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  1. StrangerDanger

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    Have any of you learned how to use punctuation? Sentences should end with a period.
  2. StrangerDanger

    Hi everyone, im new here.

    What kind of lighting are you using?
  3. StrangerDanger

    4 weeks flowering and no pistils.

    picture sucks. looks like flowers to me, but again...picture sucks
  4. StrangerDanger


    yea...I had two plants...and one of them I already harvested, and harvested about 6.5 weeks....only because I was out of weed and couldn't wait patiently for them to finish if I didn't have weed to calm the stress. The one I did early obviously wasn't quite filled out or as ripe as...
  5. StrangerDanger


    the last run you are supposed to flush with straight water, some even say at the end to use ice water. Am I supposed to let the soil dry up before harvesting or not?
  6. StrangerDanger

    First time, is it really necessary to buy seeds?

    plus when you buy seeds, most places give you ten or twenty free seeds in addition to the good purchased strain. you can start with the unknown free seeds then move on when you see how easy it is.
  7. StrangerDanger

    final run before harvest

    first timer here. Had two plants, and i harvested one early at about 6.5 weeks, mainly out of impatience combined with not having any weed. It has a nice high to it, but it definitely wasn't fully ready as I hope the second plant will be. The second plant is looking good, and just over seven...
  8. StrangerDanger

    Plant Snapped Completely IN TWO... Can it be saved?

    all you could even try is stick it together and splint it up tight. like mr miagi did to the bonzai tree in the karate kid
  9. StrangerDanger

    4/6 do they look?

    its really hard to estimate what someone else will yield with so many variables, soil, light, nutrients, genes yadda yadda...I just did my first grow with 200watts HPS, with quite a few CFL supplemental lighting. They were about the size of your smaller ones when I switched them to flower. I...
  10. StrangerDanger

    Diagnose my plant please?

    A- what kind of bulb is that? just a flood light? cause that needs to be improved. and B- way too far away unless its H.I.D.
  11. StrangerDanger

    over watering

    Do you have good drainage in your pots? Will proper drainage holes its pretty hard to over water because the soil will only hold what it can and the rest will drain out. If theres not enough drainage you can create a muddy soup in the bottom and get root rot
  12. StrangerDanger

    node leaf?

    those are stipules. it doesnt matter if they point in or out. Youll be fine. In botany, stipule (Latin stipula: straw, stalk[1]) is a term coined by Linnaeus[1] which refers to outgrowths borne on either side (sometimes just one side) of the base of a leafstalk (the petiole). A pair of...
  13. StrangerDanger

    When Do Buds Start Swelling?

    Man I'm where you are. I am just about 7 weeks in...and I want to harvest soooo bad, but my hairs just started turning amber, and I am giving all my effort to wait another week and a half to let it plump up...I pinched a bottom bud the other day, and smoked works. I cant wait. Ive hear...
  14. StrangerDanger

    just wondering

    Third Icon from the right....just hover over it, it will say "insert image"
  15. StrangerDanger

    Why are girls that smoke pot are ten times hotter than non-smokers.

    probably cause your high...Ive met some real heffers that toke. the hot ones are few and far between....that is why they make the magazine covers duh.
  16. StrangerDanger

    First grow- 3.5 weeks flowering and plenty of lessons learned.

    reddish purple stems are not such a problem. Miracle grow soil isnt terrible, just understand it already has nutes in it, so a lot of people will add nutes to that and thats when things die. you plant looks good man.
  17. StrangerDanger

    Mini Air-Conditioner for grow tent!

    that thing doesnt have nearly enough British Thermal Units (BTU's) to cool a grow tent or room.
  18. StrangerDanger

    Hey guys, well into flowering...need feedback

    Who cares if their that tall if he has the height space.
  19. StrangerDanger


    yes it is a mostly indica strain. "caramelicious". Shes looking good, and this is my first time so I am anxious, but I will try to hold out that extra week or two for yield purposes. I have a low tolerance for weed anyways so I don't think I am going to get too picky about the type of high this...
  20. StrangerDanger

    First Grow, First Post, First Problem. Advice Needed.

    seems like every two days is a lot personally, but who knows. Are you spilling your water onto those lower fan leaves as you water, and water with the nutrients...or are those fan leaves drooping into the murky soil as you water it??? The bottom leaves of mine that would catch the water and...