100,000 plants a week!

The real estate business is a tough business, and presumably even more so in NY and at least he doesn't suck the finance elites dick while taking it the ass by pop culture.
yes, actually, that's EXACTLY what he does...to the letter
Trump isn't racist, he's just not down with gang violence and criminals out to bottom feef of hopeless souls lost to addiction.
trump could give a fuck less about "hopeless souls"...anyone not rich and white is trash to him, expendable useless trash
You can count on him to do what he says he will do and that is admirable. He's a pompous and hyperegotistical personality, no doubt, but that doesn't make him a bad leader.
no, you can't rely on him to do what he says....he lies every other time he opens his mouth, and that's me giving him the benefit of the doubt. he is indeed pompous and hyper-egotistical, with absolutely no justification for either sentiment. and it is a very large part of what makes him a horrifically bad leader.
All these wildly flaming judgement calls are just hype and don't have any real life meaning other than we don't want him because he's a white priveleged male.
not one single judgement call...all facts, all easily verifiable, if you can pull your fucking ignorant head out of your stretched out anus long enough to take one breath and wash the shit out of your eyes
Fuck all the hate. If Trump was "so bad" as everyone is making him out to be then for sure we'd be hearing about his grand plan to shut down legal weed. He might be goofy, but he does exactly what he says and doesn't beat around the bush. For sure I'm gonna vote 45 next election.

LOL. I don't think felons are allowed to be president. ;)
The only plan trump is interested in is keeping his ass out of federal prison.
BTW, I'm not a liberal.
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yes, actually, that's EXACTLY what he does...to the letter

trump could give a fuck less about "hopeless souls"...anyone not rich and white is trash to him, expendable useless trash

no, you can't rely on him to do what he says....he lies every other time he opens his mouth, and that's me giving him the benefit of the doubt. he is indeed pompous and hyper-egotistical, with absolutely no justification for either sentiment. and it is a very large part of what makes him a horrifically bad leader.

not one single judgement call...all facts, all easily verifiable, if you can pull your fucking ignorant head out of your stretched out anus long enough to take one breath and wash the shit out of your eyes
Whatever... Tell your doc you want a window rectomy so you can see where you're going. That's a little piece of glass surgically placed above your navel. You might even get it covered through Obama care.
LOL. I don't think felons are allowed to be president. ;)
The only plan trump is interested in is keeping his ass out of federal prison.
BTW, I'm not a liberal.
I think they tried by releasing the Sammy the Bull, but he ended going back to prison for ecstacy.
Ahh some loony has to try to defend Trump. Does what he says? hahahaha.
Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!
Don't forget a big store room. Your going to go though lots of toilet paper and you don't want to run out.
Office staff and sales reps will need space.
1. How many light dep greenhouse sqrft would you want?
2. How many solar panels and windmills.
3. How much security?
4. What growing style?
5. How many assistants would a master grower need?
6. How long to build?
7. How long until profitable?

100K Plants a week?

I want what your on!

Security? The 5th Special Forces group leading the 101st Airborne! Might as well get the British SAS and SBS to support....11 square miles of grow space......

Nice dream......or was that induced?
Whatever... Tell your doc you want a window rectomy so you can see where you're going. That's a little piece of glass surgically placed above your navel. You might even get it covered through Obama care.
do you read the news? do you have two working brain cells to park together? how.....HOW do you believe trump is a good person? a decent person?.....he's never done a single good thing in his life for the right reason....the only time he's ever done ANYTHING good, it's been because it benefits him somehow....or he was forced to do it by a judge...like when he bought a building in new york that was rent controlled, and proceeded to shut off the heat and water to get the rent controlled residents to move. they fought back, sued him, and all still live there, rent controlled....he didn't just let them stay...he did nothing out of the goodness of his heart, because there is no goodness in his heart, unless it's been court ordered.
so, back to the original post...of course no one is going to grow 100k plants a week, but what do you think is the practical upper limit for a small crew? maybe ten people, 1 master grower, 2 mid level guys to keep an eye on day to day operations, 6 or 8 laborers, hauling water, hoeing rows, doing the day to day shit that needs to be done?
lets say they're inside, in a decent facility, running a perpetual, starting 1/4 of their crop every other week....and the only limitation is the number of people you have......i think i'd stick to around 800-1000 plants total. once you consider all the stages, from seedling to harvest, then add in manicuring and drying...that's a good bit of work for 10 people.
I think your setting your sites much too low. Why not shoot for a million plants? Then you can sell it in a legal state like Oregon that already has 1.5 million pounds of pot in the system.

But realistically, what are you going to do with all the weed? Where do you sell it? How do you get the money invested back? I take this post as a joke but on the off chance that the OP is being serious those are questions that need to be answered.
I think your setting your sites much too low. Why not shoot for a million plants? Then you can sell it in a legal state like Oregon that already has 1.5 million pounds of pot in the system.

But realistically, what are you going to do with all the weed? Where do you sell it? How do you get the money invested back? I take this post as a joke but on the off chance that the OP is being serious those are questions that need to be answered.
Phillip Morris and the like will gobble it up. This won't be a farm to market experience like the craft breeders and dank scientists are accustomed to.
so, back to the original post...of course no one is going to grow 100k plants a week, but what do you think is the practical upper limit for a small crew? maybe ten people, 1 master grower, 2 mid level guys to keep an eye on day to day operations, 6 or 8 laborers, hauling water, hoeing rows, doing the day to day shit that needs to be done?
lets say they're inside, in a decent facility, running a perpetual, starting 1/4 of their crop every other week....and the only limitation is the number of people you have......i think i'd stick to around 800-1000 plants total. once you consider all the stages, from seedling to harvest, then add in manicuring and drying...that's a good bit of work for 10 people.
Logistically this notion is a goliath and not sure that wall street will even bite. Creating 500 to 700 long term jobs that pay 50 to 70k is nothing to sneeze at and 5 of these facilities would likely supply north and south America. I've personally never managed more than ten souls at a crack and that's something @doublejj knows more about. I'm guessing as you eluded to there would have to be a key ratio of master growers to assistants. Not even sure we could fit all the egos in that space...


Logistically this notion is a goliath and not sure that wall street will even bite. Creating 500 to 700 long term jobs that pay 50 to 70k is nothing to sneeze at and 5 of these facilities would likely supply north and south America. I've personally never managed more than ten souls at a crack and that's something @doublejj knows more about. I'm guessing as you eluded to there would have to be a key ratio of master growers to assistants. Not even sure we could fit all the egos in that space...
You need a professional cat herder.

Yuppers! Now someone can see the GPW possibilities........And that guy told me that my 3&4 GPW claims were BS.......
I did say something about rotating gardens too!
Those are just the smaller ones.....Damn, makes me wonder what one of those can do,,,GPW wise?

There is a facility in MI cleared for 6k plants. They claim 50 strains in house. This was the first group to get it's production grow lic.
Mi is so far behind the 8 ball on available to market. That it just remade medical growers LEGAL to sell to Disp. again!
Got 3 calls on day 1 of that....
Wish my #'s could be higher.....sigh.