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    How are my 8 day olds?

    I did plant them outside actually. If they flower quick there's a chance he wouldn't ever notice them.
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    How are my 8 day olds?

    Damn. My dad's making me get rid of em. Shitty. I'm a bit baffled, as he knows that I smoke and is alright with it. And since he has a fucking plant. Oh well. I know a certain plant that's gonna get watered with piss from now on :)
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    How are my 8 day olds?

    My other topic kinda died off, and I figured I'd make a more general topic about them. Anyway, there they are. I think I'm gonna move one to another pot, as I wasn't really anticipating more than one sprout. What's with the color difference? Genetics? Or does one have some sort of deficiency...
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    First grow, exploring my options.

    The green stemmed one's leaves seem to be drooping a bit. And both seem to have areas on their leaves that are a bit yellow. Any ideas? I tried to upload pictures, but it doesn't seem to want to work. I'll put some up as soon as I can.
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    First grow, exploring my options.

    So here's whats up. The adopted one wasn't doing so good, so I just threw it in my compost pile. Now I've just got the 2 sprouts. The thing is, they're both in the same pot (I never had good luck planting seeds before, I wasn't anticipating more than one sprouting.) I'm gonna go ahead and...
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    First grow, exploring my options.

    What I'm currently doing for nurtients: There's a little layer of used coffee grounds with a few egg shell pieces on top of the soil. I'm soaking dead leaves in water, then using that water to water my plants (which I believe gives the water nitrogen) I know banana peels have potassium which...
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    First grow, exploring my options.

    I'm pretty sure the adopted one is female. There were 2 outside, and I guess form not getting much light they showed their sex. One seemed to have tiny pollen sacs, and the one I took appears to have 2 small pistils.
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    First grow, exploring my options.

    Do you think I'll be able to get any bud out of such small lights?
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    Smallest pot to still yield one ounce

    I'm interested in this as well.
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    First grow, exploring my options.

    Alright. On 9/23 I planted some seeds. On 9/24, one of the seeds sprouted, and I also adopted a plant I found in my back yard. And finally, on 9/25 a second seed sprouted. This is kind of a test grow. I'm growing under small lights, but I'm growing for the fun of it less than the yield, and I...
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    Found something in my back yard, is it pot?

    Okay, so the one I adopted, the leaves of one branch only are dry and drooping. I can't take a semidecent picture with my cell phone, so hopefully I can get my camera working soon. It could have happened for one of 2 reasons: 1) I injured a root during transplant, and it's slowly dying or 2) I...
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    Found something in my back yard, is it pot?

    I realize nature can take care of a plant pretty well, and I was pretty sure that it was pot, but I just didn't want to get my hopes up and jump to a false conclusion. In addition to adopting that today, a seed i planted in a pot sprouted, so I got 2 chances now :)
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    Found something in my back yard, is it pot?

    I found a few little plants in the garden in my back yard that look like they may be pot. I didn't put any seeds there, but my dad may have, as he smokes (and has a plant of his own inside) Unfortunately my camera doesn't seem to be working at the moment, so the best I could do is take a...
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    Banana Method?!?

    Would this work with other fruit?
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    What would happen with a very minimal amount of light?

    Stretching? I thought stretching was caused by the light source being too far away.
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    Banana Method?!?

    I got about 10 old bananas from work today that are gonna end up in my compost pile. Hopefully composted bananas have the same effect. I'll let you know in a couple months :p
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    What would happen with a very minimal amount of light?

    I'm rarely home, and would only be able to give a plant a few hours of light each day (I realize timers exist, but this is my first grow, and I'm not really putting any money into it this time) I've thought of two results that may occur, both with pros and cons: A) Plant develops quickly with...
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    Looking for some tips on curing a batch of buds you bought

    I got a shitty eighth the other day. All flat and gross looking from being stored so much. I added a few drops of water on it, and put it in a glass jar. The next day it already lost its flat appearence and gained a fluffier more attractive one. Instead of using some water, I've heard (but...
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    Anybody use compost?

    When you plant, do you use entirely compost, or mix in dirt or sand or anything? Or are either doable?
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    how to

    Go to the GrowFAQ and look up 'Topping'