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  1. J

    Sap from Cannabis

    my big bang automatic had loads of sap too from top to bottom so much it dripped all over tent at night time it started to come around 1-2 weeks before i harvested and im sure the cold nights (~15-17c) during the last weeks and possibly the extremely dry climate (25-30%) did it for me as i didnt...
  2. J

    Need to buy carbon for my DIY carbon scrubber

    lignite or bituminous carbon? both of these are inferior to Anthracite, lignite(brown coal) has average of 30% carbon content vs antharacite 92-98%
  3. J

    Need to buy carbon for my DIY carbon scrubber

    im not sure about the sizes, if i remember correct you dont want it larger than 8mm diameter and not smaller than 4mm(not sure about this, i guess it depends on the shape of the filter too). there are different types besides the size. you wanto look for type ctc 70, the ctc 50 is the cheap stuff...
  4. J

    First Time DWC/Grower Longtime Smoker

    oh i just soo from the pic that you have ballast right next to the bucket, get that out of the tent too its heating things up.
  5. J

    First Time DWC/Grower Longtime Smoker

    sounds like you got way too hot in there, and from the pictures its growing pretty slow, i would just go for soil grow to avoid major problems in long run at those temps but. if you can get like 20-25 ambient air before it goes in tent you shouldnt have a problem+ you should insulate the hole...
  6. J

    How to clean large amounts of hydroton

    h202 does work but it doesnt work like that several days in row, more like 10hours when you got lots of stuff there to catalyst the reaction and warm water. so you would haveto keep adding it in during the several day clean up, its basicly gone by the morning when you have crap for the h202 to...
  7. J

    Help! Sealed room humidity / condensation problem!

    this type of system can be extremely efficient with the added co2 if you can control the enviroment hence the name controlled environment agriculture (CEA), it might be even better than open air system when you get perfect enviroment 24/7 without the suprises of open system but it can be...
  8. J

    Help! Sealed room humidity / condensation problem!

    i have no experience with the sealed systems but from what i understand 6x600w in 3mx3m is totally overkill in sealed room and could be quite a hazard with the condesation and electric devices, you should also have air conditioner there to cool things down?, the window ac type, not the ones with...
  9. J

    Need a bit of wisdom...

    thanks m8, that is good information:)
  10. J

    Need a bit of wisdom...

    what do you mean by average yeild is pound? in what time period? how long do you veg? and how many plants? and what grow medium? im going for perpetual flowering/harvesting atm instead of single cycle but im intrested to hear how long exactly it takes for the pound yield with 600w as i have...
  11. J

    Term ¨Weed¨ what does it mean, why do we use it here, where it came from?

    that is completely fine i understand the slang term and it will never go away and i will be using it myself as a slang term , but the problem i see is that many people think there is a plant group called weeds that has its own specific traits and behaviours and that it can be treated certain...
  12. J

    Term ¨Weed¨ what does it mean, why do we use it here, where it came from?

    yes. a great source of information, you can spend your hole lifetime on plants and still you only scratch the surface
  13. J

    Term ¨Weed¨ what does it mean, why do we use it here, where it came from?

    you just said cannabis is considered a shit plant without value, unwanted in your garden like nettles, therefore, smoke shit:D
  14. J

    Term ¨Weed¨ what does it mean, why do we use it here, where it came from?

    Vegetable is a culinary term which generally refers to an edible part of a plant. thats it. only thing that makes a plant vegetable.... there are botanical herbs, culinary herbs(can be a vegetable at the same time) and medicinal herbs, botanical herbs are anykinds of non woody flowering...
  15. J

    Yellowing on leafs, nutruents OK

    it looks like early/mild case calsium lockout/deficiency little bit chlorosis on new leaves and they look wringled, spots and necrotic edges im not 100% sure there are number of things that can cause the lockout, like too much phosphorus and/or potassium, too acidic...
  16. J

    Term ¨Weed¨ what does it mean, why do we use it here, where it came from?

    damn, it doesnt let me arrange the lines with enter key so its easy to read. wth
  17. J

    Term ¨Weed¨ what does it mean, why do we use it here, where it came from?

    We have all heard it before ''dont worry its a weed plant after all'' ''its annual weed plant'' ''grows like a weed'' and whatnot.......... any plant can be weed if its undesirable to the grower even cannabis one mans weed is another mans treasure, but is it undesirable to you or...
  18. J

    Damn microscopic maggots!!! Can anyone help ID these???

    it could be somekind of gall midge/gall gnat larvae, it is hard to say from the pic, can you guesstimate the size? edit: forgot to say gall midges can reproduce in there larvae stage+ the adults are very tiny so that could be the reason you didnt see it in adult stage
  19. J

    Mexican brick bagseed: Growing out the schwagg.

    damn thats impressive from bag seed, guess it had good genes all along but mexicans didnt treat them like ladys:P i had barneysfarm g13haze in dwc that acted just like that it was very sativa dominant, i thought it was almost ready at 12week but i still had loads of clear thrics and the buds...
  20. J

    ~No Time for a Journal?~Update Here~Any Size or Skill Level!~

    my perpetual grow, i started growing little over 1 year ago and after 3 harvests, a library of plant books later:P im trying to set up perpetual system that gives atleast one small plant every 3-6 weeks depending on the strains of course atm flowering 2 DeSjamaan's lady purple's(has anyone...