1000 Things to do while stoned

1. as dawsy said earlyier try and eat a sunday roast which im finding hard as im a tad hungover
2. have your mate be sick buckfast all over your house ... nt good
3. den hav 2 carry him down the stairs and in2 a taxi .. and again nt gd .
4.wake up da next day and find dat the mess that was cause last nite has been tidyed ..
5. if any1 is wondering why i have started from 1 again its because i 4gt 2 check wat number we r now on .. and 2 lazy 2 check.
1101. go to home depot to figure out your next grow
1102. buy and eat a chicken in a bag at the grocery store
1103. wake up in the morning smoke bud and go back to bed
That happens to me stoned or not. You have to learn how to obfuscate and blather while your mind reels itself back in. :lol:

sometimes i pause for dramatic effect while i figure out what the hell i just said, and i do seem more intelligible, but other times i exceed the pause-length barrier in a conversation and i am basically just staring at the person mindless.

really funny to think back on it, but sucks when it happens. although, i have gotten a few good laughs with people who can appreciate a moment like that
1120. bounce
1121. get down to the flo
1122. boogie like theas no tommorow
1123. get ready
1124. get set
1125. go
1126. be yourself
1127. hunt a MILF
1128. buy new curtains
1129. fuck the police.
1131. censor the brady show
1132. type up a crappy essay on physics
1134. delete crappyessay1.word
1135. forget which number you're on
1136. sell a stolen ipod
1137. get into it with a bum
1138. ruff ryde.
1139. pray that FluffyToke doesn't ever get banned :D
1140. kick it with the homies on RIU
1141. warm up chinese food
1142. go to palm springs
1143. come home from palm springs
1144. hate palm springs
1145. morning piss?
1146. defrost disney
1147. lookup the word Alizarin
1148. train your eyes to see a new color spectrum (haha)
1149. obtain a universal visitor's pass
1150. claim that your shit doesn't smell
1151. start an industrial revolution
1152. skip your alarm
1153. hit snooze atleast 5 times
1154. get some FOTIES
1155. learn to spell
1156. destroy america's double standards
1157. begin a dominant reign over a small region in quebec
1158. millitarize quebec
1159. enforce martial law
1160. slay a dragon
1161. slay a whale (harpoon)
1162. begin a "kill atleast one of each" journey into the animal kingdom
1163. complete a "kill atleast one of each" journey into the animal kingdom
1164. get arrested for poaching
1165. poach an egg
1166. stop being fickle
1167. pop some ridalin
1168. fight a drug war
1169. found the "Mothers against Ridalin" organization
1170. topple the "Mothers against Ridalin" organization
1171. go to the library and checkout "the poorman's 007"
1172. become a poor 007
1173. get rich quick
1174. look at some loudass kids who woke you up
1175. shoot at some loudass kids who woke you up
1176. get swarmed by some loudass kids who woke you up
1177. enroll for a drug test
1178. walk out of your drug test mid-piss
1179. tell a doctor to shove it
1180. tell a judge to shove it
1181. tell your gram-gram to shove it
1182. tell a cop to shove it (uh-oh)
1183. tell a badger[?] to shove it
1184. buy some lincoln logs
1185. build a house with lincoln logs
1185. lookout! the ROOF IS ON FIRE
1186. bring it around town
1187. bring it around town again
1188. catch a taxi
1189. hit a bowl
1190. hit a bowl in the pool
1191. hit a bowl in the pool naked
1192. hit a bowl in the pool naked on a floaty shark
1193. hit a bowl in the pool naked on a floaty shark with giant sunglasses
1194. go skating
1195. go skating naked
1196. go skating naked on a ramp
1197. shoot the shit at RIU
1198. jump on the bandwagon
1199. get ready to travel through space and time
1200. do the timewarp
1201. watch the world pass you by
1202. move to the beat
1203. don't get cold feet
1204. grill some meat
1205. become elite
1206. create perma-crete
1207. stand in the sleet
1208. find someone you wanna meet
1209. get off the teet
1210. cehck your watch
1211. wind your watch
1212. bullshit someone
1213. listen to 1349 (the band)
1214. promote gang violence
1215. spread some lovin
1216. save christmas
1217. ascend to the rank of "toddlerette"
1218. buy a toblerone
1219. chuck a toblerone are ryan seacrest
1220. fuck ryan seacrest
1221. watch season 3 of HOUSE
1222. jump 3 squares in hopscotch
1223. file your W2's
1224. don't send in your tax rebate
1225. egg a superior courthouse
1226. egg a law office
1227. go to a law office because you egged a superior courthouse
1228. go to another law office because you egged a law office
1229. run from some rabid motherfucking dogs
1230. let the dogs out
1231. befriend the dogs
1232. lead the dogs
1233. sick the dogs on someone (bwarharhar!)
1234. get really bored of this
1235. dance on a floppy DDR pad
1236. invent a board game
1237. shootup a YMCA
1238. become vice-chancellor-in-training-assistant-manager-director
1239. learn how to be cohesive
1240. go drinking with buddies
1241. continue the dying art of sword making
1242. hate on the republic
1243. swat at some bees
1244. wave a black trash bag at the bees
1245. run from the bees
1246. outrun the bees
1247. hire a PROFESHUNAL beekiller (haHA bitches!)
1248. realize the futility of our chidings
1249. bump this thread with awesomefunnygoodstuff
1250. stickabunchofwordstogether
1251. fix somethine broken (like a phone)
1252. sell your car and buy a bike. :D
1254. buy a CRATE of cigarelloes
1255. roll some bluuuuunts
1256. sell some bluuuuunts
1257. get smoked out by a good frined
1258. smoke out a good frined
1260. learn to kill professionally
1261. study ebonics
1262. mack da cheddar ta slang da kusshh
1263. reverse the numbers of the next "to do"
4621. fill your room with mirrors
1265. walk the whole california coastline (over the years)
1266. join a triathelon
1267. outswim michal phelps (pretty hard to do)
1268. outdress michal phelps (easiest thing in the world)
1269. make it all the way to 1270
1270. die of suspense
1271. visit sickies in the hospital
1272. charge your phone
1273. watch winamp visualizations
1274. think up false conspiracies
1275. get little kids to believe fake shit
1276. never buy buttonfly jeans (fuck 'em)
1277. kidnap a friend in a windowless van for a day, then surprise them with a cake
1278. forget to press "TAB" before every paragraph in your articles
1279. flaw a diamond
1280. UNflaw a diamond (wow.)
1281. notice that FluffyToke's mindset slowly changes over this article
1282. get into the newsie business
1283. join a train union
1284. smoke an intricately made joint (L joint?)
1285. double up
1286. finally believe that "we can do it"
1287. go get a bagel
1288. cream cheese your bagel
1289. eat a cream-cheese bagel
1290. lookout for the cops
1291. drive 150 on the interstate
1292. buy some sasparilla
1293. go to a diner or a dive
1294. finish your masterpiece
1295. learn how to blow glass
1296. blow some glass
1297. blow some gas
1298. buy some gas
1299. demolish a small building with nothing but a hammer
1300. clear the rubble and debris
1301. tell someone to "suck it"
1302. get "it" "sucked"
1303. compare your hand size with a monkey
1304. fix a stereo
1305. compose a playlist
1306. watch "flight of the concords"
1307. build a catamaran
1308. lookup what a "trireme" is (I know it, it's actually pretty cool)
1309. build a city with chopsticks and hot glue
1310. make jello
1311. despise your enemies
1312. love your enemies
1313. tangle with the devil
1314. pay the piper
1315. stomp out a rat
1316. stomp out a "thugg"
1317. ride in a "double wide"
1318. sit on "dubs"
1319. get a poster of george washington (carver)
1320. stop this post ;D
god damn thats alot of shit.

1324.stay up till 7:00 in the morning hitting a bong with passion fruit guava jucie in it.

1325. walk in one your bro gettin dome from a girl that just yacked:spew:
i'll make the first one (It cant be more than 10 things per post) i hope we will make it to the 1000th thing to do while stoned :eyesmoke:

1120. bounce
1121. get down to the flo
1122. boogie like theas no tommorow
1123. get ready
1124. get set
1125. go
1126. be yourself
1127. hunt a MILF
1128. buy new curtains
1129. fuck the police.
1131. censor the brady show
1132. type up a crappy essay on physics
1134. delete crappyessay1.word
1135. forget which number you're on
1136. sell a stolen ipod
1137. get into it with a bum
1138. ruff ryde.
1139. pray that FluffyToke doesn't ever get banned :D
1140. kick it with the homies on RIU
1141. warm up chinese food
1142. go to palm springs
1143. come home from palm springs
1144. hate palm springs
1145. morning piss?
1146. defrost disney
1147. lookup the word Alizarin
1148. train your eyes to see a new color spectrum (haha)
1149. obtain a universal visitor's pass
1150. claim that your shit doesn't smell
1151. start an industrial revolution
1152. skip your alarm
1153. hit snooze atleast 5 times
1154. get some FOTIES
1155. learn to spell
1156. destroy america's double standards
1157. begin a dominant reign over a small region in quebec
1158. millitarize quebec
1159. enforce martial law
1160. slay a dragon
1161. slay a whale (harpoon)
1162. begin a "kill atleast one of each" journey into the animal kingdom
1163. complete a "kill atleast one of each" journey into the animal kingdom
1164. get arrested for poaching
1165. poach an egg
1166. stop being fickle
1167. pop some ridalin
1168. fight a drug war
1169. found the "Mothers against Ridalin" organization
1170. topple the "Mothers against Ridalin" organization
1171. go to the library and checkout "the poorman's 007"
1172. become a poor 007
1173. get rich quick
1174. look at some loudass kids who woke you up
1175. shoot at some loudass kids who woke you up
1176. get swarmed by some loudass kids who woke you up
1177. enroll for a drug test
1178. walk out of your drug test mid-piss
1179. tell a doctor to shove it
1180. tell a judge to shove it
1181. tell your gram-gram to shove it
1182. tell a cop to shove it (uh-oh)
1183. tell a badger[?] to shove it
1184. buy some lincoln logs
1185. build a house with lincoln logs
1185. lookout! the ROOF IS ON FIRE
1186. bring it around town
1187. bring it around town again
1188. catch a taxi
1189. hit a bowl
1190. hit a bowl in the pool
1191. hit a bowl in the pool naked
1192. hit a bowl in the pool naked on a floaty shark
1193. hit a bowl in the pool naked on a floaty shark with giant sunglasses
1194. go skating
1195. go skating naked
1196. go skating naked on a ramp
1197. shoot the shit at RIU
1198. jump on the bandwagon
1199. get ready to travel through space and time
1200. do the timewarp
1201. watch the world pass you by
1202. move to the beat
1203. don't get cold feet
1204. grill some meat
1205. become elite
1206. create perma-crete
1207. stand in the sleet
1208. find someone you wanna meet
1209. get off the teet
1210. cehck your watch
1211. wind your watch
1212. bullshit someone
1213. listen to 1349 (the band)
1214. promote gang violence
1215. spread some lovin
1216. save christmas
1217. ascend to the rank of "toddlerette"
1218. buy a toblerone
1219. chuck a toblerone are ryan seacrest
1220. fuck ryan seacrest
1221. watch season 3 of HOUSE
1222. jump 3 squares in hopscotch
1223. file your W2's
1224. don't send in your tax rebate
1225. egg a superior courthouse
1226. egg a law office
1227. go to a law office because you egged a superior courthouse
1228. go to another law office because you egged a law office
1229. run from some rabid motherfucking dogs
1230. let the dogs out
1231. befriend the dogs
1232. lead the dogs
1233. sick the dogs on someone (bwarharhar!)
1234. get really bored of this
1235. dance on a floppy DDR pad
1236. invent a board game
1237. shootup a YMCA
1238. become vice-chancellor-in-training-assistant-manager-director
1239. learn how to be cohesive
1240. go drinking with buddies
1241. continue the dying art of sword making
1242. hate on the republic
1243. swat at some bees
1244. wave a black trash bag at the bees
1245. run from the bees
1246. outrun the bees
1247. hire a PROFESHUNAL beekiller (haHA bitches!)
1248. realize the futility of our chidings
1249. bump this thread with awesomefunnygoodstuff
1250. stickabunchofwordstogether
1251. fix somethine broken (like a phone)
1252. sell your car and buy a bike. :D
1254. buy a CRATE of cigarelloes
1255. roll some bluuuuunts
1256. sell some bluuuuunts
1257. get smoked out by a good frined
1258. smoke out a good frined
1260. learn to kill professionally
1261. study ebonics
1262. mack da cheddar ta slang da kusshh
1263. reverse the numbers of the next "to do"
4621. fill your room with mirrors
1265. walk the whole california coastline (over the years)
1266. join a triathelon
1267. outswim michal phelps (pretty hard to do)
1268. outdress michal phelps (easiest thing in the world)
1269. make it all the way to 1270
1270. die of suspense
1271. visit sickies in the hospital
1272. charge your phone
1273. watch winamp visualizations
1274. think up false conspiracies
1275. get little kids to believe fake shit
1276. never buy buttonfly jeans (fuck 'em)
1277. kidnap a friend in a windowless van for a day, then surprise them with a cake
1278. forget to press "TAB" before every paragraph in your articles
1279. flaw a diamond
1280. UNflaw a diamond (wow.)
1281. notice that FluffyToke's mindset slowly changes over this article
1282. get into the newsie business
1283. join a train union
1284. smoke an intricately made joint (L joint?)
1285. double up
1286. finally believe that "we can do it"
1287. go get a bagel
1288. cream cheese your bagel
1289. eat a cream-cheese bagel
1290. lookout for the cops
1291. drive 150 on the interstate
1292. buy some sasparilla
1293. go to a diner or a dive
1294. finish your masterpiece
1295. learn how to blow glass
1296. blow some glass
1297. blow some gas
1298. buy some gas
1299. demolish a small building with nothing but a hammer
1300. clear the rubble and debris
1301. tell someone to "suck it"
1302. get "it" "sucked"
1303. compare your hand size with a monkey
1304. fix a stereo
1305. compose a playlist
1306. watch "flight of the concords"
1307. build a catamaran
1308. lookup what a "trireme" is (I know it, it's actually pretty cool)
1309. build a city with chopsticks and hot glue
1310. make jello
1311. despise your enemies
1312. love your enemies
1313. tangle with the devil
1314. pay the piper
1315. stomp out a rat
1316. stomp out a "thugg"
1317. ride in a "double wide"
1318. sit on "dubs"
1319. get a poster of george washington (carver)
1320. stop this post ;D
:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :lol:
we ALL read it. I just chose not to follow it. we've been over it several times. the posts are legitimate, and fuck just 10.
1120. bounce
1121. get down to the flo
1122. boogie like theas no tommorow
1123. get ready
1124. get set
1125. go
1126. be yourself
1127. hunt a MILF
1128. buy new curtains
1129. fuck the police.
1131. censor the brady show
1132. type up a crappy essay on physics
1134. delete crappyessay1.word
1135. forget which number you're on
1136. sell a stolen ipod
1137. get into it with a bum
1138. ruff ryde.
1139. pray that FluffyToke doesn't ever get banned :D
1140. kick it with the homies on RIU
1141. warm up chinese food
1142. go to palm springs
1143. come home from palm springs
1144. hate palm springs
1145. morning piss?
1146. defrost disney
1147. lookup the word Alizarin
1148. train your eyes to see a new color spectrum (haha)
1149. obtain a universal visitor's pass
1150. claim that your shit doesn't smell
1151. start an industrial revolution
1152. skip your alarm
1153. hit snooze atleast 5 times
1154. get some FOTIES
1155. learn to spell
1156. destroy america's double standards
1157. begin a dominant reign over a small region in quebec
1158. millitarize quebec
1159. enforce martial law
1160. slay a dragon
1161. slay a whale (harpoon)
1162. begin a "kill atleast one of each" journey into the animal kingdom
1163. complete a "kill atleast one of each" journey into the animal kingdom
1164. get arrested for poaching
1165. poach an egg
1166. stop being fickle
1167. pop some ridalin
1168. fight a drug war
1169. found the "Mothers against Ridalin" organization
1170. topple the "Mothers against Ridalin" organization
1171. go to the library and checkout "the poorman's 007"
1172. become a poor 007
1173. get rich quick
1174. look at some loudass kids who woke you up
1175. shoot at some loudass kids who woke you up
1176. get swarmed by some loudass kids who woke you up
1177. enroll for a drug test
1178. walk out of your drug test mid-piss
1179. tell a doctor to shove it
1180. tell a judge to shove it
1181. tell your gram-gram to shove it
1182. tell a cop to shove it (uh-oh)
1183. tell a badger[?] to shove it
1184. buy some lincoln logs
1185. build a house with lincoln logs
1185. lookout! the ROOF IS ON FIRE
1186. bring it around town
1187. bring it around town again
1188. catch a taxi
1189. hit a bowl
1190. hit a bowl in the pool
1191. hit a bowl in the pool naked
1192. hit a bowl in the pool naked on a floaty shark
1193. hit a bowl in the pool naked on a floaty shark with giant sunglasses
1194. go skating
1195. go skating naked
1196. go skating naked on a ramp
1197. shoot the shit at RIU
1198. jump on the bandwagon
1199. get ready to travel through space and time
1200. do the timewarp
1201. watch the world pass you by
1202. move to the beat
1203. don't get cold feet
1204. grill some meat
1205. become elite
1206. create perma-crete
1207. stand in the sleet
1208. find someone you wanna meet
1209. get off the teet
1210. cehck your watch
1211. wind your watch
1212. bullshit someone
1213. listen to 1349 (the band)
1214. promote gang violence
1215. spread some lovin
1216. save christmas
1217. ascend to the rank of "toddlerette"
1218. buy a toblerone
1219. chuck a toblerone are ryan seacrest
1220. fuck ryan seacrest
1221. watch season 3 of HOUSE
1222. jump 3 squares in hopscotch
1223. file your W2's
1224. don't send in your tax rebate
1225. egg a superior courthouse
1226. egg a law office
1227. go to a law office because you egged a superior courthouse
1228. go to another law office because you egged a law office
1229. run from some rabid motherfucking dogs
1230. let the dogs out
1231. befriend the dogs
1232. lead the dogs
1233. sick the dogs on someone (bwarharhar!)
1234. get really bored of this
1235. dance on a floppy DDR pad
1236. invent a board game
1237. shootup a YMCA
1238. become vice-chancellor-in-training-assistant-manager-director
1239. learn how to be cohesive
1240. go drinking with buddies
1241. continue the dying art of sword making
1242. hate on the republic
1243. swat at some bees
1244. wave a black trash bag at the bees
1245. run from the bees
1246. outrun the bees
1247. hire a PROFESHUNAL beekiller (haHA bitches!)
1248. realize the futility of our chidings
1249. bump this thread with awesomefunnygoodstuff
1250. stickabunchofwordstogether
1251. fix somethine broken (like a phone)
1252. sell your car and buy a bike. :D
1254. buy a CRATE of cigarelloes
1255. roll some bluuuuunts
1256. sell some bluuuuunts
1257. get smoked out by a good frined
1258. smoke out a good frined
1260. learn to kill professionally
1261. study ebonics
1262. mack da cheddar ta slang da kusshh
1263. reverse the numbers of the next "to do"
4621. fill your room with mirrors
1265. walk the whole california coastline (over the years)
1266. join a triathelon
1267. outswim michal phelps (pretty hard to do)
1268. outdress michal phelps (easiest thing in the world)
1269. make it all the way to 1270
1270. die of suspense
1271. visit sickies in the hospital
1272. charge your phone
1273. watch winamp visualizations
1274. think up false conspiracies
1275. get little kids to believe fake shit
1276. never buy buttonfly jeans (fuck 'em)
1277. kidnap a friend in a windowless van for a day, then surprise them with a cake
1278. forget to press "TAB" before every paragraph in your articles
1279. flaw a diamond
1280. UNflaw a diamond (wow.)
1281. notice that FluffyToke's mindset slowly changes over this article
1282. get into the newsie business
1283. join a train union
1284. smoke an intricately made joint (L joint?)
1285. double up
1286. finally believe that "we can do it"
1287. go get a bagel
1288. cream cheese your bagel
1289. eat a cream-cheese bagel
1290. lookout for the cops
1291. drive 150 on the interstate
1292. buy some sasparilla
1293. go to a diner or a dive
1294. finish your masterpiece
1295. learn how to blow glass
1296. blow some glass
1297. blow some gas
1298. buy some gas
1299. demolish a small building with nothing but a hammer
1300. clear the rubble and debris
1301. tell someone to "suck it"
1302. get "it" "sucked"
1303. compare your hand size with a monkey
1304. fix a stereo
1305. compose a playlist
1306. watch "flight of the concords"
1307. build a catamaran
1308. lookup what a "trireme" is (I know it, it's actually pretty cool)
1309. build a city with chopsticks and hot glue
1310. make jello
1311. despise your enemies
1312. love your enemies
1313. tangle with the devil
1314. pay the piper
1315. stomp out a rat
1316. stomp out a "thugg"
1317. ride in a "double wide"
1318. sit on "dubs"
1319. get a poster of george washington (carver)
1320. stop this post ;D
copy this so i dont have to write it.