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  1. T

    General Question for ADMINS

    I don't really see an appropriate place to post this so I'll post here. How do I delete my account and all info associated with it. I attempted to contact the site and still have gotten no reply. I've scoured the site for ways to delete and I'm either missing it or there isn't any way to do so?
  2. T

    Ok, that's it, I'm at a total loss!!!

  3. T

    Two part question....

  4. T

    Just had a peculiar thought...

  5. T

    I hope there's been worse!!

    I'm not sure what calmag is, but I don't use purified town water for my plants. There's a natural spring 2 miles up the road from me that runs year round. I add my nutes to that and check/adjust Ph accordingly
  6. T

    Nutrients taste like shit!!!!!

    heh, a month ago I was mixing my nutes in 20oz water bottles while I had a hell of a buzz going on. I was also drinking actual water out of one of these bottles while doing this. Needless to say I got halfway through the plant food before I realized what I was tasting lol. I think from now on...
  7. T

    I hope there's been worse!!

    Well, if I'm reading this chart right, and providing it's actually accurate... I possibly have a Magnesium deficiency? Seriously, I've gone to a handful of sites to diagnose (with pics, descriptions etc). I'm getting anything from Mg deficiency to ozone damage, to nute burn!!! I seriously...
  8. T

    What drove your decision to grow?

    great read! Thanks everyone
  9. T

    I hope there's been worse!!

    yea, I didn't think it was showing sex yet either... but if someone says they thought they saw signs of female, I'll post :D lol my lower leaves are showing some heavy necrosis (dead spots on the leaves where it's turned a sandy brown) and I get a bit of yellowing. The new growth comes in nice...
  10. T

    What drove your decision to grow?

    I've gone into some shady fricken places for a bag, man. I hear ya on the "unsavory characters"
  11. T

    I hope there's been worse!!

    I tried to get clean shots but my camera is acting screwy with the focus. Hope one of these helps
  12. T

    What drove your decision to grow?

    HAHA... I lived in GA for 4 years back in my 20's. The weed down there isn't just bad... it f*%#ing sucks!!! That, btw, is when I went dry lol.
  13. T

    I hope there's been worse!!

    I'm thinking my best plan of action at this point would be, switch to 12/12 to see if any are females. Hopefully I get a female and can concentrate just on her. go back to vegging and getting things right.
  14. T

    I hope there's been worse!!

    I'm in recovery mode with these two plants (I hope). Nice necrosis, yea O.o Poor plants. lol. I'm trying to learn. Half my problem right now is light. I'm trying to rectify that. I just got two 65 watt CFL grow bulbs. There's one above each plant, and a handful of smaller CFL's around. I...
  15. T

    What drove your decision to grow?

    I was sitting here thinking about why I got into growing, and I thought I'd start a conversation and see why anyone else who feels like responding got into it. Well, I'm 33, been smoking since I was 19. I've gone through my total pot head phase (blazed 24/7), gone through my dry phase (quite...
  16. T

    Worst Case Scenario

    Well, if I'm going to buy seeds, then I have one more question lol. I know it's not really about one being better than another more than it is personal taste and preference... but If I'm going to buy, I want a strain that will flower buds that will tear you down in 1 hit (if grown right of...
  17. T

    Worst Case Scenario

    See, and now I just feel dumb lol. Something told me to google whether males produce seeds or not. I wasn't sure if they strictly produced pollen, or actually produced seeds. Well then... here's REALLY hoping they're female. Also out of curiosity... I see you can order seeds online. How does...
  18. T

    Worst Case Scenario

    So I have three plants I got as seeds out of a bag of weed a few months back. I'm crossing my fingers that at least one of them will be female and I can clone her. If all three of my plants turn out to be male, I'm curious... if I bloomed the males and let them drop seeds... could any of THOSE...