1000 Things to do while stoned

695. take new puppy to go potty.
696. make cool stuff.
697. make a new growbox..=]
698. hit random shit in room with macheti.
699. try to get a stupid ziplock bag closed:cuss:
700. get hope that someday we will get to 1000.
700. get drunk.
701. go to party and slid down stairs on a peice of cardboard and put a hole in the wall on the way down.
702. play call of duty 5 online
703. clean up on cod5
704. take vodka threw the eye
705. pick ur boxers out of arse
706. look for your shoe on a round abot
707. Listen to people having sex on a quite evening from my window on a quite evening
708. listen to people having sex on youtube
709. watch tv.. robot chicken, familly guy, south park
710. look a porn
721. flick a bean of a granny .
722. steal a blind mans cane .
723. fly a helicopper threw a shopping center .
724. go to iraq and play call of duty.