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  1. sonicboomboy

    What size Rockwool cubes for eventual transplant to Coco Coir? And Q on pot size..

    You could start them out 3 inch pots filled with coco,thats what i do. You can also get coco cubes, the same as rockwool except made of coco. I just think it would be easier for you if you used the same medium all the way through on your first grow, less likely to run into any problems.
  2. sonicboomboy

    What size Rockwool cubes for eventual transplant to Coco Coir? And Q on pot size..

    If you're growing in coco why are you using rockwool for seedlings & clones? you can use coco for that as well.
  3. sonicboomboy

    Is Lowryder the best Autoflower out there

    Nah dude, go with HPS, you'll smash your yields. :peace:
  4. sonicboomboy

    Is Lowryder the best Autoflower out there

    Lol, wtf are you talking about? Its only illegal for what we are using them for just as using CFL's is illegal to grow weed. Tens of thousands of UK growers use HPS all year round as well as it being used legally in other industries & btw 250w of HPS will only cost slightly more than 250w of...
  5. sonicboomboy

    Need Experienced HID Growers to Examine my setup for flaws*includes pics*

    I cant answer all your questions but iv read that technically it is possible to clone auto's but its not practical in any sense, the clones would need to be kept under very cold temps to stop them from flowering,iv read elsewhere of a few people trying it but giving up because it was way too...
  6. sonicboomboy

    The usual first time grow would apreciate some advice and tips

    Coco has no nutritional value so you are going to have to start feeding after 5 days or so,iv never used biobizz but i would start with a quarter strength of what it says on the bottle & work your way up. Best way to track your humidity is to buy a cheap hygrometer. Im in the UK & they cost me...
  7. sonicboomboy

    Topping then flipping?

    The latest iv topped before flower has been 8 days & it wasn't nearly as successful as my usual 14 days, others may disagree but if i didnt have anytime to let them recover from topping before flower then i wouldn't bother at all & maybe think about LST instead.
  8. sonicboomboy

    World Of Hempy

    Hey guys, iv being growing in coco hempys for the past year with great results but im looking for an alternative to perlite to use in the res, im thinking of using rockwool & i know its been covered in this thread. Ive got a few questions in my head about it & instead of going over it again is...
  9. sonicboomboy

    Questions On Coco Coir

    Growing in coco is growing hydroponically.
  10. sonicboomboy

    Questions On Coco Coir

    I still dont understand why not. I adjust my PH to 5.6 & i have almost 100% success rate, been doing it that way for years. Threres no reason why you cant start seeds in coco :peace:
  11. sonicboomboy

    Questions On Coco Coir

    They're not stupid questions. Like i said in the above post i start off with forumlex, great for seedlings & clones. Are you planning on getting an ec & ph pen? you can get away without a ec stick/pen if you are hand watering but you're definitely going to need a ph pen. If you have no ec stick...
  12. sonicboomboy

    Questions On Coco Coir

    Why not? Not having a go, just curious. I always start my seeds in coco with a very high success rate. My tap water comes out with no ec reading so i give the 0.2 ec of formulex when they pop up gradually building up to 0.6 over the next few weeks. Always works for me.
  13. sonicboomboy

    Differences in ballasts?

    Its still a problem but only on the MW/AM radio so it could cause you & your neighbours an issue but i wouldn't have thought too many people listen to the radio that way nowadays.
  14. sonicboomboy

    hows SHE looking?!?! lol

    Looks very tasty,what strain is she?
  15. sonicboomboy

    Differences in ballasts?

    Iv been using a Lumatek ballast this year, different model from the one you posted, not had any probs with it. I would be wary of using a ballast as cheap as the first one. Not saying theres anything wrong with it but at that price it almost seems to good to be true.
  16. sonicboomboy

    is it so tight for budding ???

    What are the dimensions of the room? Going by the pics it looks fine to me as long as you have the head room.
  17. sonicboomboy

    Humidity....dehumidifier or ventilation?

    I would pick an extractior fan with a fan controller before a dehumdfier.I know you're on a budget but an extractior fan is going to help you keep the temperature under control as well as the humidity, yeah its not ideal if you are taking air from the same room as you are extracting to but IMO...
  18. sonicboomboy

    Club Vert(600)

    I've just sat up all night reading this thread, very inspirational & it's given me a lot to think about, it's not something i've considered before. My room size is 7ft x 5ft x 9ft & l use 2 600's & last time in that space i got roughly 25 - 27 oz (can't be sure on exact amount because i starting...
  19. sonicboomboy

    Low odor Northern lights Pyramid or Nirvana?

    Thats good to know, thanks.
  20. sonicboomboy

    HSO Blue Dream

    The problem with written word is sometimes you cant tell what tone was meant. You thought he was being smug i thought he was just saying why the OP's plant was different from what he expected. :peace: