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  1. Prince Albert

    I done fucked up. . . .

    Flush for 5 to 10 days.
  2. Prince Albert

    Metal Halide for flowering

    I wouldn't even try.
  3. Prince Albert

    Keeping roots cool?

    Try using rockwool cube covers.
  4. Prince Albert

    Smoking on an empty stomach

    I wake-n-bake everyday and tell myself everyday I'm gonna stop getting high so early. That's been going on for 6 years or so, Go figure.. I prefer to get stoned when I have already been up for at least an hour and have had at least 2 cups of coffee. I've gotten used to the dry heaves and...
  5. Prince Albert

    about to clone for the first time. help.

    You want to cut about 2 nodes from the top.
  6. Prince Albert

    Main stem burnt by light

    You're plant is fine. Don't worry about it.......Shit happens. bongsmilie.
  7. Prince Albert

    roots growing out of pots

    I use 5 gallon buckets.
  8. Prince Albert

    Experienced + newbie

    This is just me thinking out loud. I've often wondered if there are any feds on here looking for a friend. Maybe I'm just high. :hump:
  9. Prince Albert

    newb nute help?

    Very nice pics. To me it looks like a temperature fluctuation problem. What are your highest and lowest temps during a 24/hour period?
  10. Prince Albert


    In the years that I have been growing, I've found that there is no difference to grow clones with a dark period. Other than maybe saving a few pennies on my electric bill. One 2 foot fluorescent T5 uses very little electricity..
  11. Prince Albert

    What the distance should be ? 400w MH with cooltube

    You're right. I was reading over the posts and started to think how scientifically correct you and others can be. Which is awesome for growers like myself. I've slowly over the years have become extremely anal retentive with my grows. When I look back at when I first got into growing. There...
  12. Prince Albert

    What the distance should be ? 400w MH with cooltube

    While reading over the recent posts, First words were; wow!!
  13. Prince Albert

    3 plants 1 600w mh, too much??

    Do you follow politics? I do, continuously. I don't only watch one news station, or hear one radio station or read one opinion. I try to find all opinions and make the best choice for myself. I use this same practice in just about every decision I make. You may call me an old fart, but it has...
  14. Prince Albert

    3 plants 1 600w mh, too much??

    You don't need a mentor. All you need is the ability to read and learn. If you really want to grow really awesome weed, stop asking questions on here and just read & learn. Everyone on here will make you turn in circles and make you go insane. Trust me, READ & LEARN.
  15. Prince Albert


    If it's just a simple fluorescent, I'd keep on 24/7.
  16. Prince Albert

    3 plants 1 600w mh, too much??

    First of all I grow pure G13 only. My plants grow at least 5 feet tall, mostly because I vegg for at least 6-8 weeks before flowering them. In that sized tent I would grow 5 plants max getting 3-4 z's per plant.
  17. Prince Albert

    How I Grow Awesome Weed in Coco

    I am in aw. Very nice buds.
  18. Prince Albert

    3 plants 1 600w mh, too much??

    I have found that throughout the years I have grown, that the grow tents work best for me. I only grow 2 or 3 times a year depending on circumstances. The grow tents break down easily, and set up is just the same. When I first starting growing, I built a room and several cabinet type areas for...
  19. Prince Albert

    Light setting for trich examination?

    I just did some research on that scope and it looks good enough to try out. Thanks for the tip.