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  1. dwillhauck2229

    Are these pollen sacks????

    That's what I thought. Thanks
  2. dwillhauck2229

    is my plant sick ?

    Ph is VERY important. Invest in a PH meter. They look ok to me but you will have a better idea as they grow more sets of leaves.
  3. dwillhauck2229

    Are these pollen sacks????

    This plant was planted September 26th. It is still on an 18/6 cycle. Is it showing its sex?? They almost look like the beginning of pollen sacks to me, but i thought they didn't show their sex until a few weeks into the flowering phase. And ideas???
  4. dwillhauck2229

    What is happening to my plant??

    At this point about 3 times per week. I have a feeling it is because of under watering because the soil was very dry when I noticed the leaf turning brown. I thought it could also have something to do with a nutrient I added into the water a few days prior. I am using Botanicare Pure Blend Pro...
  5. dwillhauck2229

    What is happening to my plant??

    This showed up today. I have no idea what it is or what could have caused it. I have been looking up pictures of plant deficiencies for hours and cant match it up to anything. Any ideas?
  6. dwillhauck2229

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Those little fuckers really hurt your yields. I was too close to harvest to use any chemical insect repellents. My only option was to go thru every bud with a pair of tweezers and a magnifying glass and pull them all out one by one. This was a big plant too. It was about a foot taller than me...
  7. dwillhauck2229

    3 new little babies ( HELP ) plz

    Most deformed looking seedlings I have grown have corrected themselves during the vegging period. Using nutes in the vegging period is very important. In the stage, the plants growth rate increases dramatically and the plants consume a great deal of Nitrogen. Make sure that your soil is drained...
  8. dwillhauck2229

    what you think

    Color looks Great! I would flush with phed water and test the ph of the run-off to get a better idea. Do that and let us know what your finding are.
  9. dwillhauck2229

    Growing my first plant

    I like to stay away from any Non-Organic soil mixes. Go to your local hydroponics store and they will be able to give you information on what soil is good to use and how long it will sustain your plants without nutes. I am a fan of the 400 Watt metal halide light. I use it from seeding to the...
  10. dwillhauck2229

    Leafs curling up......... (Outdoors)

    We need pictures whenever possible to help properly diagnose your problem. And considering your mentioning sandy you live on the east coast. I see you live in Georgia. I live in Mass. I'm not sure what the temperature reaches there at night this time of year but around here we are approaching...
  11. dwillhauck2229

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    You can have TOO MUCH LIGHT?!?!?! I was under the impression that the more light the better. Is this right or wrong?
  12. dwillhauck2229

    Help with Leaves

    Flush with PHed water. I had the same problem. I flushed and lowered the humidity to around 45-50% and it went away. I am growing in soil tho so hydro may be a little different. I am dealing with leaf problems right now as well that I am associating with nute burn.
  13. dwillhauck2229

    Leaves drooping, brown spots on leaves... HELP!

    This is the newest problem. I use Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow (3-2-4) as a nute. Any ideas?
  14. dwillhauck2229

    Leaves drooping, brown spots on leaves... HELP!

    I gave them a good watering and they perked up. I need to reduce my nute mix because i think i am getting nute burn. Still working out the kinks. I will post a picture of a new symptom on my plant in a a few. The edges of the leaves are turning brown.
  15. dwillhauck2229

    Preventing light leaks

    Fabric can harbor dust and particulate the could contain diseases. Whatever you put up you should make sure its a hard surface than can be cleaned easily. It should also be a glossy white on the inside to keep the light in your grow room and a darker color on the outside to block unwanted light...
  16. dwillhauck2229

    Leaves drooping, brown spots on leaves... HELP!

    Thanks guys. I thought I was going a little too long without watering because the leaves felt pretty dried out and crunchy. I usually go through a gallon of water each time i water for the 4 plants. I make sure that water drains out the bottom. Then I wont water again until I can stick my finger...
  17. dwillhauck2229

    Leaves drooping, brown spots on leaves... HELP!

    I have been very careful not to over water them. I wait until the soil is completely dry about an inch down, then i water. If there is a better, more accurate way to tell when your plants need water i would like to hear it. I cant figure it out at all. The ph is fine and i water maybe 1-2 time a...
  18. dwillhauck2229

    Leaves drooping, brown spots on leaves... HELP!

    My 4 plants are just over a month old and for some reason the leaves are drooping and there are very small brown spots on the leaves. I dont have any idea what it could be. Any ideas?
  19. dwillhauck2229

    Can I Bud With 400W MH???

    Could I bud with just a 400 watt metal halide bulb or would you recommend I get a 400 watt hps light. I have 4 plants in a small 2x3' space. I am currently vegging them with the 400 watt Mh
  20. dwillhauck2229

    When Can I Start to Flower?

    Thanks guys. Ill guess I'll play around with it a little and see what works best.