12 Democratic Senators sign on to co-sponsor Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All Bill

You don't get to support it and oppose it at the same time. Pick one. Have a little conviction.
Sadly there's no shortage of spineless loudmouths in the world.
tepid is as tepid does..some like it hot, fogdog.

throw those shackles of indecision to the side...and riiiiiiiiiiise!

be a part of something where you can say 'fuck yeah!' with conviction!

you're afraid of making the wrong choice, but my friend, no matter how old or careful you are, it still happens..you must accept this or you'll just continue to be paralyzed in other areas of your life..further, your chronic indecision can be a sign of depression, too.
What conviction was expressed in a bill that is not funded?

The message I'm giving is this bill is good but insufficient. It should be re-written to include how it will be funded.

So, you're ok with the Dems having their palms greased but not the Repubs? You don't see any problem with public officials being in bed with health insurance companies?

public officials are already in bed with big health and big pharma..they are freaking out with thoughts of single payer..it's so much easier to divide and conquer on an individual policy..they have the sads/mads that there WILL be an AUTHORITY to DENY payment if they don't like the look of things. currently, that job falls upon you..how much do you question them on payouts to your doctor or hospital? ever? how much do they cooperate in answering your questions/concerns? they don't..and that's the way they like it..large group health has buying power..if you've ever heard of employee leasing you'd know the concept works..everyone gets covered..everyone pays in..typically 1-3 levels of coverage..hmo to ppo..you can be insured for $100 per month. just like car insurance everyone with car gets insured mandatory. aca has right concept but done incorrectly..they should've just done medicare for all as the system is already set up. don't understand why they didn't. guess its because they won't be able to rip us off.
So, you're ok with the Dems having their palms greased but not the Repubs? You don't see any problem with public officials being in bed with health insurance companies?
With the obvious reaction that insurance companies are going to have regarding this symbolic health care bill, why don't Democrats also release another symbolic bill to repeal CU? While we are at it, I'd like to propose we release a symbolic bill to cut fossil fuel emissions.

Let's get the conversations started on all of this!!!!!!
'the resistance'..or some derivative thereof will be new third party.
'bout damned time. The Democrats have been taking their traditional constituents for granted for far too long.

'A Tea Party for the Left'. I'm pretty sure I said those very words over a year ago. Clearly it's the establishment Democratic Party's worst nightmare, because it forces them to make a choice; the money or their constituents. If they choose they money, we'll know they aren't worth saving.
lol, delusional.

You won't do fuck all except ensure that we continue to have crooked politicians that are in bed with corporate interests.

You're a loud mouthed idiot.

But, that's exactly what you did by voting third party, handing Trump the election, thr0wavote.
But, that's exactly what you did by voting third party, handing Trump the election, thr0wavote.

Stop and think about what you just said...

I voted for a candidate that is *not* on the take from corporate America, unlike the one you voted for. Nothing will ever change if we're all sheep and continue to support politicians that are beholden to their corporate overlords. You may as well forget about every issue that you care about if things don't change Justin. Your wishes don't matter to them, only your vote, and they will tell you what you want to hear to get it....and then forget about you the day after the election.

How can you not see this??
Stop and think about what you just said...

I voted for a candidate that is *not* on the take from corporate America, unlike the one you voted for. Nothing will ever change if we're all sheep and continue to support politicians that are beholden to their corporate overlords. You may as well forget about every issue that you care about if things don't change Justin. Your wishes don't matter to them, only your vote, and they will tell you what you want to hear to get it....and then forget about you the day after the election.

How can you not see this??

I voted for Bernie, then I voted for Hillary, just like Bernie said he would. Why didn't you? What if we end up with a conservative leaning sepreme court for the next thirty years?
Will this advance a progressive agenda, derp? Will you ever admit you were wrong?

Politicians aren't successful by themelves, everyone has loyalties, even Bernie. It's a dirty game, it always have been. Teddy Roosevelt's family was appalled when he expressed an interest in politics. They knew of the wide spread corruption and influences of big business. It was something that men of integrity didn't do. He didn't change it, you're never going to change it. It's a game. Unfortunately, its one that you aren't very good at playing. Sit down and shut up fuck up, ya dumb alpha jock.

'bout damned time. The Democrats have been taking their traditional constituents for granted for far too long.

'A Tea Party for the Left'. I'm pretty sure I said those very words over a year ago. Clearly it's the establishment Democratic Party's worst nightmare, because it forces them to make a choice; the money or their constituents. If they choose they money, we'll know they aren't worth saving.
start the third party, already.
Stop and think about what you just said...

I voted for a candidate that is *not* on the take from corporate America, unlike the one you voted for. Nothing will ever change if we're all sheep and continue to support politicians that are beholden to their corporate overlords. You may as well forget about every issue that you care about if things don't change Justin. Your wishes don't matter to them, only your vote, and they will tell you what you want to hear to get it....and then forget about you the day after the election.

How can you not see this??
Aw, c'mon man. Really? That Green Party campaign was a joke show. You can't be serious about thinking at the time your vote for Stein was for making a change.

Did you even read the policy page on the Green Party? Did it make sense to you? It didn't make any sense to me. Were you really voting for a President to enact that plan?

Wasn't yours a protest vote? You couldn't vote for Clinton or Trump so you voted for Stein. It turned out that your protest vote, and that's what I think it was, turned out to be one of the key votes that gave us Trump. Regret it or be glad for it but own it.
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Aw, c'mon man. Really? That Green Party campaign was a joke show. You can't be serious about thinking at the time this vote was for making a change.

Did you even read the policy page on the Green Party? Did it make sense to you? It didn't make any sense to me. Were you really voting for a President to enact that plan?

Wasn't yours a protest vote? You couldn't vote for Clinton or Trump so you voted for Stein. It turned out that your protest vote, and that's what I think it was, turned out to be one of the key votes that give us Trump. Regret it or be glad for it but own it.

Putin owned thr0wavote. I wonder if he deleted his Facebook account yet?

Facebook Gave Special Counsel Robert Mueller More Details on Russian Ad Buys Than Congress
Wall Street Journal - 17 hours ago


'We're Still At The Tip Of The Iceberg' With Facebook On Russian Election Meddling, Senator Says
Huffington Post - 2 days ago

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The only thing that stood a chance of passing when the Democrats did it was gas from Chuck Schumer's Mexican lunch.

Bernie's strategy is to shine a light on every senator who doesn't get in board with single payer, which will be a wedge issue for upcoming midterm elections. Many progressive candidates will primary senators who don't come out in support of the bill, which will narratively impact their chances for reelection.

But you wouldn't know strategy if it stuck a finger up your ass, Stinkydigit.
The only thing that stood a chance of passing when the Democrats did it was gas from Chuck Schumer's Mexican lunch.

Bernie's strategy is to shine a light on every senator who doesn't get in board with single payer, which will be a wedge issue for upcoming midterm elections. Many progressive candidates will primary senators who don't come out in support of the bill, which will narratively impact their chances for reelection.

But you wouldn't know strategy if it stuck a finger up your ass, Stinkydigit.
So, now the only thing that stands a chance for passing is Sanders' gas. Schumer handed the torch off to Sanders. LOL

This is a symbolic bill. Sanders and cosponsors for the bill say so too.

The bill doesn't contain information about how it will be funded. For good reason. When the public sees "tax increase", their support for universal healthcare flips from 60% for to 60% against. This is how Republicans will portray it. They wouldn't be wrong to say so either. Medicare is in fact funded by taxes. Didn't Colorado and Vermont reject universal healthcare when they saw the price tag too?

Sandernistas are fools to get so energized over a symbolic bill that even Sanders didn't take seriously when he launched it. It was wise to put the bill out in a non-election year when there is no risk of a backlash against Democratic congressmen. They call tactics like this "trial balloons".

I will say I used the release of this bill to put my calls in to Merkely and Wyden to voice my support for Medicare for all. I also said I think Sanders' bill is irresponsible for not providing a framework for funding it.
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