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  1. H

    legal weed

    :lol: :lol:
  2. H

    Dr.Chronic He Turned Scam

    nah dude, different guy. he just has an unfortunate handle right now
  3. H

    How easy is it to buy weed abroad??

    it's easy, but it's also easy to get caught buying by local authorities. half of the guys peddling "chocolate" in spain are cops just be smart about it, and you shouldn't have much trouble
  4. H

    Just made brownies

    Ate some of the batter while they were cooking, and that fucked me up pretty hard. Just had half a brownie, and I'm going to make the rest last :D :bigjoint:
  5. H

    never get fucked by a dealer again.

    If you get caught with a scale and your plants it's much easier for LEO to peg you with intent to distribute though. If you buy a scale, don't keep it anywhere near your grow location.
  6. H

    Is it a coincidence that...

    Yeah, I thought it was suspicious....
  7. H

    How to survive prison?

    just read this whole thread, some abs. harrowing shit here. mad respect to those of you who've had to go through doing time, and rep to the creator of one of the most impt threads on rollitup
  8. H

    What has happened to my plants? Help me ASAP! prolly overwatering
  9. H

    My baby is burned!!!!

    "Tags baby, burned" haha
  10. H

    All registered fl. Voters!!!!!!

    I'll help out if it looks like it's going to pass. Otherwise, I'm a bit too paranoid to give out my street address and SSN like that. Keep us updated!
  11. H

    My baby is burned!!!!

    Others are more knowledgeable than I am, but I'd imagine that it may well slow down early vegetative growth by a couple of days, but that it will not ultimately effect your yield. Just watch it closely and give it the resources necessary to recover.
  12. H

    Doing a charge back against Doc

    Fucked up and still paranoid, but good to know that it's cool with eBay. I've always said that I like to have stuff show up as "Ppal charge" on my CC, but I didn't even think about the Ppal side of the deal.
  13. H

    Most efficient smoke

    I've been a big fan of the vape for a long time, and one of my fav things about it is that you can vape a bowl and get a whole room high, and then bake the browned stuff to get even more use out of it. With a piece or a j/blunt especially, you waste almost everything. I just picked up a...
  14. H

    in the Netherlands for a few days, how to get seeds back

    Yeah, they target students for sure. I got hit by an undercover guy in a Cleveland Indians shirt getting off the train. Try putting your seeds in a plastic button bag (the kind that holds like one nug), and then putting that in your wasteband. Or even double bag it, if you're worried.
  15. H

    1000watt same as 4 250watt?

    4 250s with concave reflectors might concentrate light on your plants more effectively. Depends on how many you're growing and I suppose what the reflectors look like.
  16. H

    Marijuana Seeds

    Haha I saw DrChronic's name and couldn't not click
  17. H

    in the Netherlands for a few days, how to get seeds back

    Trailmix is popular :) Also, it's really not hard at all to bring in cuban cigars. US Customs has been, from my experience, pretty lax. HOWEVER, also speaking from experience, if you have anything illegal whatsoever in the Netherlands (or Spain for that matter), steer clear of trains and rail...
  18. H

    Doing a charge back against Doc

    If I purchased paraphernalia on P-P (holyfuck alliteration), do you think they'll do anything? I generally use P-P to avoid having shit show up on my CC statements.
  19. H

    Is it a coincidence that...

    Dr. Chronic removed his affiliation with HG420 (the partner forum to his website) right when he started to screw over American clients? Also, has been "switching to a new server" for the last 3+ weeks now, so nobody can come to his forum and complain together.
  20. H

    what do you smoke with?

    Of the above choices, I prefer the pipe. I probably use papers more though, given the convenience factor. I'm also a big fan of vaporizing, and have a VaporBrothers that gets pretty frequent use.