1994 Crime Bill, Troll used against Biden and the Democrats as voter suppression tactic.


Well-Known Member
I think it is important enough to look into this a bit deeper, and understand the entirety of the issue instead of the feelings that have been manipulated by the Republicans/Russians/Saudi/Trump trolls for decades to troll the Democrats.

So first it is important to understand what is truly in the bill:
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A lot of important issues were dealt with in this bill, violence against women, crimes against children (especially child pornography), banning assault weapons, prison reform study funding, etc.

The thing I think that is getting lost is the timeframe that the bill took to get enacted:
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The bill started (of which Biden was an original Author) was introduced in 1993 under a House and Senate that was controlled by Democrats at the time and Clinton as the President. However it was not passed until 1994 at which time the House and Senate flipped back to the Republicans (sound familiar, first Carter, then Clinton, finally Obama).

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So when you look at the bits that got added that people have the issue with like '3-strikes, you find that they were introduced to the bill after the Republicans took control in 1994:
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This basically forced the Democrats (like Biden) to have to swallow a 'poison pill' to pass all their work to help women and children, banning of assault weapons, increasing funding for police and prison reform, etc, or drop it and get trolled by the Republicans as being weak on crime using the same garbage that got Bush Sr. elected:

There is a lot more to this, from the Republican led CIA (Barr up until 1993) pushing drugs into the minority communities in the 80's and early 90's finally coming out in 1996 not being understood. The Republicans also at this time period passed laws to allow Hate Radio and disinformation media in the form of Fox News to be aired.

The Republicans have been a step ahead of the Democratic party ever since the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda lost their hold on complete power in America in the 70's and they retreated to the Southern Strategy ever since.
This is my problem with using more premises than are needed to draw a strong conclusion. It allows for the argument to focus away from the stronger premises. Biden is a dinosaur and his stance on marijuana is just not something I can get behind. I get that he put out feelers for our support by telling a spokesperson to give a few words of pittance that he might not set back progress but now we're focusing on the crime bill and not demanding he evolve.

When you're talking about race and bigotry, you have to deal with feelings. You have to assuage a visceral feeling. You can't take black voters for granted and say "get on board". When someone points to the crime bill and calls racist, I don't know how else to put this, you need more than facts. Facts might get people to be pragmatic, you might even get them to vote but people will probably hate being told to "get on board". Facts alone won't get people to trust. What has Joe actually said about this? Not through a spokesperson.

When a black man says something about this old white dinosaur and his crime bill affecting minorities and he says it with a sense of disgust, I think he's giving a valuable signal. Look at what Cory Booker and Kamala Harris have said in 2019. Joe is not winning black people over. Excuse me for being a light skinned male trying to explain this, but black people are already making choices, many of them are pragmatic democrats. What has Londonfog said? I think that a thread like this, proving him wrong on a premise, yeah sure biden technically didn't single-handedly pass racist legislation but the distrust remains. Joe Biden did joke behind closed doors with two very racist senators. He did get defensive and tell Booker to shut up and apologize.

Black people will show up and vote against Trump, I think you can bank on it. Nonetheless, Biden needs to win some trust.

Biden? I'll vote for getting my balls repeatedly slammed in a car door over Trump, but pls don't make Biden the one to slam them...
I think it is important enough to look into this a bit deeper, and understand the entirety of the issue instead of the feelings that have been manipulated by the Republicans/Russians/Saudi/Trump trolls for decades to troll the Democrats.

So first it is important to understand what is truly in the bill:
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A lot of important issues were dealt with in this bill, violence against women, crimes against children (especially child pornography), banning assault weapons, prison reform study funding, etc.

The thing I think that is getting lost is the timeframe that the bill took to get enacted:
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The bill started (of which Biden was an original Author) was introduced in 1993 under a House and Senate that was controlled by Democrats at the time and Clinton as the President. However it was not passed until 1994 at which time the House and Senate flipped back to the Republicans (sound familiar, first Carter, then Clinton, finally Obama).

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So when you look at the bits that got added that people have the issue with like '3-strikes, you find that they were introduced to the bill after the Republicans took control in 1994:
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This basically forced the Democrats (like Biden) to have to swallow a 'poison pill' to pass all their work to help women and children, banning of assault weapons, increasing funding for police and prison reform, etc, or drop it and get trolled by the Republicans as being weak on crime using the same garbage that got Bush Sr. elected:

There is a lot more to this, from the Republican led CIA (Barr up until 1993) pushing drugs into the minority communities in the 80's and early 90's finally coming out in 1996 not being understood. The Republicans also at this time period passed laws to allow Hate Radio and disinformation media in the form of Fox News to be aired.

The Republicans have been a step ahead of the Democratic party ever since the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda lost their hold on complete power in America in the 70's and they retreated to the Southern Strategy ever since.
Joe was an author of that bill.

Nuff said.
This is my problem with using more premises than are needed to draw a strong conclusion. It allows for the argument to focus away from the stronger premises. Biden is a dinosaur and his stance on marijuana is just not something I can get behind. I get that he put out feelers for our support by telling a spokesperson to give a few words of pittance that he might not set back progress but now we're focusing on the crime bill and not demanding he evolve.
His stance is basically just this side of Obama. I am a all drugs should be legal kind of guy, so anything less than that imo is still prohibition.
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When you're talking about race and bigotry, you have to deal with feelings. You have to assuage a visceral feeling. You can't take black voters for granted and say "get on board". When someone points to the crime bill and calls racist, I don't know how else to put this, you need more than facts. Facts might get people to be pragmatic, you might even get them to vote but people will probably hate being told to "get on board". Facts alone won't get people to trust. What has Joe actually said about this? Not through a spokesperson.
So disinformation as long as it feels right is better? I can't do that man I am not selling anything aside from getting people to see what is real and letting them decide from there. We live in a disinformation world at this point in time. I can only do so much to show you all this. The fact that the Russians can barrage people online with very personalized advertising of their lies to slam Biden to push our communities to not vote is outside of my ability to combat.

By saying 'bigotry' are you implying that Biden is the bigot? Because I don't understand, you can see when the stuff that hurt the communities were added after the Senate and House flipped to Republican control and they added that shit in.

When a black man says something about this old white dinosaur and his crime bill affecting minorities and he says it with a sense of disgust, I think he's giving a valuable signal. Look at what Cory Booker and Kamala Harris have said in 2019. Joe is not winning black people over. Excuse me for being a light skinned male trying to explain this, but black people are already making choices, many of them are pragmatic democrats. What has Londonfog said? I think that a thread like this, proving him wrong on a premise, yeah sure biden technically didn't single-handedly pass racist legislation but the distrust remains. Joe Biden did joke behind closed doors with two very racist senators. He did get defensive and tell Booker to shut up and apologize.

Black people will show up and vote against Trump, I think you can bank on it. Nonetheless, Biden needs to win some trust.
Then why is Biden leading all the polls in the Black community?

You will have to show me where Biden was joking with racist senators, because this one is new to me, I heard him say he had to work with them, but I think you are adding to it. Same with what you are saying he told Booker to do. It is these stretching of the truth to paint Biden as the same old same old racist old white guy that I do take issue with.
Joe was an author of that bill.

Nuff said.
So you too refuse to see that the Republicans added shit after he was unable to stop them?

I guess it won't matter, it is shit like this that led me to stop posting here, the refusal to actually deal in reality and instead go with the troll. I guess it is telling when the person pushing Epoch Times conspiracy theories opinion is what you align with talking about this with people who refuse to actually look and talk about it is just pissing in the wind.

Hopefully enough people see through the bullshit at the end of the day and Trump doesn't get re-elected to continue to stuff racist judges down out throats, the House doesn't flip back to Republican control effectively ending responsible legislation, and Mitch doesn't end up keeping the ability to stop everything that doesn't fit his agenda.

And then keep it that way for more than the 2 years every other Democrat had before they lost power back to the Republicans.
His stance is basically just this side of Obama. I am a all drugs should be legal kind of guy, so anything less than that imo is still prohibition.
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So disinformation as long as it feels right is better? I can't do that man I am not selling anything aside from getting people to see what is real and letting them decide from there. We live in a disinformation world at this point in time. I can only do so much to show you all this. The fact that the Russians can barrage people online with very personalized advertising of their lies to slam Biden to push our communities to not vote is outside of my ability to combat.

By saying 'bigotry' are you implying that Biden is the bigot? Because I don't understand, you can see when the stuff that hurt the communities were added after the Senate and House flipped to Republican control and they added that shit in.

Then why is Biden leading all the polls in the Black community?

You will have to show me where Biden was joking with racist senators, because this one is new to me, I heard him say he had to work with them, but I think you are adding to it. Same with what you are saying he told Booker to do. It is these stretching of the truth to paint Biden as the same old same old racist old white guy that I do take issue with.

So you too refuse to see that the Republicans added shit after he was unable to stop them?

I guess it won't matter, it is shit like this that led me to stop posting here, the refusal to actually deal in reality and instead go with the troll. I guess it is telling when the person pushing Epoch Times conspiracy theories opinion is what you align with talking about this with people who refuse to actually look and talk about it is just pissing in the wind.

Hopefully enough people see through the bullshit at the end of the day and Trump doesn't get re-elected to continue to stuff racist judges down out throats, the House doesn't flip back to Republican control effectively ending responsible legislation, and Mitch doesn't end up keeping the ability to stop everything that doesn't fit his agenda.

And then keep it that way for more than the 2 years every other Democrat had before they lost power back to the Republicans.
All this to just dismiss my point? I mean the whole point I made, completely dismissed. If you were just going to dismiss it, you didn't have to write this much. I did read it, just to see if my point got in. I even understand where you're coming from and what you're trying to express. In fact, I know all of that.

How am I supposed to trust him and like him? How am I supposed to change how I feel about him when you're completely dismissing what I'm actually saying? How am I supposed to support him and like him? Right, because he's not Trump. You should have just said that, either way, you're completely dismissing what I am trying to convey.

Biden? I'll vote for getting my balls repeatedly slammed in a car door over Trump, but pls don't make Biden the one to slam them...
TBH, if all Biden has going for him is that he isn't Trump, I'm not motivated. My feelings just got completely dismissed by someone who demands I shut up and get on board.

I'm thinking about acting like a Bernout and just fucking everyone over. It would be hard for me to revert to such immaturity, I just have this visceral hatred of Biden. I can't stand him. He could try to get people to like him, but he doesn't seem to want to and neither do his supporters.
Then why is Biden leading all the polls in the Black community?

You will have to show me where Biden was joking with racist senators, because this one is new to me, I heard him say he had to work with them, but I think you are adding to it. Same with what you are saying he told Booker to do. It is these stretching of the truth to paint Biden as the same old same old racist old white guy that I do take issue with.
Educate yourself. It's not all Russian propaganda. Take a look at what Booker and Harris had to say about him in 2019. Take an honest look. go do an honest search for his closed room joking with two very racist senators about how "he never called me boy". That was hurtful and insensitive to a lot of people. Are you just going to show us some polls and call it Russian propaganda?

Also, I'm not convinced of his sincerity regarding marijuana. He needs to do better. He wants to make it about states' rights and then he went on to say he isn't sure it's not a gateway drug. He's full of shit. You're convincing me of that. Let's just agree he's less of a crook than Trump and leave it at that. Unless you can sincerely convince me that he's worth supporting in earnest, he's only worth a vote against Trump.
TBH, if all Biden has going for him is that he isn't Trump, I'm not motivated. My feelings just got completely dismissed by someone who demands I shut up and get on board.

I'm thinking about acting like a Bernout and just fucking everyone over. It would be hard for me to revert to such immaturity, I just have this visceral hatred of Biden. I can't stand him. He could try to get people to like him, but he doesn't seem to want to and neither do his supporters.
My dearest bro, if you ever feel like you have trouble reverting to immaturity, just follow me around for a couple days. It's sooo much easier!

LMAO - But, here is what is fucked up - e ven being an ignorant asshole has it's limits these days. I cannot tell you a single time I've engaged in a conversation, social-media-wise, social-the-work-place-wise, or even social in the back of the fucking bar (which is basically my religion) wise, without shit like this coming up. There has not been a single time where anything in my life hasn't at one point or every point revolved around this chaos.

2019 is a toxic year - and this shit is going to be said whether we like it, hide from it, or what-the-fuck-ever. I would literally film myself, on camera, right now, slamming my balls ina car door if it meant keeping him out of the primary, bvut then i'd use that same camera to show you all that i voted for him with it.

Fucking livid, though. That's where I'd be.
All this to just dismiss my point? I mean the whole point I made, completely dismissed. If you were just going to dismiss it, you didn't have to write this much. I did read it, just to see if my point got in. I even understand where you're coming from and what you're trying to express. In fact, I know all of that.

How am I supposed to trust him and like him? How am I supposed to change how I feel about him when you're completely dismissing what I'm actually saying? How am I supposed to support him and like him? Right, because he's not Trump. You should have just said that, either way, you're completely dismissing what I am trying to convey.
You said i dismissed what you said a bunch of time, maybe restating it would be helpful if I missed your point. I tried to answer you fully, if I failed I apologize.

If it how to get you to trust him, I don't know what it would take, because I don't know everything that you know/seen/are seeing. I would say watch more of his town halls and not clips. We live in a disinformation age that can make anyone look bad. All I can do is try to get people to see that. And I really am not trying to sell any candidate, your vote is yours. I just am pushing back on the amplification of disinformation and propaganda for the purpose of the destruction of the candidates (not being pushed by Putin).

You need to be sold on the guy I guess is what you are saying, my first thing would be to watch more of his town halls/speeches and to look through his total history of voting if you want to find reasons to vote for the guy it gets harder because I don't know what will matter to you or not. It is easy to find a things to hate about everyone with any kind of record especially with all the bs out there.


Like the busing issue, I think it is a complex issue, and it is up to you if he has a point (highlights area) that stopping red lining minorities out of white suburbs, busing was a way to get around the real issue, which was to have equal treatment of everyone.
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He is very much aligned with the Democratic values from everything that I have seen of him. But if you don't want to vote for him because you like Warren I am all for that too and wish her the best of luck as well.
TBH, if all Biden has going for him is that he isn't Trump, I'm not motivated. My feelings just got completely dismissed by someone who demands I shut up and get on board.

I'm thinking about acting like a Bernout and just fucking everyone over. It would be hard for me to revert to such immaturity, I just have this visceral hatred of Biden. I can't stand him. He could try to get people to like him, but he doesn't seem to want to and neither do his supporters.
If you are saying I just told you to do that you are wrong. Except, you are correct that I am not trying to get you to like him, because until the actual facts can be agreed on it's pointless and disingenuous.

Educate yourself. It's not all Russian propaganda. Take a look at what Booker and Harris had to say about him in 2019. Take an honest look. go do an honest search for his closed room joking with two very racist senators about how "he never called me boy". That was hurtful and insensitive to a lot of people. Are you just going to show us some polls and call it Russian propaganda?

Also, I'm not convinced of his sincerity regarding marijuana. He needs to do better. He wants to make it about states' rights and then he went on to say he isn't sure it's not a gateway drug. He's full of shit. You're convincing me of that. Let's just agree he's less of a crook than Trump and leave it at that. Unless you can sincerely convince me that he's worth supporting in earnest, he's only worth a vote against Trump.
No I am going to point that things get taken out of context and sold as 'joking with two very racist senators' instead of him joking about 2 very racist senators.

I don't know how to make it not hurtful if it is not true, the propaganda is the constant pushing of the boundaries distorting what he has said. I would suggest maybe watching those videos on the link above.

As far as his support for weed decriminalization and not full legalization, I look at it as a political response of he is not going to burn his ability to pass something else when the states can take care of it and the inevitability of it becoming legal. I look at it much like Warren's support of M4A.
@hannimal I just want to say that you are one smart, and tough motherfucker and that we are lucky to have you on this board.
Thank you, I feel the same way about you guys too. I am just sorry I bailed on here in 2013 and left you all to deal with the madness when it got really bad.

Edit: I am reading through this article in the NYTimes, it is a really good back and forth that covers a lot of issues people seem to have with Biden:
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You said i dismissed what you said a bunch of time, maybe restating it would be helpful if I missed your point. I tried to answer you fully, if I failed I apologize.
I'm going to abbreviate this although I did read the entire post. My point, is that Biden is racially insensitive. He has been accused of it by two of his Senate colleagues in 2019 who cited their reasons as to why Biden was insensitive and hurtful. Now a member of this board is saying it and I agree.

Here's an example. Instead of trying to defend Biden's remarks prior to Booker's rebuttal of them, look at how Biden reacted after that. That was the tell. He continued to try to defend his piss poor record, instead of letting us all get past it. The thing with Harris was another example. Londonfog, right on this forum, before you made this thread, told us what he was feeling.

3. Me going Kanye West ?? Never I hate Trump Just as I hate Biden, but your comment goes back to making a white man uncomfortable with talk of racism gets you labeled as a angry black man or he this or that. The black guy is cool until he speaks up for himself and attempts to make other aware of his view of the world. Then that Negro ( would love to use the other word but rolli is against it ) is deem a trouble maker Wrong is fucking wrong and right is fucking right.

These are just examples of his pattern. He is a dinosaur, he is a symbol of America's inability to embrace racial sensitivity. Instead of just insisting that black voters love Biden because of some poll somewhere, just accept that he is nothing more than a vote against Trump. Plenty of people do not support him or even like him. Don't get all butthurt about it. I'm going to be consistent, I'm going to call it out wherever I see it and I don't care if it makes anyone uncomfortable. I don't care if it makes me disliked.

You're trying to gain support for Biden, what you should be doing is something other than talking about Biden, he's not as popular as you think.
Here's an example. Instead of trying to defend Biden's remarks prior to Booker's rebuttal of them, look at how Biden reacted after that. That was the tell.
I have never understood the need to not just suck it up and apologize thing. I agree that is a knock on him.

He continued to try to defend his piss poor record, instead of letting us all get past it. The thing with Harris was another example.
This is the part I don't agree with. They showed that Biden is not able to play the 'I fought for civil rights' with Democrats, especially Black candidates. I agree (and did at the time too) that they would be far better at making that argument against Trump than him. But saying he has a piss poor record is too far from where I sit, and I am fine with us disagreeing with it, but we should at least be able to agree on the facts.

Londonfog, right on this forum, before you made this thread, told us what he was feeling.
Me going Kanye West ?? Never I hate Trump Just as I hate Biden, but your comment goes back to making a white man uncomfortable with talk of racism gets you labeled as a angry black man or he this or that. The black guy is cool until he speaks up for himself and attempts to make other aware of his view of the world. Then that Negro ( would love to use the other word but rolli is against it ) is deem a trouble maker Wrong is fucking wrong and right is fucking right.
These are just examples of his pattern. He is a dinosaur, he is a symbol of America's inability to embrace racial sensitivity.
I am not saying Biden is not a dinosaur, and again am fine with voting for anyone you want to vote for, whatever your reasons are.

But it is important to understand that racists are out there pushing lies that feel legitimate to create this very real anger that is completely understandable if you believe what they say is true. They are using this in every community from white communities irrational fear of a Mexican invasion, to this hate of Biden, men's irrational chauvinism towards women, young vs. old, Elites, etc. Anything and everything is being used to get Trump re-elected.

Instead of just insisting that black voters love Biden because of some poll somewhere, just accept that he is nothing more than a vote against Trump.
Fair criticism of the use of polls.

But I don't look at Biden as nothing more than a vote against Trump, I look at him (and Klobachar) as the candidate with the most experience and long voting history showing he does vote for Democratic values and most important to me is his not being a Russian plant or long planned troll of the Democratic party.

Plenty of people do not support him or even like him. Don't get all butthurt about it. I'm going to be consistent, I'm going to call it out wherever I see it and I don't care if it makes anyone uncomfortable. I don't care if it makes me disliked.
This is hard to not troll especially with the little dig (so I apologize ahead of time if this comes off as shitty), lots of people won't vote, lots of people will vote for Trump, lots of people will vote for Biden if he wins the nomination. 'lots of people' is just a way to sound like what comes after actually means something.

You're trying to gain support for Biden, what you should be doing is something other than talking about Biden, he's not as popular as you think.
I am not here to gain support for Biden outside of pushing back on the disinformation campaign on him. I would do the same for anyone but Bernie and Gabbard since they are being pushed by Putin.
I have never understood the need to not just suck it up and apologize thing. I agree that is a knock on him.

This is the part I don't agree with. They showed that Biden is not able to play the 'I fought for civil rights' with Democrats, especially Black candidates. I agree (and did at the time too) that they would be far better at making that argument against Trump than him. But saying he has a piss poor record is too far from where I sit, and I am fine with us disagreeing with it, but we should at least be able to agree on the facts.

I am not saying Biden is not a dinosaur, and again am fine with voting for anyone you want to vote for, whatever your reasons are.

But it is important to understand that racists are out there pushing lies that feel legitimate to create this very real anger that is completely understandable if you believe what they say is true. They are using this in every community from white communities irrational fear of a Mexican invasion, to this hate of Biden, men's irrational chauvinism towards women, young vs. old, Elites, etc. Anything and everything is being used to get Trump re-elected.

Fair criticism of the use of polls.

But I don't look at Biden as nothing more than a vote against Trump, I look at him (and Klobachar) as the candidate with the most experience and long voting history showing he does vote for Democratic values and most important to me is his not being a Russian plant or long planned troll of the Democratic party.

This is hard to not troll especially with the little dig (so I apologize ahead of time if this comes off as shitty), lots of people won't vote, lots of people will vote for Trump, lots of people will vote for Biden if he wins the nomination. 'lots of people' is just a way to sound like what comes after actually means something.

I am not here to gain support for Biden outside of pushing back on the disinformation campaign on him. I would do the same for anyone but Bernie and Gabbard since they are being pushed by Putin.
A bunch of links in London's thread. He made a thread to bash biden so I put them there, because as much as I did not want to have to do it, I am being basically trolled for defending Londonfog and I really didn't want to be the one eviscerating the frontrunner of the primaries in January of 2020, but he's right. He is absolutely right and I agree with him. You're defending him ardently when clicking reply to my posts on this thread and I do disagree with you, but I really don't want to be the one doing this, now of all times.

See some of the links I have posted with direct Biden quotes but remember, both London and I have said we'd vote against Trump.
A bunch of links in London's thread. He made a thread to bash biden so I put them there, because as much as I did not want to have to do it, I am being basically trolled for defending Londonfog and I really didn't want to be the one eviscerating the frontrunner of the primaries in January of 2020, but he's right. He is absolutely right and I agree with him. You're defending him ardently when clicking reply to my posts on this thread and I do disagree with you, but I really don't want to be the one doing this, now of all times.

See some of the links I have posted with direct Biden quotes but remember, both London and I have said we'd vote against Trump.
I hope you don't mind, I am just going to post in here instead of the one with the bugeye-esq title.

Yeah, more about busing...
Biden helped kill the most effective policy for improving black educational attainment that America has ever known.
Joe Biden was for desegregating America’s schools, until his constituents were against it. When the Delaware Democrat launched his first campaign for the Senate in 1972, the Supreme Court had just ruled that the Constitution required policymakers to pursue “the greatest possible degree of actual desegregation” — and that forcing white students to attend schools in black neighborhoods, and vice versa, was a legitimate means of doing so. Being an enlightened liberal, Biden began his candidacy as an advocate for such policies. He accused Republicans of demagoguing the busing issue, and appealing to white voters’ ugliest instincts.

But as his campaign progressed, and Biden discerned that the arc of history was bending toward white backlash, the young candidate bent with it. He became a caricature of a white northern liberal — arguing that forced busing was appropriate for the South (where segregation was the product of racist laws), but unnecessary for the North (where, Biden pretended, it merely reflected the preferences of the white and black communities).

I think I agree more with Biden's stance that we should have not stopped Black people from moving to any neighborhood they wanted and improving the schools in minority communities so that they were as good as the white flight neighborhoods would have been the actual most effective policy.
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@abandonconflict I just burnt out digging through the rest of that shit. I will try to hit it here and there, but I really don't feel the need to combat every stupid thing that anyone has done over 50 years of being in the public eye. If there is anything in particular you want me to look at I'm in, and might pick something here and there if I am bored or think it is a important point. There is a reason we get to vote in primaries, may the best candidate win, I will vote for whoever it is. Because the alternative is Trump.

This shit is not as fun when I can't smoke a bowl while responding....
So Bernie is getting in on the fun of trolling Biden with doctored videos scaring people that he wants to take away their social security in Iowa.


Politifact scored it:
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Ive said it before, but might as well again. If Biden wins the Democratic primary with the disinformation campaign against him he will walk over Trump, and have the best chance to also help win the House and Senate. If he loses, he does his job and takes as much fire as long as possible so Warren can enter the fight against Trump without the years of trolling leading up to it.

And you know he will fully throw in with her as soon as he drops out (if he loses) unlike Sanders who helped Trump get elected in 2016 by amplifying the propaganda against Clinton that the Russians were pushing, which led to massive amounts of voters to not vote/vote 3rd party. We need to work together to beat Trump and the Republicans.