1000 Things to do while stoned

dunno wot the proper name would be for it but it would call it cad for cat and dog

779. have a stand off wiv an elephant
this is funny. my black lab tries to lay on the back of the couch like my cats. my one friend always calls him catdog and asks him where his mouse is lol.:confused:
781. South Park is alaways good to watch after a spliff
782. oh yeah watch baseketball. As u might of guessed i like trey parker and matt stone, they write stoner stuff as they are stoners themselves
783. walk all the way to the top of a big hill, and run down as fast as you can (its so crazy)
784. ditch a friend only to see them in the local white hen 10 min later

785. eat cake
786. say the word "algebra" out loud and try not to laugh. (this happened in class...i learned the hard way)
787. have a staring contest with someone who is also soned. first one who laughs loses.
788. go grocery shopping
789. chill in someones garage.
790. Set fireworks off (the bigger the better)
791. take a walk in the snow

792. discuss with your freinds how people who hate/afraid of marijuana are usually assholes
793. Have one person try to pour a glass of milk while the others try to make the pourer laugh and spill the damn carton all over the floor.
794. Watch Harold n Kumar goto Whitecastle while eating an endless supply of whitecastle hamburgers
795. Watch SAW
796. Try to explain to someone what snow is
797. Talk about funny or annoying teachers
798. Cook some special brownies and eat them
799. Go to 7 11 and purposely (or not) spill a full slurpee w/ the biggest cup and just walk out
800. Tell a freind about the 420 lounge so they can add their favorite things to do while stoned!
801. Flash your pubic hair to your friends
802. Watch Reefer Madness
803. Watch Scarface
804. Try to drive a go-kart (I wouldn't do this while you're peaking)
805. Write a few paragraphs describing the high, flavor, scent, looks, and quality of this particular bud
806. Call people and annoy them
807.look at trippy pictures
809. tell your friends there gay
810.play with the dog
811.throw things at your dog
812.watch the stars
813. just sit there dazed
814. visit rollitup
815. get really paranoid
816. read lots of stuff
817. go for a walk
818. go for a drive
819. think alot about stuff
820. look at my bud
821. pet the dog
822. shoot nurf gone at your cat pretend your in the army
823. watch tv
824. watch movies
825. surf the net
826. look at people
827. go to gravyards and trip out
828. watch the news
829. talk on the phone like a girl

830. remember about thinking about posting in this thread to bump it for some reason
821. break out a leather whip with metal tips and crack it a few times to scare your friends
822. try to eat a mcdonald's big mac in one bite
823. think about how ****ty an idea it was to eat a mcdonald's big mac in one bite twelve hours later when it's flying out the back end
824. invent something
825. make draino stuff
826. look at rockets
827. watch stuff on you tube
828. watch commercials
829. lay in bed all comfy
830. this is stupid
831. watch bob
832. read bob maryl qoutes
833 listen to music
834 play guitar
835: Go eat Wendys Chilli and look for another finger
836: Think about all the good stoned times you have smokin
837: Spread +K karma around on here
838: Clean up your messy room
839. Go to a Strip Club
840. Get lost in the woods at n842. Make Popcorn

843. PLAY MARIO CART on N64!!!!!!!

844. Go paintballing...

845. Smoke Cigarettes
846. Watch Bubbly water change colors (its a tiki thing I just bought, Tiki heads over this cylinder that is full of water that makes bubbles and has a light below it making the water change colors!

ight and sleep there
841. See how much time you can spend in a public place without moving
848.Go Take a look In the Mirror to see how Bazed your eyes are...

849.Sneak In a quick Upside down Bong(I mean stand on your head).dont let smoke out till Back on your feet.

850.Take notice of your Mouth screaming at you for moisture.

851. get youre pets high to !
i used my fish tank as a bong once , while the fish were still in it !
they all died a few days later.......
852. scare the **** out of that asshole from rosati's who delivers your cold pizza two hours late, that rat bastard..
853. Listen to Bob Marleys legend CD while eating David Sunflower seeds and drinking Milk...-aka what im doing right now...haha.
854. Write a program!
857. praise flatrider for doing some epic shit right there
858. dance on a big bed
859. disprove god
860. cook some canna-mac-n-cheese
861. learn how to use a medieval flail
862. flatten your sheets
863. clean yo house nyugga
864. denouce prejudice behavior
865. smack laura bush
866. go roof hopping
867. bar hopping?
868. not sleep at a Ross.
869. meet chuck norris
870. evening prayer with the dali llama
871. learn cursive
872. spitball war
873. learn how to type without your eyes
874. get a job
875. host a seminar on "how to get rich quick"
876. read Neil Strauss' "The Game"
877. play bridge
878. garden you plants!
879. stand on you local central divider/median
880. study chaos theory
881. MASTER chaos theory
883. retire as a dark overlord
884. get some bitches.
885. get some women too.
886. 401k plan yo shit
887. learn to love the number 8
888. learn to DESPISE the number 8
889. write a letter to the president
890. confuse yourself
891. play with someone else's dog
892. buy microsoft word so you can play with wingdings
893. play with wingdings
894. refresh this page.
895. follow fluffytoke on his thought journey
896. fight off the ZERG!!
897. because 7 8 9
898. get a mamogram
899. dig a hole in your friend's backyard
900. destroy the deathstar
901. walk your mother in law
902. boogie with the 1950's
903. do the "twist!"
904. become gov. of california (yes it's that easy!)
905. evict your evil roomate
906. go streaking
907. learn to compute fractals with YOUR BRAIN
908. read C++
909. blow bubbles with your nose
910. learn what a 910 is in the cops handbook
911. never remember
912. never forget?
913. I'm fucking lost. find me.
914. display emotion for "tragedies"
915. join blackwater!
916. take over blackwater
917. rename it water
918. watch Ghost in the Shell
919. crash through a window (surprise!)
920. give +rep to your buddy fluffytoke!
921. ask what the meaning of life is
922. fluff your pillows
923. take a power-nap
924. get hyped up for "happy hour"
925. clean up after "happy hour"
926. learn to love mondays
927. get "The History of Salt" on DvD
928. watch "The History of Salt" on DvD
929. burn "The History of Salt" on DvD
930. say hello to Chiceh
931. moderate an arguement?
932. help a noobie.
933. gank a noobie.
934. punk a noobie.
935. stare at the sun? (not so "bright")
936. top flatrider ;D
937. go to Russia with love
938. earn the respect of new guinea
939. get a guinea pig
940. make corn pops.
941. sit on a phonebook for the first time since you were like 5.
942. get a doctorate
943. have a "blue" period
944. make a bunch of shitty art
945. calculate the distance between your pinky and the CAPSLOCK
946. create a word for merriam web
947. mint a coin
948. coin a mint
949. dance like it's 1999
950. get depressed about life's bleakness
951. get happy, sooooo fucking HAPPY. CRAZY HAPPY 8D!!!
952. go to a mental hospital
953. learn how to get out of a straightjacket
954. ignore firefox's "spellcheck"
955. spell phoenix, pheonix.
956. not realize that I just broke halfway like 5 things ago.
957. skip a number that no one will notice.

959. wonder where 958 went
960. put a random number into a space no one will notice
961. call the ghostbusters
962. catch mickey rooney
963. create PLUTONIUM
964. ascend to the rare "fluffy" status
965. fall from power in the public's eyes
966. get excited about finishing this thread
967. flex your eyes
968. break a vase
969. laugh at that 9 that got left out <---
970. have a saltine
971. fight superman's super-ego
972. learn how to punctuate and capitalize properly
973. do a double take
973. do a double take
974. travel back in time
975. say hello to your future
976. give yourself a present
977. bust a beat without consent
978. fix the thread that's been bent
979. keep things from going off course
980. study some norse? (oops)
981. grapple with a pressing problem!!! (GREAAARRGGHHHH!! GRAPPLE!!)
982. get into TROUBLE
983. play SORRY
984. stop using CAPS?
985. remind someone of a love lost.
986. lose a love
987. double your bubble rubble
988. emancipate
989. revolve
990. meet koch
991. learn what a Tavor is
992. pray for the end
993. wonder why fluffytoke wrote all this
994. smoke some cannabis
995. leave the last number for someone else?
996. pick up sticks
997. take a quick piss
998. wait.

(to whoever takes the 1000th thing, make sure it's good. we didn't work this whole thread for nothing)
109. Get in an isolation tank
110. Get out in 4 hrs.
111. Ponder new theory about life, the future, and the past.
112. Fully recover in 3-4 days
1012.find a party in the town of smoakley:-?.
1013.hit 155mph in you friends BMW.
1014.down a handle of vodka with 6 people.
1015.smoke a jewels.
1016.wax a fool.
1018.bleed you buddys breaks.
1019.go ice skating
1020.play hey mister for a handle.
1022.mow lawn
1023.take pujppy to new dog park
1024.always forget the R in youR
1025.hotbox with 2 bong and a couple of blunts.
1026.hit the gas mask:shock:
1027. wonder what would happen it someone posted right b4 fluffy did and he had to change all of his numbers down one(Does that make sense)