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  1. F

    The Devil's Weed?

    Buddy, if you eat the plant it's still going to affect the brain lmao.
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    Long time smoker, first time caller

    I understand your reasoning. I'm a college student myself for graphic design. I'll be 25 in March, and I worry that my Cannabis love will get me in trouble, but for the past ten years I've been lucky enough. You should be okay growing as long as there is private space to do so. Best of luck!
  3. F

    It's getting close to that time of year!

    Sounds like us!! You are growing right now? Am I missing something? We grow from June til Sept/Oct. How are you doing your set up? I'm doing bagseed too!! You should check out my blog in my signature!
  4. F

    Long time smoker, first time caller

    Welcome sir! What holds you from growing now? I give pharma a big middle finger. I'll heal myself!
  5. F

    Sensible seeds multi-strain order?

    Nice thread bro!!
  6. F


    Just give her some time!! After a couple of weeks you will see how big and explosive she can get!!! Hope your nose is ready!!!
  7. F

    Looking for fruits to grow in aerogarden

    Why can't you grow marijuana anymore? I'd recommend growing rosemary, strawberry's, onions, carrots, chives, basil, garlic, etc. Can you grow whatever you want in an Aerogarden?
  8. F

    No cumming for a month.

    Bro, I am high as a fucking kite right now. Later tonight I will be thinking of you while my wife is slobbing ever so sloppy on my johnson. For real man, good luck. I take breaks, but then I don't feel any different (like smoking). I feel the same when I'm sober or when I'm stoned. I say, you...
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    It's getting close to that time of year!

    How many are growing outdoors this 2010 season? I will be. My wife and I are growing four. We grew a single plant last year. This year we are doing another bagseed grow of real good stuff we have gotten before. If this season results in a decent harvest then we will start purchasing good seeds...
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    Is topping pointless/harmful?

    I've heard much talk, negative and positive, with topping. I've heard there are certain strains that will yield LARGER amounts from topping, while others can cut weight. The best idea I'm assuming would be to do some experimentation. My last plant I grew I topped it, and it seemed like it cut...
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    help iam a newbe

    God, if they are spidermites good luck!!! Those things are a bitch! I had a problem with them ( I grew outdoors.)
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    can topping determine the amount of blades per leaf

    I topped my last plant last season, and it grew in a Y shape. It didn't get passed seven leaves. Most of them were five. I would say not to top your plant. It causes a lot of extreme stress on your plant. I'd look into training it/tying it, so it will grow LIKE topping it. I haven't done it yet...
  13. F

    Please help!!

    I say let em keep growing! Definitely keep Miracle Grow out of your garden. That shit is bad. I would recommend using homemade compost. It's all I use and it works out great!!! Hope I helped a little!
  14. F

    When ya got too much to trim?

    Just reading that made me so envious. My mouth watered.
  15. F

    Hello Everybody

    Thanks!! I've definitely heard of Blue Dream. Looks delicious! I'll have to write about that one!
  16. F

    Hello Everybody

    What's up buddy! What kind of strains do you grow? I just started a blog about different strains.
  17. F

    Left over soil from outdoor medical grow

    Do you keep your own compost pile? My wife and I recycle natural food we don't eat alongside yard waste, and biodegradable products. When we have leftover soil, we put it back in our compost and keep feeding our left over veggies/previous mentions and wait til the spring. That way you get mother...
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    Some weed i grew

    It didn't say he cut them down from those pics, so maybe they were a couple weeks before harvest or something? Hopefully the nugs get a little fatter!! Looking good.
  19. F

    pot size?

    Yo what up! I use 5g pots, and they work just find. I've seen people with 6.5 feet tall plants growing out of 1g pots. It's all on conditions and timing I suppose. Hope that helps!! Best of luck with your girls!
  20. F

    Will the river water do for my plants?

    I gotta agree. Mother nature's drink I think would be best for your plants. If you grow anywhere near water, the soil around tends to hold more moisture. I think if you are unsure, grow this years grow there with the water and see what happens. If you don't like the results, well then start...