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  1. huffy420

    And the South shall rise again

    Don't worry we're not going to rise far.... it will be going to the courts and hopefully be straightened out. Emphasize hopefully. The religious have too much influence in this state. I feel like the only atheist in Arkansas at times. We just got a lottery like five years ago. My county is still...
  2. huffy420

    epic win

    You can't be jailed just for owing taxes.... There must be fraud involved to be thrown in jail. Though the IRS can go through the process to hold on to future refunds, garnish wages, levie accounts and seize assets in order to collect what you owe. Honestly, I think I'd rather be in jail than...
  3. huffy420

    Ron Paul Clueless about Foreign Policy...'re either stubborn or just plain trolling. I'll go with trolling seeing the point of the thread. That's not nitpicking, that's twisting things to conform to your argument. We aided the unnamed group that came to be known as the Taliban, in which we continued to fund and aid.... You're...
  4. huffy420

    Newt's Past Is Finally Catching Up With Him

    Money, money, money, moooooonnnney.
  5. huffy420

    Ron Paul Clueless about Foreign Policy...

    Post #7 is completely god damn irrelevant to 5 pages of defending this ignorant statement below... Asking if I'm capable of reading and deferring me to post #7 as a cop-out makes you look like you posted a bunch of bullshit that you knew nothing of, got caught, and tried to get out. "oh I'm...
  6. huffy420

    Ron Paul Clueless about Foreign Policy...

    That's not even close to what I said but if you choose to draw that conclusion then that's your own doing. We didn't have any conflicts with the Taliban until we invaded their country in 2001 just like the Soviets did in 1979. They still have the same message, "don't occupy our country".
  7. huffy420

    Ron Paul Clueless about Foreign Policy...

    And all I am pointing out is we funded aid to an indigenous movement to fight a communist government in 79-89, as well as funded an indigenous movement to continue that fight all the way to power in the 90's. That moment just so happened to get more organized and had a name by this time. Just...
  8. huffy420

    Ron Paul Clueless about Foreign Policy...

    True, the Taliban was officially formed in 1994 by an indigenous movement. The same indigenous movement that fought the Marxist government in Kabul from 1979-1988 and continued the fight after soviet withdrawal until they gained power by killing Najibullah. Just because they give themselves a...
  9. huffy420

    Obama: Don't bite off what you can't chew!

    Oklahoma has woods??? Haha I have never heard anyone call Oklahoma backwoods before. Generally, generalized statements show a degree of ignorance.
  10. huffy420

    Obama: Don't bite off what you can't chew!

    I live pretty much dead center of that massive dark red area and I voted for Obama, regretfully. I love how you stereotype me as backwoods. Speaks volumes. Maybe you should get out more. I have been to your side of the country and sadly there are just as many backwoods idiots there as there are...
  11. huffy420

    National Defense Authorization Act? Is this serious?

    I would post section 1031 E for you here but I'm at work and on an iPhone. also the bill is like 900 pages which would take me forever to find on my phone. Lol sorry
  12. huffy420

    National Defense Authorization Act? Is this serious?

    Read section 1031 E of the NDAA. That should clear alot up. People who fail to comprehend the english language interperet this line as excluding the citizens. The existing authorities are already there and have been in place since 9/11 when congress authorized the use of military forces to go...
  13. huffy420

    party change

    First you need to find out if your state holds open or closed primaries. If open, no need to change anything. If closed, you need to re-register with the county as a republican.
  14. huffy420

    Ron Paul 2016

    Why do you have to mention the pigment of his skin, huh? I didn't. Unless you can't see past that. You should probably switch bait, fish ain't biting. So 08 tactics.
  15. huffy420

    Ron Paul 2016

    Better than casting for the candidate who lies through his teeth to get your vote, then abandons you while bending over for the establishment. At least Paul is a man of his word. But hey, dont let stupid shit like consistancy and integrity influence your vote! Gotta vote for the popular kids...
  16. huffy420

    Ron Paul 2016

    Lol. To be honest, if he were actually elected i don't think a damn thing would get done. Nobody would cooperate with him probably. I will still vote for him anyway. Way better the all the other jagoff sleeze balls.
  17. huffy420

    Ron Paul 2016

    No shit it would of happened no matter who was in office, the president is just a PR man. Everything goes as planned no matter who is in the chair. Unless Ron Paul thats why they don't want him there! Obama stated "I want to be held accountable" so im fucking holding him to it, maybe you should...
  18. huffy420

    Ron Paul 2016

    When the hell does he not bring up race? Lmao! Cindy Sheehan. Obama is an utter failure. Seriously bud, if you did not like Bush, but do like Obama then you are obviously so blinded by that little "D" by his name that you cannot see the reality of his presidency! Obama campainged...
  19. huffy420

    Ron Paul 2016

    Oh and Ron Paul 2012-2020!! :mrgreen:
  20. huffy420

    Ron Paul 2016

    Jeez guy, I live in one of the most racist states in the country and you're quicker to pull the race card than anybody i have ever met here. Probably makes me a racist just for living here, to you. I never once voted Bush and i hate Obama just as equal. Unlike Bush, i actually voted for...