100,000 plants a week!

oh, by the way...be prepared for greenpeace and all kinds of environmental activist to be up your ass....where is your runoff going? better not be dumped into the ocean....and that desalinization plant? it produces a load of brine as a by product, which causes a lot of environmental problems if just dumped into the ocean....
oh, by the way...be prepared for greenpeace and all kinds of environmental activist to be up your ass....where is your runoff going? better not be dumped into the ocean....and that desalinization plant? it produces a load of brine as a by product, which causes a lot of environmental problems if just dumped into the ocean....
If I use autopots there is no waste but half the yield....
I would probably need to employ a small army too....
depends on other logistics....is there a bridge? or just ferries? can boats land on the beaches easily? or are they rocky and dangerous to land on? can you build fences in areas with accessible beaches? and top them with razor wire?
people will know what you're doing on that island, no way to employ the number of people necessary without a good percentage of them running their mouths...so you need a good, defensible storage facility. and some armed guards wouldn't be a bad idea. what's to stop armed thugs from storming in and taking hostages till you give them what they want? they know the police can't get there very quickly
depends on other logistics....is there a bridge? or just ferries? can boats land on the beaches easily? or are they rocky and dangerous to land on? can you build fences in areas with accessible beaches? and top them with razor wire?
people will know what you're doing on that island, no way to employ the number of people necessary without a good percentage of them running their mouths...so you need a good, defensible storage facility. and some armed guards wouldn't be a bad idea. what's to stop armed thugs from storming in and taking hostages till you give them what they want? they know the police can't get there very quickly
Guess a couple attack helicopters maybe cobras or drones controlled from headquarters. Peace through strength walk lightly carry a big stick! How do the guys like @whodatnation secure their vast fields?
Maybe nice employee housing and 3 mess halls. So need a forklift accessible freezer 5000sqft and 10000 sqft of dining. 20 support staff to cook for 500!
Wonder if taking half the production subterranean would cut security costs by half at the 10x multiplier for engineering out of site manufacturing.?
20 1 gram herbal cigarette would average a cost point of 70.00 10 times what a current pack of cigarettes cost. With half packs going for 35.00 with 10 herbal cigarettes in each pack.
That would gross 22.4 packs, or $1568.00 per lb from their $500 per lb cost. They would net roughly 3 times their earnings on $500lbs. It's not the same as tobacco earnings but it's still a really good ROI, and their parent company owns the company selling them 500.00 lbs. So they would make money on that end too.
I have a feeling herb will be legal in Mexico soon. That is where the big farms will be. And they will be farms, as in outdoor. With cheap so land, there is no need to grow indoors or in winter. The hemp growers already have the equipment.

Seems a little short sighted considering you know 1.8 billion dollars is sitting on the table looking for guys that have plant specific intellectual capital that would create a domestic product and demand that would get you out of a tent doing what is loved on a scale that pays the bills.. sugarbeet farmers just pulled the trigger over in England....
Fuck all the hate. If Trump was "so bad" as everyone is making him out to be then for sure we'd be hearing about his grand plan to shut down legal weed. He might be goofy, but he does exactly what he says and doesn't beat around the bush. For sure I'm gonna vote 45 next election.
Fuck all the hate. If Trump was "so bad" as everyone is making him out to be then for sure we'd be hearing about his grand plan to shut down legal weed. He might be goofy, but he does exactly what he says and doesn't beat around the bush. For sure I'm gonna vote 45 next election.
well, if you want to be an ignorant fuck, that's your business. if you want a president that spreads hate, and racism, that is a traitor who kisses vlad putins ass in public, that has cheated lied, and fucked people over to make his fortune....a fortune that was handed to him in it's entirety by his foul, unethical, criminal father...then that's your business....i'm sure most people who aren't blind or retarded see him for what he is....a piece of low life shit with a bad comb over
well, if you want to be an ignorant fuck, that's your business. if you want a president that spreads hate, and racism, that is a traitor who kisses vlad putins ass in public, that has cheated lied, and fucked people over to make his fortune....a fortune that was handed to him in it's entirety by his foul, unethical, criminal father...then that's your business....i'm sure most people who aren't blind or retarded see him for what he is....a piece of low life shit with a bad comb over
What putrid hate. Well, at least he hasn't gone around the world making special interest deals through a foundation set up specifically to turn tables for donors, selling our 'enemies' nuclear capability whilst villifying then to cover it up, setting up clandestine servers to hide it all and then delete the evidence. The real estate business is a tough business, and presumably even more so in NY and at least he doesn't suck the finance elites dick while taking it the ass by pop culture. When don't need a hip slick and cool president, we need a cut throat motherfucker who will go to any lengths to look out for our own interests and anihilating any bastard who gets in the way or who thinks the can push us around. Trump isn't racist, he's just not down with gang violence and criminals out to bottom feef of hopeless souls lost to addiction. He even does so without trying to shut down legal weed and pushes for non narcotic pain killers. You can count on him to do what he says he will do and that is admirable. He's a pompous and hyperegotistical personality, no doubt, but that doesn't make him a bad leader. All these wildly flaming judgement calls are just hype and don't have any real life meaning other than we don't want him because he's a white priveleged male. Fuck that jazz... And to think James Brown was the king of Soul only a few decades ago... Singing It's a man's world with Pavarotti. Push her balls out of your tummy... Maybe your head'll pop out....