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  1. T

    took 10 clone 9 survived and rooted one have

    ill post pics in a few days time and continue to update this thread, its only the very top layer of soil thats dry done the inch finger test and still quite damp underneath, so you reckon its just a case of being patient?
  2. T

    took 10 clone 9 survived and rooted one have

    hey guys i took 10 clone from an unknown strain and 9 survived after rooting vigourously in 10-14days. they were moved from 1 inch rw to 4 inch rw and last week were put in soil/perlite 11ltr pots they are under a 600watt hps on a 18/6 cycle light on temps are 75-78 light off 62-66 humidity...
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    10 clones taken 9 survived one growqing very slowly?

    the second third and 6th pic is the runt!!
  4. T

    10 clones taken 9 survived one growqing very slowly?

    hey guys i took 10 clone from an unknown strain and 9 survived after rooting vigourously in 10-14days. they were moved from 1 inch rw to 4 inch rw and last week were put in soil/perlite 11ltr pots they are under a 600watt hps on a 18/6 cycle light on temps are 75-78 light off 62-66 humidity is...
  5. T

    Help please!

    hi there, leaves curling up, drying out at the tips and yellowing gradually spreading across the whole leaf is normal towards the end of flowering this is caused by the plant using up the nutes (nitrogen etc) in the leaves as i presume you've cut back on that with the bloom nutes? as for the...
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    First grow pictures.

    get that light closer to her! shes screaming out for it and growing towards it i.e stretch try to keep the light about 3-4inch about the top if its cfl,s your using if if hps or mh keep it as close as you can without burning the leaves
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    morning all just found this thread :-) anybody here got experience with outdoor grows up north? what the best auto's or normal strains and i was thinking of vegging them till they got upto about a foot to give them a better chance obs much later in the year thanks to our shitty uk summer any...
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    uk outdoor auto grow advice

    me 2 i was thinking of a outdoor grow in the uk this coming year too anybody got info on this of any past experience? is it better to start them off to a decent height maybe 1ft- 1 1/2 ft indoors first? what strains are best and what about nutes? anybody????
  9. T

    got 3 cuttings keeping one as a mother plant how long??

    well there in veg now they are on 24 hour lights on atm, im hoping to take 8-10 like i said maybe 5 weeks from now cheers for the info and advice
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    got 3 cuttings keeping one as a mother plant how long??

    cheers for that delvite, do you think id be able to get 8-10 cuttings from the plants i currently have in 1-1 1/2 months? also when i pick the one im going to keep as a mother is it a good idea to start some basic lst? just to keep it shortish and bushy as space is quite limited
  11. T

    got 3 cuttings keeping one as a mother plant how long??

    hi guys quick question here, iv got 2 grows under my belt now and have took the plunge to get some cuttings, they are from a 3 year old uk cheese plant. i wanna keep one , the best most vigourous one as a mother plant, they have all rooted perfectly and are now in 1.5ltr pots and about...
  12. T

    2x 600w hps in 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m tent with 6inch ruck fan?

    im only called 'tinkersmell' at the end of flowering as i seem to have a pungent odour around me of :leaf: :-P its tinkerbel at all other times
  13. T

    2x 600w hps in 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m tent with 6inch ruck fan?

    yeah ive thought about using cool tubes but im guna try with normal reflectors first then will add thm if they are needed to keep temp down, hopefully not save sum pennys :smile:
  14. T

    2x 600w hps in 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m tent with 6inch ruck fan?

    my last electricity bill was £130 a quarter that was excluding the rest of the households usage tho so i guess around £30-35 a month to run the one 600watt hps a 4inch extractor fan and two 6inch oscillating desk type fans inside the tent for air circulation, im guna estimate by adding another...
  15. T

    2x 600w hps in 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m tent with 6inch ruck fan?

    hi guys, just recently finish my second grow and was slightly disappointed on yield, just under 35g a plant (dried cured) first grow ended up with 5 girls finishing (after 4 hermied) and was left with same amount around 35g a plant, i understand the plants had same amount of light 600w shared...
  16. T

    Help germinated sprouted

    i personally let the seeds sprout in a dark environment (the paper towel method) then once i see the tap root start to sprout i put them in soil under my light on the veg cycle that will stay with them until flip to flowering i cover the seeds with about a 1/4" of loose not compacted soil ive...
  17. T

    Help germinated sprouted

    hey first things first sort out the text on your post or youll never get a response not many ppl will be bother to read text when its typed like that anyway back to business from what you have wrote and told us, it sounds as if your doing everything ok , the seedling will disgard the seed...
  18. T

    white widow x big bud day 47 of flower........

    it was a 1.2m x 1.2m tent and the smoke after proper drying and cure was nice not the best but above average at least
  19. T

    white widow x big bud day 47 of flower........

    its been a while but a quick up date guys the total dry harvest weight of my first grow was just over 12oz (mold free) thats from 5 plants :-) happy as a pig in shit, the things i will change next time is to include more fans in the grow area to prevent mold and to upgrade the pot size from...
  20. T

    I have mold

    yeah i,ve just harvested my crop about a week early as there was mold on a few of the main colas, i still have one plant in the grow tent which was way behind and thats just about finished now maybe 2 more days. any way back to the point i harvested the plants which had mold on them and pulled...