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  1. D

    Unknown issues with grow

    thanks ya'll ^ its been quite the learning experience, definitely going to be alot different next time around. I am very pleased with her turn around and how she is turning out...Overall growth of the plant is still ridiculously slow, going to be close to 5 months when all is said and done...but...
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    Unknown issues with grow

    ^ Thanks for the input....Not sure if you read my most recent posts or just read my first post? but I think she's doing alright....maybe some minor problems but i started off with a poor soil so i think drainage might be an issue. Def not over watered, im a pretty good judge of when it needs...
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    Unknown issues with grow

    alright, just got my magnifier in the mail...the trichomes all appear to be milky or even clear still. So my question is, how long do i have until they will start turning amber? Do i have time for 1 more nute feed before i cut off the nutes?
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    These have been going 4 months to the day... gnoob grower/possible slow growing strain? anywho, looks like im just about there. what does everyone else think?
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    Unknown issues with grow

    okay so, looking for any input on when i should cut my nutes for harvest.
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    Unknown issues with grow

    long over due pic update...mmmm shes made a big turn around. still getting some discolored leaves and fan leaves dying off but nothing to be too concerned about. not bad for a bag seed
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    Unknown issues with grow

    Pic update soon, starting to think my soil isn't the best of quality. It seems to be very dense and maybe preventing root growth. Oh well, you live and you learn...
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    Grow with hps, all stages...

    Can someone link me to these blue spectrum hps bulbs?
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    Unknown issues with grow

    Well I tried the epsoms salt and that seemed to make things much worse...since then I have repotted it, flushed it thoroughly with ph'd filtered water, got an additive called dr repair and got some better grow lights. I'm on 1/2 strength on calmag, mother earth, and dr repair...we'll see how...
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    Grow with hps, all stages...

    Has anyone ever done it? What was the outcome?
  11. D

    Unknown issues with grow

    i appreciate everyone's help with my problems....just a little update, my new growth shoots are starting to yellow now, my fan leaves that are yellowing are now starting to get brown spots on them and browning of the ends. does everyone still think its MG deficiency? my sweet little girl is...
  12. D

    Unknown issues with grow

    yeah, my soil does seem to be very dense. and no i dont ever break up the top layer of soil, ill give it a try... How does the epsom salt work? just desolve it into my feed and my plain h20?
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    Unknown issues with grow

    So do you think my best bet is cutting down on the calmag or just using tap water and ph'ING it to right level? What did you do in your situation?
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    Unknown issues with grow

    I add calmag to my filtered water and my feed too..definitely not a mag deficiency
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    Unknown issues with grow

    so whats the best advice you can give to me then? what would you do ?
  16. D

    Unknown issues with grow

    so you only veg for 3 weeks after it pokes its head out of the soil? what kind of lights are you using? im very limited on space so im only able to use CFL'S. its just starting to show for sure signs of being female too...maybe the strain is just a slow grower?
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    Unknown issues with grow

    no exactly sure, id have to say 2-3 gallon. definitely no smaller than 2
  18. D

    Unknown issues with grow

    i really have a feeling it might be root bound though, its a relatively small sized pot becase i want to keep it smaller.
  19. D

    Unknown issues with grow

    No bad odors at all, should i punch some more wholes in the bottom? Like i had posted before i am actually on my 7th week of veg since seed. The only other things i could think of besides some sort of nutrient deficiency is not enough light? the LST could be hurting it? or maybe it being a bit...
  20. D

    Unknown issues with grow

    Sorry, im mistaken... i am only in my 7th week of veg since seed. I use the calmag because i use filtered water to cut down on the PH levels and it takes out most of the chlorine. Unfortunately it also takes out alot of good nutrients that are essential to plants growth. Why would i need more...