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    Is 1 indica plant under 400w a bit of a waste?

    Dude, that is amazing... I'm guessing you topped them, or LST them, which and when? And how long do you Veg the plants for ? Thanks very much. :)
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    Is 1 indica plant under 400w a bit of a waste?

    Thanks alot man, I'm from UK too... wasnt too sure about the amount of plants vs mass of plants and the laws on them. I guess 4 plants it is then, consider me converted. :D I gotta ask one more question... lol. Say you were using soil, how big would the pots be that you use? Asking a...
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    Is 1 indica plant under 400w a bit of a waste?

    Oh sorry, my bad. - no veg - gotcha :) Another Q: what size pots are you using? I like your style, I'm planning basically the same thing, maybe a month or two vegging to take up some height. Thanks alot for your help. much appreciated :D another Q actually: If you were jammy, you think you...
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    Is 1 indica plant under 400w a bit of a waste?

    Say, fancy giving me some numbers? How long do you veg for? Do you have an approx length of the plants at anytime? (I could do the same but wouldn't need to worry about height) To be honest, I just wanted to grow the biggest and widest plant I could as a secondary goal - as the primary goal...
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    Is 1 indica plant under 400w a bit of a waste?

    Hi guys, I am starting a grow soon, and still quite the noobie, I have 1 light -400w HPS- Max height is around 5 foot (for pure plant (light and pot space already accounted for)) (Opps) EDIT: I'm using soil :D my question is what is more efficient: 1 plant: X time vegging + 8 weeks...
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    Hydroponic wick system help

    Hi, I'm thinking of switching to hydro style growing and I think a wick system would be preferable for me. I'm looking for information right now, Would you be able to answer a couple of questions? and/or a point in the right direction? are the roots in a wick system allowed to work their way...
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    A question about the different styles of hydroponics

    How is the plant stabilised in a drip system? I think the most needed requirement, now I've checked some systems over, is reuasble materials. (I'm a lazy bastard).
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    A question about the different styles of hydroponics

    The main thing it has to be is silent, Its a closet next to my bed afterall. And power consumption has to be minimal (if none at all) and the power consumption is there to minimize maintenance.
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    A question about the different styles of hydroponics

    Its only going to be a small closet grow too, Forgot to include that... hehe.
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    A question about the different styles of hydroponics

    Ok, so I've done a bit of design time, and I'm sketching down my ideal way of growing(perpetual harvest of course :P). I'm currently growing in soil... And it dawned on me, I know nothing of Hydroponics and lugging a shed load of dirt upstairs every other week isnt floating my boat. Plus after...
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    Hypothetical Project Green Thumb

    On the other hand I guess it would allow smaller children to take the stuff, but another pro, it would stop dealers...
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    I would say once you get a couple of leaf sets, whack the flourescents a maximum of an inch away, if the leaves start yellowing from burn, move it back a tad. Also your gonna need to adjust your light every 24 hours at a minimum, the little bastards grow like theres no tomorrow... Smithy.
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    Hypothetical Project Green Thumb

    If you go out once a week and drop some seeds, in different areas... Then take away the ones that get cut down (obviously don't drop them in the middle of a football field that is mowed every other week) Then times the survivors by the amount of people that do it... I reckon that would be...
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    What process of harvesting/curing do you do if you intend to sell?

    Hence why I thought I would ask, I mean, don't get me wrong I don't wanna cart this off to the nearest person at the nearest oppertunity. I think if I have a bit too much, for me, it would be a good idea to get rid of some for a lot of practical reasons; Limit my consumption (the main...
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    Can I top multiple nodes?

    I'm sorry I have no proof as I couldnt find the website I read a while back, But, You can top a plant as many times as you like to increase the amount of nodes thus increasing bud sites I don't know about sativa, but If you top an indica it takes up some major horizontal width (one thing to...
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    Is it a hermie?

    Thanks man, The things im pointing out are banana shaped, and are a green/yellowish. Theres only one place I can see these, so i'm guessing it is some form of mutation if nothing else. I guess I would rather lose a few buds(if im wrong) than a whole crop(if im right)... Thanks again, and if...
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    Is it a hermie?

    Thats not possible, I've got a really n00b closet grow going on, theres not much and this is a considerable amount of it. It seems to be limited to that one area, I've heard in dire cases it can be ok to snip the male areas off? Here is the area in Pic1, ive circled it to help point out again...
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    Is it a hermie?

    aw man, thats all I have, I cant get any closer with my magnifying glass does the shape im pointing out resemble a male flower? the best I can do is circle the area hopefully that helps you help me a little more >.<
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    Hypothetical Project Green Thumb

    Exactly, Where do you go on an average day ? How many plots of dirt/grass/growable areas do you see? with or without you guys, I'm seriously thinkin take some bag seed on the way to work everyday, every plot i see, drop some seeds.... if 100 people did that, in one area, i bet that would be...
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    Hypothetical Project Green Thumb

    If everyone had a plant in their back yard, front yard. anywhere..... surely at the very least, not many people would be prosecuted? theres only so much ganja you can take down with one of those things!