1000w Coco Multi-strain Medicinal Grow


Well-Known Member
:leaf: Hello RIU this is my first grow and my first grow journal.

For flowering I have a 1000w system with and older hydro-farm hood 21"x21". It's a 4x4 and I eventually plan on running 1 plant per sq. foot, so 16 plants. The plants are in Cash Crop coco and I'm feeding the Botanicare CNS17 line; grow, bloom, and ripe.

So the line-up as it stands right now is Hog, Poison, Kryptonite, Romulan, and a bean I found (female I hope). I'll have some better pictures up later of the new clones, got Poison, Hog and Romulan today. I've had the Kryptonite clone for a couple weeks now and I fed it straight tap, starting to show PH issues, corrected now :D


The pic is only the Kryptonite clone I took a few days ago, she's looking a lot greener now.

I'm vegging under a bunch of cfl's that I made reflectors for.



Well-Known Member
Ok, so I got 5 babys going now. Romulan, Kryptonite, Poison, Hog, and Panchota.


Panchota: bagseed




I'm going to top them at about 18" and take the clones from the top, once they root I'll be flowering then and deciding what I want to keep.

I saw roots at the bottom of the Panchota container so I decided to put her (hopefully a her) in a 1ltr. container. Pics to follow in a couple days.


Well-Known Member
If they are clones they should be females. I dont know what dispensary you are using if they dont know the sex of the clones.

BUt it must not be a good one if that is the case.

I am really excited to see what that romulan produced for you. Ive said it before and it remains the same. Im filled with jealously. A good amount thou. enough to make me drive to cali soon.

had to edit - seen that you said it was bagseed. :)
best of luck on a female


Well-Known Member
I went to another clone place around here and got Romulan because you guys asked for it :D The clones are female for sure, it's the bagseed that better be female, if it's a male I'm going to be transplanting it somewhere far away and come back for the pollen.


Well-Known Member
So the genetics for these clones are as follows:

Kryptonite: I keep reading about 2 different strains called Kryptonite. One is from NorCal and is listed as The Purps x Killerqueen, the other is listed as OG Kush x Sour Diesel. The leaf structure seems to look more like the NorCal version and it has a purple stripped stem.

Romulan: This is a strain an old Vietnam vet created. It's an old school Cali strain that he crossed with White Rhino when he went to Canada.

Poison: According to the clone place I got it from it's Skunk x Affy.

Hog: Winner of the Hightimes 2002 indica cup. It came from Tennessee and was cross bred with a ton of stuff by a botanist in San Diego. This one's weird, many 6 fingered leaves at the moment, hoping for some retarded 8 fingered leaf action when it grows up.

Panchota: A bagseed my buddy found in some Rootbeer Kush, I let him name it



Active Member
Romulan definetly is worth growing! Ive smoked some good romulan buds before and they looked fantastic. That 1000w light should create nice dense nugs, super crystally. The Hog is a great strain too, super potent, wont be dissappointed. Good luck grower!


Well-Known Member
I've never actually smoked any Romulan myself so I'm just taking all your word on it.

Come to think of it, I've only smoked the Kryptonite and the bagseed weed. The seed will most likely end up being a completely different pheno from the one I smoked though. I'm sort of looking forward to the Hog, but it's the dinkiest of the clones at the moment. The Romulan and the Krytptonite seem to be about 2 weeks ahead of the other clones. I'm going to be topping at about 18" and keeping the tops for clones. As soon as the clones are rooting I'll be throwing these ladies in the flowering room.



Well-Known Member
Woke up and went to go check on my ladies, the temps have been pretty low lately and it seems to have slowed growth down. I also noticed 2 clear looking gnats gnats around the pots. Needless to say, they didn't make it

I need to look up how to kill those gnats, I hear a couple drops of soap in water does the trick but I'm going to go confirm that around these forums.

The little ladies are still growing, I try to watch the small growth between nodes but they are just crawling at this point. I don't have a thermometer that displays min/max temps sadly. When I went to bed last night the ladies were sitting at just over 60 degrees, was the same when I woke up. This might account for the slow growth.


Well-Known Member
Since I'm not using the room for flowering yet, I cranked up the 1000 watter and put the ladies in there, that room stays about 75. The little ladies are about 4ft from the bulb so I shouldn't have any issues with too much light. It's about 10k lumens 4 ft from a 1000w.

Looked a little further into the gnat problem. Seems like 3 drops of dish soap and a half gallon of water should do the trick, I'll do that after the pots have dried out a little better.

Questions, comments, complaints, concerns, protests, demonstrations?



Well-Known Member
I used dish soap in water and worked great for me..unfortunately one plant (which seems to be over watered) has had them come back..but I think one less watering should help immensely with that. Gnats like moist environments so that's why I think it came back. So try the dish soap and keep your plants dry when they need to be. I also think you may be over watering as well since you said you are having slow growth. Let them get good and dry and I think if you give em a good watering after that they'll shoot off.

I do love your plan about taking the clones from the top...seems like a good strategy.


Well-Known Member
My gnats i battled a few months ago did not die from that technique.
I ended up buying a permethrin and neem oil mix - i am sure you can find it.
Worked great.


Well-Known Member
Product name:
Green Light Neem II - 24 oz Spray

Product Details :

Combination of Neem oil and Pyethrin. Provides fast knockdown and kill of insect pests. Kills adult stages of insects, larvae, and the eggs. Prevents and cures plant diseases. For use on flowers, shrubs, house plants, and vegetables. Can be used up to the day of harvest.

Price : 13$ (round up)418oWzd8ulL._SS500_.jpg

I think i remember that Pyethrin is the safest insecticide to use with edible foods.
Also if i remember correctly or even if im thinking of the same thing, that this is devrived from a plant in africa. Making this combination of neem and Pyethrin one of the safest to use.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that link BBYY, kinda low in the budget area at the moment but I might not have any choice if the soap doesn't work. My only concern would be spraying that shit once flowering begins. I don't want to get shit in the buds I plan on smoking.

I'm still working on how tall I want the plants before I throw them into flowering. The flowering room is about 7' tall, the hood is fixed to the ceiling of the room and is about 1' deep leaving me 6' to the floor. The pots I'm using are about 1' tall and I plan on having them up off the ground and not on the cold concrete. So basically I'm working with just a little over 4' before the plants start getting too close to the bulb. I'm leaning more toward 24" plants going in... thoughts?



Well-Known Member
I was able to successfully spray this onto the soil and not get any on my flowering plants.

That was back when i was doing soil.
Now I just plan on using neem oil if i ever run into anything.


Well-Known Member
Are any of the strains you are growing sativa dominant? That's when you really have to worry about height, cause those are considerably much taller than indicas. If i were you I would flower at 24 inches.