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  1. garden11

    New Grow I think I over watered!!

    dont mess with the ligth cyckle if you dont have to, it an make plants go murphy. On the whole soil issue. going from neutral (no nutes) to full on nute soil can be bad mkay? Do it in stages. Like first repotting, 2 weeks 1/4, 4 weeks 1/2. Many, including me, dont feed much before flowering...
  2. garden11

    New Grow I think I over watered!!

    Bigger pot means the pot will use longer time to dry out if there is no root system there to drink the water. Punch holes in the sides of the cans, that will bring more air into the soil. Here is a tip on how to keep air humid, cheap. Get a hand towel or two, get them wet, hang them close to the...
  3. garden11

    Curved Stem of 36 day old plant

    if not tape, i use wireing . Just make sure it keeps it up, but also allowes it to grow. I remember one time i used wire, and i put that thing on tigth. Suddenly one day my whole plant was on the floor cut in half. lol, it had just grown around it and a pull on the wire just snapped it two.
  4. garden11

    Auto Grew Bananas, Seems Early for Self Seed?

    I agree, this is not a hermie. Lateflowering nanners are not that uncommon. Harmless.
  5. garden11

    Ahh! Please help before she dies!

    Dont rush to a conclusion too fast, if its the wrong one you will loose them.. I'm no aeroponic expert, but 7.0 sounds high. 7.0 is what i use for my soil mixx.
  6. garden11

    New Grow I think I over watered!!

    Get some of that shit vorstok is talking about. Roots will always be fuzzy.. U can easly get them back into shape. if you dont over water and over feed them. But they are starting to look long gone :P
  7. garden11

    My Flowering Lady is in Trouble

    When i look at your plants i arrive at the same conclusion as Snafuu. If you are using soil, its best to walk down to your local gardner and say that you want to grow some organic vegetables and need some soil. They will hook you up with some more local and better soil. Keep an eye on whats in...
  8. garden11

    What Could This Be

    Hi fellow organic grower :) I think me and you are like organic growings ying and yang lol. When I grow i do it super easy and dont care to much about buying various product stuff :P The only think i'm contemplating is the fungal life inside my pots and that they have what they need in the forms...
  9. garden11

    Health issue, with pic.

    Appriciate the help guys. Hmm, just read and it states "Calcium deficiencies tend to appear on newer growth, which means it first appears on the leaves towards the top of the plant." As far as I can see it only affects mid and bottom leaves. Newer growth is not affected. I have a plant that...
  10. garden11

    Health issue, with pic.

    Any second opinion would be most welcome :)
  11. garden11

    Trainwreck from clone new growth curl

    Heres something you could try. From the pictures you should try no feed for a week. The dark colour is a sign that its got its needs coverd. (maybe when you start feeding again, cut the feed with 25%). You have a big pot compared to plant size, letting it dry more out would help. It should perk...
  12. garden11

    HELP!!! Seed in flowering bud... Hermie?

    I've had female plants produce seeds without having been polinated. In my expirience this almost exlusivly happens if the plant have been tamperd with to produce feminized seeds. So if you are using feminized seeds, and have not found/seen a single male organ in the whole of your grow (no...
  13. garden11

    cutting problems

    I've been quite succsessfull with cutting latly, and my techniqe is for soil and quite simple. 1. It needs 3 nodes 2. Cut it at 45 degree angle and straigth into a shotglass so water covers from the last node down. 3. After 2 days, put it in a small soil container, and keep that soil waterd...
  14. garden11

    Health issue, with pic.

    Info: Grown under cfl. Mixxed soil from local gardenshop, fed with bonemeal mixxed into soil when repotted. Hi, hopefully someone can identify the issue at hand. I noticed some of the plants in my vegitative area had small rusty red round spots on their middle and lower leafs. One plant have...
  15. garden11

    3 week old Critical Rapido CLAWING! Pls view pics and help!

    plant is too young to be fed ferts and are now suffering from it, i recommend flushing it and waiting a bit longer before you start feeding it.
  16. garden11

    Buds on leaves

    Its not that uncommon, and its usually not something that tells you that something is wrong with the plant either. But from picture two, it looks like you have a ballsack ready to burst its pollen.
  17. garden11

    Plants outgrowing room help!

    Trim the bottom of the plants. Set up some wiring so you can force down your height of the plants. But be careful not to force stuff to hard and break them. Next time try starting the flowering earlier :P
  18. garden11

    Tiny white bulbs on stem

    Just discoverd a couple tiny white round things attached to the stem of my cum laude. its too small for me to get a photo off, but its spheric round and white. about 0.2 mm across. hard to the touch. I have no idea what this little bulby thing is. First thing i'm thinkin it migth be somekind of...
  19. garden11

    seed question.

    Ty heathen :) That was exactly what i was looking for. Indoor sun king: sometimes you have to dissect someting to find out how things work :P
  20. garden11

    seed question.

    I was wondering if someone knew what the green layer inside the seedshell is. If you remowe the shell, what will remowing this green thin tissue be? Is it important for the seed?