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  1. debruyn51

    Starting the new year the right way

    It's a new year to grow so why not start it right? When is a good time to start making your own compost? - - - When is a good time to pick and find your new outdoor spot? - - - What is a good time to start the baby plants indoors? - - - What are the best:__ 1.) NUTRIENTS 2.) SPIDER...
  2. debruyn51

    drying bud ouside in colder temps

    if it comes down to it i might use the rubbermaid method and the hanging under a tarp, and maybe the cardboard boxes so i can test which method i should use next year -- thanks alot WayBaked
  3. debruyn51

    drying bud ouside in colder temps

    _Outside yes, i try to water my plants every other day because it is the middle of sumemr but towards the fall the sun is not as intense so they dont dry out as fast_ .. I've heard off that method building rubbermaid drying boxes and that sounds like a pretty good idea, i've also heard of...
  4. debruyn51

    drying bud ouside in colder temps

    That's alot of good informtion WayBaked thank you, my only option is stealth drying because of my parents and they know what bud smells like cause they smoke. Because it will be outside then their will be a breeze always going to hopfully prevent mold growth...
  5. debruyn51

    drying bud ouside in colder temps

    im going to have a tarp up and hang the bud under it
  6. debruyn51

    drying bud ouside in colder temps

    I'm not going to water the plants for 2 weeks right before harvest so as little mostiure as possable is present to i can prevent mold growth I dont know the average humidity for michigan in the fall I am going to cure in jars for 2 - 4 weeks to maximize the flavor and smoothness
  7. debruyn51

    Week 6 From Bag Seed. Any Tips and Tricks Will be Appreciated!

    i would try to keep the plants outside if possable to get sunlight unless the rain is to much which shouldn't be the case if you have good drainage. put your plants in a area where there is less shade if you can but if not I think your plants will be fine switching to a closet light set-up an be...
  8. debruyn51

    Week 6 From Bag Seed. Any Tips and Tricks Will be Appreciated!

    i currently have 3 6week old plants going and each is very big and healthy so i'd say you need eaither better soil or some good nutrients like fox farm and plenty of sunlight
  9. debruyn51

    drying bud ouside in colder temps

    This is my first grow year and will be my first harvest in late september / early october and i cant dry inside my garage or house because my parents. I'm wondering if i could put rope between trees and hang the bud outdoors? Would the temp matter? ( I would say it gets between...
  10. debruyn51

    bubble hash question??

    yeah im going to upgrade to 5 gallon, i ust strained the 220 and the 160 and got nothing as expected, im about to strain the 73 and 25 soon, thanks for the help fxbane
  11. debruyn51

    bubble hash question??

    the bags are brand new so they are clean, i did get a cacth bag but it was 1gallon size and i felt like mixing in a 5 gallon to get all the mixing done at once. i have a bag inside the 5gal bucket which is the same material as the bubble bags and i just put alot of super small drain holes in the...
  12. debruyn51

    bubble hash question??

    i have about 80-100 grams mixing in a 5 gallon bucket, im going to strain all the plant matter out and then i have 1gallon bubble bags to strain the water thru. i'lll probably have to do about 6 runs, how long do u think each run thru the 1gallon bags will take to settle/strain?
  13. debruyn51

    bubble hash question??

    ok, so im making bubble hash and im mixing all the ice, water, and trim. ive been stirring for about 10min, how long should i stir it for / how long do i let it sit. - - - - - and once i put in through the screens how long should i let the water sit in the screens before pulling them up and...
  14. debruyn51

    will this kill spider mites, or hurt my plants?

    Thanks for all the info and ways to help my plants, next time I need help i'll be sure to ask! :weed:
  15. debruyn51

    Bubble Hash Making Question

    does anyone have any info on this?? :roll:
  16. debruyn51

    worst drug youve ever done

    my expeirence was terrable also, i pretty much couldnt move for like 4 hours, i couldnt speak very well and i felt like my soul was trying to leave my body like i was dying haha nooo thank you salvia
  17. debruyn51

    will this kill spider mites, or hurt my plants?

    i know lady bugs work but i dont want to run around and catch them and look wierd to my nieghbors, im going to try and spray them with the garlic/water/alcohal combo and hope that i continue to have no problems, if i do i'm thinking on buying the sm90 but that costs like 25$ a quart so i hope my...
  18. debruyn51

    will this kill spider mites, or hurt my plants?

    i've heard of somthing called SM90 that is supposed to be good for most bug / pest problems. would it be better to buy neem oil or SM90? and will the garlic/water/alcoal combo hurt my plants at all?
  19. debruyn51

    worst drug youve ever done

    one time i took 8 hits of salvia, and not small hits eaither, it was my first time so i didnt know any better... i almost straight died but whatever haha no more salvia for me
  20. debruyn51

    will this kill spider mites, or hurt my plants?

    ok i have 3 young plants around 1month old, i havn't seen any spider mites or had any real problems yet. I heard that spraying your plant with water/garlic/alcohal will prevent and kill any mites but will that hurt my plants?