1000w SCROG (5x5 Space), 4xChocolope, 3xJack47, 1xPineapple Express


Active Member
some stretchers in there damn! they look like they are fattening up nicely though.
Yup. Those are the 47's--definitely showing their sativa genes. Probably should have kept them under the screen a tad longer but it's aight. They're not too close to the light and the 1000w HPS is in perfect position to cover the entire screen. The chocos are moving at a slightly faster pace than the jack 47, which is to be expected since that's how they were listed on their seed profiles. I'm happy with how they're developing though!



Active Member
Fatty, the grow is looking just that, fatty. Fatty as hell brother. The best part about your thread is you don't have a god damn stick up your ass to boot. To many people on these forums think they are gods gift to marijuana. Grow looks great man. +rep.


Active Member
Here's an update i've been waiting for! Girls look stellar fatty. So you going to invite me over for when you're done? ;)


Active Member
FROSTED! Love it man cant wait for harvest. You think some will finish a little early?
Lol I dunno yet....gonna start checking the trichs in about 10 days I think. All of the hairs are still completely white so I still think they've got a little ways to go.

Here are some pics with the lights out...a little different perspective :-)



Active Member
Day 53

Haven't updated in a while....thought I'd throw some pics up.

We're getting close...harvest is right around the corner. The chocolope's hairs have all turned a bright orange, and the trichomes are getting nice and cloudy. Still no amber, but I'm thinking it has about another week or so.

On the other hand, the Jack-47 still has a little ways to go. You can easily tell the difference between the jacks and the chocos in the pictures--the hairs on the jack are still a nice bright white and haven't receded yet. The buds are also a lot taller than they are on the chocolope. I'm thinking at least another two weeks.

Everything else is remaining steady. No sign of anymore deficiencies, bugs, or bud rot. So far I'm in the clear of all these nasty things (knock on wood) and I'm expecting to be able to harvest all of my bud. Looks like it's going to be a pretty decent yield! I'm excited.

Check out the pics in the meantime, and I'll be back (hopefully later tonight) with some night shots and maybe a video.





Active Member
Oh and I forgot to mention....I inserted some bamboo sticks so I would have something to tie the buds to, they're getting a little too fat for their own good :-P
