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  1. AlmightyPapaC

    Doesn't look right to me..

    I did some thinking last night, does anyone think it could be a co2 problem or a ventilation problem? When I built the room I couldn't afford a good vent system. The air is cycled out a few times a day though. My lowest temp is 70f and my highest is 85f to 90f depending on the day.
  2. AlmightyPapaC

    Doesn't look right to me..

    I wouldnt call it "garbage".. Its now 3 days into curing and is looking extremely good for its condition. Ill post picks in a few days to show the triches.
  3. AlmightyPapaC

    Doesn't look right to me..

    Well I do know that this strain is thin by nature, but I've never seen it this thin. I'm thinking I need to switch to a 2 month auto. And it is pretty dry looking, but still has moister. It's only 2 days into curing and still has a strong leaf smell.
  4. AlmightyPapaC

    Doesn't look right to me..

    No, I don't. But I can tell you it looked nothing like my profile picture. That was taken off the same plant a month into flowering. It had few hairs, they were all orange and it was dense. It did have over 30 bud sites on it though. Could that be the problem? Also they were super cropped.
  5. AlmightyPapaC

    Doesn't look right to me..

    I was thinking the same thing. It was nice and plump when i cut it down. Looked great. Then it dried like that. If I went by the triches, then it should be all done.
  6. AlmightyPapaC

    Doesn't look right to me..

    Im using a 1000w HPS. That plant has been 4 months into flowering. Admittedly, I did have a lighting issue, but that's fixed now. I water them every 2 to 3 days and use Tiger Bloom every other watering as directed and only molasses for the last 4 weeks.
  7. AlmightyPapaC

    Doesn't look right to me..

    I spent a lot of time flowering this plant, as Free Lenard takes a long time to flower. Though it doesn't look right to me. I'm no expert but I'd say I messed up somewhere. Any advice would help..
  8. AlmightyPapaC

    can you over super crop?

    I too have 6 plants that I am super cropping, but I only break the main stalk 2 times.
  9. AlmightyPapaC

    Help quick!!!

    Don't worry. I snap all my ladies in half to super crop them. Weed is a strong, durable plant. It will survive almost anything.
  10. AlmightyPapaC

    My new set up is finally finished...Check it out RIU!

    Kudos on the opt. Rep+
  11. AlmightyPapaC

    late bloomer...?

    For real..? On the whole RIU site, not a single person has ANY advice on late bloomers... seriously...?
  12. AlmightyPapaC

    Mutations !!

    I've read that mutations come from genetics, not conditions. They should grow fine tho, jus maybe a smaller yeild.I'm having the same 3 leaf problem.
  13. AlmightyPapaC

    My First Clones

    Congrats! I got my first batch in down right now, 3 days in!
  14. AlmightyPapaC

    Cop Question

    I also recommend that you use Mylar on the walls and ceiling. Spikes in electrical bills will lead to helicopters. Mylar will block the inferred waves. You'd be doing yourself a big favor friend..
  15. AlmightyPapaC

    late bloomer...?

    Anything guys..? Anything?..... Or could it have to do with one set being indica and the other set being sativa?
  16. AlmightyPapaC

    Whats the buzz like from medibles ?

    When you metabolize thc, a special chemical compound is made. This compound give a way better body high and is useful foe chronic pain.
  17. AlmightyPapaC

    Free Leonard!!!

    Free Leonard is a mix G13 x Butterscotch Hawaiian, or G13 x BS H x Romulus. Does anyone have it..? Or am I the only lucky one..?
  18. AlmightyPapaC

    Is my plant a MALE ??? WITH PICS

    It doesn't look male to me. Especially if its in 18/6. Looks more like a pistle. Best guess is its jus new growth. Wait a week into 12/12, then you'll know.
  19. AlmightyPapaC

    late bloomer...?

    I have 6 plants, all from the same batch of seeds, all at the same time of growth and flowering. Yet 3 of them seem to be Late bloomers. 3 have solid colas everywhere... I know that "Free Leonard" is a cross breed of G13 and Butterscotch Hawaiian. But I've read that Free Leonard has a second...
  20. AlmightyPapaC

    Making time for a new Love

    Welcome fellow green thumb!