coco to...
  6. plateofpakora

    Deficiency? Maybe magnesium? pics

    Bump. Besides the tip of that one leaf the rest don't look too fried and crispy. Usually nute burn is more uniform, no? But is Mag, or Zinc maybe...?
  7. plateofpakora

    help with Magnesium and Zinc deficiencies (pics).

    Bump. I have some leaves doing the same thing as the second pic. Narrowed it down to what you've said. I have Mykos in there so I want to be sure I have to flush before I do it.
  8. plateofpakora

    severe leaf edge curl

    I'm pretty sure it's too harsh an environment. When I raised the lights up, the curling receded almost over night. I also put the fans on a timer, 30min on, 30 min off. Plants are looking much much better. Also fed some Alg-a-Mic. I also feed every watering. I meant it takes 3-4 days for the...
  9. plateofpakora

    mandala seeds. give me your opinion

    Anybody pop Rishi Kush? And for the people that've grown out Mandala's gear, how much were you able to push the PPM's? I notice a lot of their descriptions warn against it, which is kind of deflating...
  10. plateofpakora

    Phantom Muncher

    Has anybody had any luck with Spinosad?
  11. plateofpakora

    Phantom Muncher

    Not outside, indoor, sunny California. I know there's a cricket in the building because I hear him cherping... Never seen it though. So what do you guys think is the best attack? I'm not against using the nastys because I haven't started flowering yet. The way I see it, I still eat Jack in the...
  12. plateofpakora

    mandala seeds. give me your opinion

    I've been curious about this too for long time. Every time I find a journal on something from them it seems a bit deflating, but I'm holding out for some positive news and will probably try Satori at some point anyways... Bump to this one. Someone has to have some experience...
  13. plateofpakora

    Phantom Muncher

    I posted this pic in another thread but thought it may be more appropriate in this section. "Something" is eating my leaves. I caught some Fungus Gnats, which I believe i've dealt with by doing soil drenches a week apart, first with SNS 203, then with Azamax. But this doesn't even look like...
  14. plateofpakora

    severe leaf edge curl

    Howdy Mr. Frost and RIU, Apologies if I'm jacking your thread. I certainly don't want to be rude. I do think we have some similarities though. Strain: Snowcap (36) Light: 1000w vented over 4x4 at 30" CO2 Temp/Rh at canopy level: 81f/50-60% lights on - 70-75f/40-50% lights off Medium: Canna...
  15. plateofpakora

    Is this Nitrogen Toxicity?

    Boron hmm? Interesting. I'll have to look into that one some more. I checked my soil Ph, which was a little over 7, so time to flush with some neutral 6.5. Lights raised. And also I put the fans on a timer, maybe too much wind? Thanks everybody for your input!
  16. plateofpakora

    2 trouble with leaf! need help (pic)

    And baking soda and lime sound nice, but just get the Ph up and down.
  17. plateofpakora

    2 trouble with leaf! need help (pic)

    Hey Hellvis, the one on the right is a great picture Phosphorus Deficiency (P, K is Potassium). Like some others have said, go to a hydrostore and buy a soil Ph tester, it's like a metal stick attached to a meter (get another one to measure your cocktail too if you haven't already). Also get...
  18. plateofpakora

    severe leaf edge curl

    I have the same problem on a few of my new kids as well. All our specs are the same, Coco and what not, etc... I raised lights but didn't reposition fans, I'm starting to think that's a good bet too. And haven't ruled out deficiency of N, Mag, or Sulfer (not so much applying to your case)...
  19. plateofpakora

    Is this Nitrogen Toxicity?

    Thanks Dro! I've always been shy to post on here, but this is awesome. Anybody else have any ideas? I'm going to pop down to the store and get a soil ph tester to make sure nothing else is out of whack. Then probably flush with ph'd water. Hopefully they're alright. Oddly enough, I noticed...
  20. plateofpakora

    Is this Nitrogen Toxicity?

    Greetings and Salutations, A friend gave me some clones of supposedly Girl Scout Cookies (whatever that means). We'll see how they turn out, worth the roll of the dice I guess to see what the hype is about. They're not doing so well and I wanted to run it by the community I've been looking at...