1000 Things to do while stoned

206. watch Almost Sunny in Philedelphia
207. listen to music and stare at the itunes visualizer
208. go to the woods at night and have a paintball war (such an adrenaline rush)
209. Skydive
210. play guitar
211. write music
214. Listen to the Oblivion With Bells album by Underworld.
Especially the songs, "To Heal" and "Best Mamgu Ever"
218. Walk the dog or pet the cat or let your bird sit on your shoulder and shit on the couch, whatever
221. go out and tag
222. watch your plants grow
223. roll a joint
224. roll another joint
225. watch porn
226. sleep
227. procrastinate about writing anthropology paper
228. play poker on full tilt
229. go on a road trip
230. wash the dishes
231. drink beer and smoke more
232. go to a party
233. watch birds hit cars on youtube
234. eat some mac and cheese
235. chill on a lovesack and look at the ceiling
236. go to the bar
237. Think about how to incorporate a new game plan involving smarts into your ruit game.
238. Look up some new music.
239. Go on everyonedoesit.com and look at all the bongs planning on which one to get
240. Make your desicion 2 hours later
241. Come time to actually buy your bong its changed 15 times since that first one you said you HAD TO HAVE. Including that last second pick during checkout which happens ever so often.
242. Make a video of ur high ass to watch when sober but actuallyw atch it right after making it and still laugh like a bitch
243. stalk random ppl at night X.x


244.Pop some blue monks quad stacks and dance with hot bitches to the music of 3Oh!3.
245.Go on houseboat
246.Smoke a FINE cigar
247.get in a fist fight
248.spit blood to the floor, help the other guy up, give him a handshake and share a blunt with him.
249.Not fuck(Too much fuckin work to do when stoned)
250.Grill a rack of ribs and sit in front of the grill for 3 hours waiting for them to be done.