100,000 plants a week!

To do what you want which is 100k plants per week harvested we would need a facility totaling in size of 11 square miles or 7000 Acres / 304,920,000 square feet.

This would be able to house the following:

* 1,600,000 Plants In Bloom
* 2,000,000 active 600 watt bulbs
* 1600 Acres Dedicated To Bloom
* 25 Squre Feet Per Plant
* 16 Square Feet Bulb And Walk Space Per Plant
* 41 Sqaure Feet Dedicated Per Plant
* On 4 Month Cycles
* 100k Plants Harvestes Weekly
* Industry Standard of 1lb Per Plant

* 4,800,000 Plants In Vegetation
* 4800 Acres For Veg Plants
* 2,400,000 T5 8 bulbs

Land Found:
Gordon Barrie Island Ontario Canada
20,141 Acres

Need to figure out sqaure footage for ebnflow and clones, also trimming and curing space.
1lb per plant must be the industry minimum standard.

We need approx 11 sqaure miles of growing space.

At $500.00 per lb with 100k lbs being harvested weekly, weekly gross profits are $50,000,000.00 per week.

Yearly gross profits are $2,400,000,000.00

And you sell that where?

You're better off going Snipe hunting.
To do what you want which is 100k plants per week harvested we would need a facility totaling in size of 11 square miles or 7000 Acres / 304,920,000 square feet.

This would be able to house the following:

* 1,600,000 Plants In Bloom
* 2,000,000 active 600 watt bulbs
* 1600 Acres Dedicated To Bloom
* 25 Squre Feet Per Plant
* 16 Square Feet Bulb And Walk Space Per Plant
* 41 Sqaure Feet Dedicated Per Plant
* On 4 Month Cycles
* 100k Plants Harvestes Weekly
* Industry Standard of 1lb Per Plant

* 4,800,000 Plants In Vegetation
* 4800 Acres For Veg Plants
* 2,400,000 T5 8 bulbs

Land Found:
Gordon Barrie Island Ontario Canada
20,141 Acres

Need to figure out sqaure footage for ebnflow and clones, also trimming and curing space.
1lb per plant must be the industry minimum standard.

We need approx 11 sqaure miles of growing space.

At $500.00 per lb with 100k lbs being harvested weekly, weekly gross profits are $50,000,000.00 per week.

Yearly gross profits are $2,400,000,000.00
I’ll move to Canada.
That many plants it's better to grow vertically, both in veg and flower. Enough room for a lift in between the rows. Use LED strips for veg and larger quantum boards for flower. Buy the LED diodes (Top Bin) yourself and find a manufacturer you can watch like the gestapo. It's faster and more effective to grow many smaller plants in less space per plant. 2 ft space for each plant is 200,000ft². Add one row vetically, 100,000ft². 4 rows and you are at 50,000ft². Clones at 1 ft space will reduce this to even less as you can stack them higher under less grow space pr plant. If you have a tall enough building you can get away with a helluva lot smaller area.
That many plants it's better to grow vertically, both in veg and flower. Enough room for a lift in between the rows. Use LED strips for veg and larger quantum boards for flower. Buy the LED diodes (Top Bin) yourself and find a manufacturer you can watch like the gestapo. It's faster and more effective to grow many smaller plants in less space per plant. 2 ft space for each plant is 200,000ft². Add one row vetically, 100,000ft². 4 rows and you are at 50,000ft². Clones at 1 ft space will reduce this to even less as you can stack them higher under less grow space pr plant. If you have a tall enough building you can get away with a helluva lot smaller area.
Use those g towers!
If you come to Alberta , I’ll take care of a section.
If it passes red herring status. A plan of this magnitude as pointed out by some of the not so optimistic with good reason is a mountain of logistics. The juice Maybe worth the squeeze. Hardest part as mentioned is keeping the swat team off your nuts whilst balancing a production goliath. Seems to be the age old problem in the scheme of flip flopping cannabis laws.
1. How many light dep greenhouse sqrft would you want?
2. How many solar panels and windmills.
3. How much security?
4. What growing style?
5. How many assistants would a master grower need?
6. How long to build?
7. How long until profitable?
1. 1,200,000 sq. ft.
2. all of them
3. all of them
4. better be something low maintenance
5. all of them
6. if you get started today.....a couple of months after you die
7. if you get started today.....a couple of months after you die
At $500.00 per lb with 100k lbs being harvested weekly, weekly gross profits are $50,000,000.00 per week.

Yearly gross profits are $2,400,000,000.00
i don't think you're considering a lot of overhead. how many people do you employ to harvest? how many trimmers? how many people just filling rezzes, sweeping the floors, examining the plants for signs of pest or disease....you're talking about employing a small towns worth of people....where are they all going to park? the lot would be so big, you'd need a tram to get them all in and out in a reasonable amount of time. you have to have a cafeteria....to feed a small towns worth of employees....if they all take off for lunch, it'll cause traffic jams and they won't get back till mid afternoon....you gotta pay for the power....or pay for the solar panel and windmills...and then pay a few people to maintain the system.....you better look into desalinization, buying water from a utility would be a huge expense...
I do think the facility being on an island adds a nice security touch.
yeah, but adds transportation problems. is there a bridge? if not, you'll need a couple of good sized ferries to transport employs and their vehicles, or else you'll have to buy a parking lot on the mainland, in easy walking distance to the ferry dock....and hire at least a couple of guys to walk around and keep people from fucking with your employees cars...and how far from the coast is the island you want to set up on? how long does the ferry trip take? if it's more than 20 minutes or so it's going to cause major back ups....might need 4 or 5 ferries to get people to work in a reasonable amount of time...
probably be a good idea to buy a couple of small electric trucks, fill the back with coolers full of water, gatorade, and soda, and have bags of peanuts, candy, and chips. hire a couple of monkeys to drive around and deliver this stuff to all your employs as they work...will keep them on the job, and make them think that you care about them....then you'll need janitors, to clean stuff up and empty trash cans, clean bathrooms..speaking of which....
you'll need bathroom facilities spread around. can't use portapotties, smell too bad and not enough room for a truck to go around changing them out. if you're on a private island, that means you'll have to install a septic field before anything else. unless you can drill a well, you'll have to have water storage tanks....even if you can drill a well, you'll need storage tanks, just less than if you have to have it shipped in....or go with a desalinization plant, like i mentioned earlier...Capetown just built the largest one in the world for 500 million....i would imagine you could get away for a mere 40-50 million.....
oh god....i love logistics....its the perfect game for a pessimist